Vassago Rain, on 21 June 2014 - 11:54 PM, said:
I like that you all want everything on your golden cathedrals.
ECM, bigger engine, clan guns, clan endo, clan FF, clan XLs, ER mediums, twin gauss, brace of 6 machineguns, separate roof hitbox, huge side torsos for tanking, some kind of damage resistance so your 100 tonner doesn't go down as fast the 100 tonner I've been in for the past two years, a twist bonus, twin AMS, oh, and a red boss mode while we're at it.

It's pretty hilarious. Do you know why your daishi gets rolled? Because of an otherworldly effect called 'aiming for the nose with my 68 damage alpha.' You're not somehow more fragile than me - your mech is simply a priority target.
Get used to it.
But silly overpowered non-canon Stealth Armor ECM on the Atlas is totally a-okay?