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Dire Wolf Mech Feedback - 1.3.299

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#21 Hillslam


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 02:09 PM

The Dire Wolf CT is fine. This coming from a dedicated Atlas pilot around since early CB.

If you're complaining about this thing's CT you clearly either:
a - don't have much time in 100 tonners
b - are exaggerating in order to get a free buff

Piloting the DW I had no problem spreading damage and dealing out pain. Its easier than in my (f)Atlas for dang sure.

Of course,my match 1 kill was a clan DW from my (f)Atlas, so it goes both ways.

My impression is we have a lot of returning pilots (due to clan release) who are rusty or unaware of how assaults square in the current MWO ecosystem.

#22 Ultimax


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 02:26 PM

View PostHillslam, on 18 June 2014 - 02:09 PM, said:

The Dire Wolf CT is fine. This coming from a dedicated Atlas pilot around since early CB.

If you're complaining about this thing's CT you clearly either:
a - don't have much time in 100 tonners
b - are exaggerating in order to get a free buff

Piloting the DW I had no problem spreading damage and dealing out pain. Its easier than in my (f)Atlas for dang sure.

Of course,my match 1 kill was a clan DW from my (f)Atlas, so it goes both ways.

My impression is we have a lot of returning pilots (due to clan release) who are rusty or unaware of how assaults square in the current MWO ecosystem.

My feedback came from Dire Wolves that I shot at, I didn't actually do much with the one I own outside of the testing grounds for the time being.

FWIW I think the Atlas CT is too easy to core as well, compare it to the Banshee and even the Stalker - lighter assault mechs with better designed hitboxes and end up feeling/being more survivable.

To put it into perspective, 600 points of armor is pointless if you cant use it to absorb damage.

This is why you often see 130+kph light mechs who can spread damage around their entire mechs last longer than many Assaults sometimes do. There is no way to quantify the effects of speed, size & hitboxes on survivability but it's very clearly a factor with all mechs.

Edited by Ultimatum X, 18 June 2014 - 02:28 PM.

#23 Darksoul719


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 02:47 PM

View PostHillslam, on 18 June 2014 - 02:09 PM, said:

The Dire Wolf CT is fine. This coming from a dedicated Atlas pilot around since early CB.

If you're complaining about this thing's CT you clearly either:
a - don't have much time in 100 tonners
b - are exaggerating in order to get a free buff

Piloting the DW I had no problem spreading damage and dealing out pain. Its easier than in my (f)Atlas for dang sure.

Of course,my match 1 kill was a clan DW from my (f)Atlas, so it goes both ways.

My impression is we have a lot of returning pilots (due to clan release) who are rusty or unaware of how assaults square in the current MWO ecosystem.

All I mostly ran was an Atlas DDC and that thing spreads damage better because the CT isn't so exposed. The fact that it can twist better than the walking zepplin is because the atlas has more torso twist than it. Plus its CT hit box right now also includes the top center portion of the box frame, along with the 747 of a nose so even if you try to torso twist they can still hit your nose easily. The Stalker is the only mech comparable in torso twist to the DW but it has large side torsos to protect its CT which is why Stalkers always get their ST's blown off before the CT, which is why they are a pain to deal with. I also am not a returning player I never left most of my time is spent in mechs usually 75 tons and up so I know how too handle an Atlas.

#24 Navid A1


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 03:08 PM

View PostHillslam, on 18 June 2014 - 02:09 PM, said:

The Dire Wolf CT is fine. This coming from a dedicated Atlas pilot around since early CB.

If you're complaining about this thing's CT you clearly either:
a - don't have much time in 100 tonners
b - are exaggerating in order to get a free buff

Piloting the DW I had no problem spreading damage and dealing out pain. Its easier than in my (f)Atlas for dang sure.

Of course,my match 1 kill was a clan DW from my (f)Atlas, so it goes both ways.

My impression is we have a lot of returning pilots (due to clan release) who are rusty or unaware of how assaults square in the current MWO ecosystem.

I can assure you that since closed beta, my ONLY mech was an atlas (beat that... :) ) never tried or even had any other chassis.
atlas and DW are not even closely similar... with an atlas you CAN torso twist... you can spread damage. It means that if you twisted to the side... the enemy should have inhuman aiming ability to hit your CT.

But, based on my shootings on the DW, the CT can be hit from anywhere... it just is amazing how pathetic the pilot efforts are trying to avoid being hit.

Moreover, the lack of lower arm actuators means that your face is always at the center of the enemy cross-hair... all the time. with an atlas, at least you can damage the enemy in a dogfight with minimal CT exposure.

#25 Hillslam


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 03:51 PM

If you never even tried a single other chassis then of course the first other chassis you try is going to feel completely different. TO YOU. However, had you piloted a good selection of other chassises you'd realized how similar the two are.

Is it possible you got used to a 350-400 in your atlas?

Because back to back play in an Atlas and DW just now - both with 300 engines and yeah the DW twists like the atlas and spreads damage just fine.

All the while putting out 2x to 3x the damage thanks to overwhelmingly superior hardpoints and lighter weapons.

The DW is fine. I think a change of style and expectations is more warranted than a hitbox buff.

Hit first and heavy (alpha-esque) and use cover - vs - Hit continuously rocking the enemy pilot and use body rotation.

If there is any difference between the two I'd say the Atlas can tank a little better but the DW can lay down face plantingly obscene amounts of firepower. Since they say the best defense is a good offense, I'll take the guns thanks very much.

(Just kidding - staying with my founder. Just driving these clan puke mobiles to learn my opponents)

Edited by Hillslam, 18 June 2014 - 03:58 PM.

#26 Praslek2


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 04:20 PM

The omnimech construction rules posted a few months ago made it seem like we would be able to add lower arm actuators if the mech did not have PPC's, Autocannons, or Gauss Rifles in the arms.

When I take all those weapons off the arms of my Dire Wolf, I still cannot add the lower arm actuator.

This is a pretty huge setback, because the mech is already too slow to protect itself against lights. I sincerely hope this is just a bug because otherwise it makes the Dire Wolf a suicidal mech to take against experienced players.

#27 RustyBolts


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 04:21 PM

View PostGyrok, on 18 June 2014 - 06:04 AM, said:

The prime variant with side torsos intact is fine for torso twist speed once elited I think, perhaps another 5-10% torso twist RANGE would be good.

Now, the B, with the ballistics in torso should really have a bit more twist range as well, considering the bulk of your firepower cannot be aimed much up or down, it would really make sense to give it some more yaw range. You already cannot fire at anything that is much elevated above you.

Have not run A yet, though I suspect the yaw range could use a bump there as well...

I agree with this. But my biggest complaint is the size of the CT. people on another map can hit your CT its so big.

#28 Ultimax


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 04:24 PM

View PostHillslam, on 18 June 2014 - 03:51 PM, said:

If you never even tried a single other chassis then of course the first other chassis you try is going to feel completely different.

Yes I'm sure everyone else in the thread and in general discussion talking about the DWs hitboxes are all just imagining it.

#29 Dirk Le Daring


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 04:36 PM

The only thing I can think of is the walking animation..... The feet slide on the ground, just a bit, but enough to notice.

#30 Navid A1


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 06:03 PM

View PostDirk Le Daring, on 18 June 2014 - 04:36 PM, said:

The only thing I can think of is the walking animation..... The feet slide on the ground, just a bit, but enough to notice.

^^ This
i agree... the walking animation pace seems out of phase with the mech speed... it seems the mech is walking on slippery ice.
to add to that... the mech tip toes and jumps up and down alot and at times both legs are off the ground. that's not how a 100t machine move around.

warhwks also have this problem

Edited by Navid A1, 18 June 2014 - 06:50 PM.

#31 Gramash


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 06:16 PM

I would mirror the CT hit box size complaint. It seems the entire central tubular front of the DW is the centre torso.

I just played a match where 4 mechs opened up on me with lrms. My arms were untouched. My L/R torso, legs and head were light yellow armour. My centre was gone. I was hit by 2 c-lrm 10, 2 c-lrm 15 w artemis, 1 c-lrm 20, and 1 c- er large laser. I died in a single salvo (from 100% - 0%). Not two salvos, I crested a hill untouched, and then dropped down off the hill dead.

Had I known about this ridiculous hit box I would have purchased another mech instead. I know that when fixed it will be a great mech, but in the mean time I'm advising my friends who bought clan mechs not to bother playing the DW because despite the damage it can dish out, it is too vulnerable with this CT hit box.

Edited by Gramash, 18 June 2014 - 06:18 PM.

#32 Lad


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 06:46 PM

NO ECM!!!! And the prime version can't even put on anti-missile system! I call mine "missle bait" If you see a prime just run away behind something (it's the slowest on thing on the field), and let the lrm boats have thier fun with it. Ya it's got great weapon load outs, and handles a bit better than my atlas, but it just really made me mad I spent a bunch of money on it, and it can't use any defencive tech. My favourite thing to do in a daishi was drop another assault mech on it's ass with a well placed dual guass rifle shot, but I can't do that because this game doesn't have falling down. Of course I hate what they did to guass rifles, so I guess my prime, and rifles can rust away in thier bay. I really wish someone would bring the developpers ***** shooting, or hunting, or something in the real world so they can truly appreciate how stupid the way they nerfed my favourite weapon is. I gonna pull out my old Mechwarrior4 game and play my Daishi. I encourage the developers to do the same. I have never been so anxious or waited so long for a game realted thing, and now that it's come I feel really let down. So the clans of clones entirely dedicated to war decided %^#^%$ it, why put any defencive tech on our most expensive war machine, just slap on a bit more armour????? I don't wan't to hear anymore about "game balance", or other such s#%@, I'm sick of it, because the more I hear of it, the more this game feels like that B-rated movie Robojocks, than my beloved Battletech universe. Maybe if they got more missions, or different game styles like every other mechwarrior game they could "balance" things that way? @#^#^$, just @%$^, don't expect me to pre-order anything from here again. Did you really think targeing computers for point and shoot weapons made up for being missle bait. Let me be clear on this point: I'm not the least bit interested in targeting computers for point and shoot weapons. Once more, ^#$%, I'm so disappointed I'm mad.
By the way this is the only rant I've ever put online about a video game, but it's been going on constantly in my head for 24hours, so I had to get it out of my system.
Also, not finding a match 8 times in a row yesterday, just to finally get dropped into River City Night (the only map I hate) was enough to get me to turn off my computer, and read for a while.

#33 Navid A1


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Posted 18 June 2014 - 06:50 PM

View PostHillslam, on 18 June 2014 - 03:51 PM, said:

If you never even tried a single other chassis then of course the first other chassis you try is going to feel completely different. TO YOU. However, had you piloted a good selection of other chassises you'd realized how similar the two are.

Is it possible you got used to a 350-400 in your atlas?

No i use 315 - 320 or 325 (350 to 400 ?... :P ). and 300 before gauss charge.

View PostHillslam, on 18 June 2014 - 03:51 PM, said:

Because back to back play in an Atlas and DW just now - both with 300 engines and yeah the DW twists like the atlas and spreads damage just fine.

if you have experience in an atlas you should know that atlases usually lose their right torsos and left torsos... seeing a armless atlases in the field is so common that it does not need any explanation.
now if you watch the DWs closely you will rarely see any without side torso armor when they are CT cored... you can observe it as much as you want... believe me.!


View PostHillslam, on 18 June 2014 - 03:51 PM, said:

All the while putting out 2x to 3x the damage thanks to overwhelmingly superior hardpoints and lighter weapons.

The DW is fine. I think a "change of style" and expectations is more warranted than a hitbox buff.

Hit first and heavy (alpha-esque) and use cover - vs - Hit continuously rocking the enemy pilot and use body rotation.

change of style is only required when two things are "different".

the side torso hit boxes should extend forward so that it covers a portion of the huge nose when viewed from left or right. Otherwise, the dire wolf will just be a long range sniper... fixed arms means not CQC and the current hitboxes means no front line assault mech.

anyway... i agree that piloting the Dire wolf requires higher skill due to lack of arm actuators and 300 engine.

#34 0phialacria


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 01:32 AM

Hey guys!

So...the Direwolf.

Well, I just bought this mech A La Carte (I'm a broke veteran living on the GI bill while I go to school. Glad I could afford one!)
I enjoy the mech, now that I've learned how to use it.
However, just these 3 issues:

1: The speed. I know it's an assault mech, and this may be something that a lot of people really get mad at me bringing up...but PLEASE. I'm begging you. At least let me put a different engine in it, for speed purposes. I don't understand how the IS kept hold of Engine-swapping maintenance procedures while the techno-savvy Clans just said "Well, pissall on that bit. I've built it once and I'm off to smoke a kipper and have a spot of breakfast. The engines are just going to have to be permanent from now on." But every time we get dropped in River City next to the drop ship?
Me and my fellow Direwolf Pilots already know we are dead. We set up as best we can and die while trying to take 1 or two with us when they swarm up into the area, because we simply CAN'T make those stubby little mech legs move fast enough to put us into any kind of supported position before the enemy moves in full force up to catch our asses and set us on fire before we can even turn the damn thing around to pop a laser off.
Even with speed tweak we're looking at maybe 54KPH with no hope of any improvement, and it simply and too often spells a very easy and early death for what's supposed to be one of the most imposing bundles of rage and gunpowder since the American Revolution.
I know it's a big gun platform; I understand that. Can't I be allowed to sacrifice a couple of guns so I can actually stay alive long enough to catch up with the pugs? Because I just can't. It literally means half the assault mechs just get scrapped 2 minutes in and we sit there raging at our keyboards like Jesus just stepped in to tell us that porn really HAS damned us all and we can look forward to the next eternity of wanking with lava as lubricant and the worn, overused dangly bits of male heroin addicts as inspiration.

2. The Weapon Malfunctions.
This one is mainly on the Prime. I set ALL my lasers to chain fire, but in the middle of a battle it malfunctions and I CAN'T engage more than a single laser at a time unless I want to alpha strike. Normally, in chain-fire, you can double click and fire two lasers in the chain, or triple click/quadruple click etc. and fire off lasers like Scarface in the middle of a powerful ******* rush on easter sunday. But for some reason, shortly after the match starts, my firing computer goes "WELL BOLLOCKS. I've just sat down to lunch and I've only got one process I can spare. Looks like 1-at-a-time will do you until I've finished this salad."
In short, I can click faster than superman blows a load and I get only a single sluggish laser at a time, as if I was just holding the damn thing down. ('Scuse the language)
It's resulted in the bristling mass of righteous face-melting weaponry on my miniature version of Godzilla to amount to not-much-more than hucking a barrel full of kittens at an angry bear you've just interrupted mid-****.

3. Finally, the center torso.
I'm not overly concerned about this, as I've piloted a Jester for a grand majority of my time in the IS and that thing is basically a pair of legs strapped onto a {LT-MOB-25}-shaped engine that sticks out like a full-tenter in the middle of a yoga session while strapped up in loose spandex.
However, it does get a bit annoying to have these odd bits attached to the hobbling monster that we've lovingly called the "direwolf" shrug off half the shots they take to the center torso like it's no big deal. It's like all your limbs lent the torso money and suddenly turned into the Italian Mafia. They sure do take interest.


Also, if you wouldn't mind slapping a "Clan Nova Cat" decal or camo in the game, that'd be downright lovely.



#35 CaptainFuture


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 05:28 AM


i am also a bit disappointed with the dire wolf. as already said by others:

- ecm would be nice, since the dire wolf is like the counterpart to the atlas

- center torso hitbox needs to be fixed, it just dies way too quickly

- speed, we should be able to at least mount a 350xl or 400xl instead. this thing moves like a whale

- animations look a bit weird, especially the walking


#36 Aramous


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 07:38 AM

coming from the land of the gaussapult I feel this thing's CT is just fine. I think placebo is going on since the only way to die is CT thatswhatpeople think is all they are seeing.

Is it as good as the STK CT? No. But then the STK CT is wrong, and has been forever. I wouldn't use the STK CT as an example.

I think the walking animation needs fixed. It looks too... dainty.

I don't think it needs to go any faster. After speedtweak I'm in the 50s and that's just fine for this beast.


#37 Diomed


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 10:00 AM

The CT hitbox is far too large, scale it down...A LOT! I have NEVER lost my DW to anything other than a CT coring.

#38 Chax


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 10:49 AM

its so hard to survive couple of hits in this mech... seems like all the hits get impacted straight to the center and sides never even scratch. Feels more like a wet toilet paper than a 100 ton armor...

#39 Ecrof


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 12:19 PM

I'm thinking about buying one but it seems like they always die very quickly.

Edited by Ecrof, 19 June 2014 - 12:24 PM.

#40 Desdain


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 01:49 PM

I find this mech to be pretty poor. Yes it can hold a lot of guns. I'm a fairly decent Atlas pilot, but I can't seem to get my DW to live long enough for the guns to make a difference. It's not fast enough to dodge in and out of cover while firing. So you pretty much have to stand out to do damage. Then you die while trying to TT/reverse back to cover. Ok, you make it a few times, but eventually you don't.

I've settled on being a poor LRM boat in the background.

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