Dire Wolf Mech Feedback - 1.3.299
Posted 24 June 2014 - 03:37 AM
Heck, I even saw a disconnected cicada take longer to die then I did when the same group of enemies followed on to attack me! Torso twisting doesn't help much as the CT is so big, and because you have to massively front-load CT armour, turning too far exposes the rear (which even with 20% of front armour survives longer due to a better hitbox map).
Some pilots I have seen say they treat Dires as a free kill because you can down a dire much faster than a dire can down you.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 07:00 AM
Posted 24 June 2014 - 07:18 AM
Posted 24 June 2014 - 07:32 AM
Edited by SaltBeef, 24 June 2014 - 07:34 AM.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 07:34 AM
The hitbox look to big for the center torso, and there is absolutly no way to cover it in absolutly no way.
Almost all of my match, I have been cored pretty easyly, CT destroyed while the rest of the BattleMech was almost not damaged.
And there is also sometimes some weiord stuff.
A single PPC hit was once enought to completly wipe out my CT armor and make it red. I died 5 second later, hit by another PPC.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 07:36 AM
Fighting Direwolves is scarry! I think the majority here suffer from piloting a basic non-elited mech. I have faced off against a leveled Direwolf and that thing had great mobility tracking me in my Jenners and Locusts. I'm not a lore pusher or anything nor am I an innersphere nut, but facing off against the dreaded Daishi feels right to me as the game is now.
EDIT: have you guys looked at the mech design? It is a giant CT. Jenner pilot here would like to say hello! Its a stalker with arms and a box hood. Shooting for center mass on that is quite easy. Too soon to cry hitbox fixes in my opinion.
Edited by Phromethius, 24 June 2014 - 07:43 AM.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 07:50 AM
SaltBeef, on 24 June 2014 - 07:32 AM, said:
That is not an issue with the Dire Wolf, that's all Ultra Autocannons are now semi-automatic. (furious clicking instead of press and hold)
Posted 24 June 2014 - 01:42 PM
Phromethius, on 24 June 2014 - 07:36 AM, said:
my biggest problem is that the whole cone and most of the hood is ct and by the time you get it away from incoming fire your ass is showing. I make do throwing in model turns and pirouettes, but anybody with high damage pinpoint can more or less smack my ct without even aiming, they just hit the hood or the cone from 1500m because its all ct, not to mention lrm's...
the hitboxes on the direwolf need to be a little more refined, by result this would probably include a smaller ct hitbox, although I suppose I should really be thankful you cant damage the arm parts and the damage model itself is not realistic, because one ac-20 round to that shoulder joint and dead arm, or one ac/20 round do the hip area and my legs pop off. You'd think it would at least have pauldrons and some sort of armored sleeves over the hip joints.
Edited by Battlecruiser, 24 June 2014 - 01:51 PM.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 02:06 PM
Posted 24 June 2014 - 02:36 PM
Be nice to have more speed/ECM/etc, but the main problem is the hit box. As a mainly Jager pilot before this, Im used to getting cored - but this is rediculous. I have not lost a leg, an arm or a side torso that I am aware of before losing the CT. Ive been head-shotted, but thats it.
I cant even say if it's balanced or not, because the hit box issue overshadows everything else on this mech!
Posted 24 June 2014 - 03:26 PM
45kph is really easy for people to lead and hit what they are aiming at
Most important things engines add is twist/turn speed because of the small engine your not going to be able to turn you mech away fast enough means more hits to CT. This catches out new pilots because they'll commit too soon, get cored fast before they can back pedal.
Lastly I see allot of basic skill shortages with a daishi. Played well in pairs or trio's they are skid mark inducing things of terror but played by rambo king's they become a joke.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 03:53 PM
Posted 24 June 2014 - 04:02 PM
Almeras, on 24 June 2014 - 03:26 PM, said:
45kph is really easy for people to lead and hit what they are aiming at
Most important things engines add is twist/turn speed because of the small engine your not going to be able to turn you mech away fast enough means more hits to CT. This catches out new pilots because they'll commit too soon, get cored fast before they can back pedal.
Lastly I see allot of basic skill shortages with a daishi. Played well in pairs or trio's they are skid mark inducing things of terror but played by rambo king's they become a joke.
what you say is partly true. Piloting slow assault mechs is something very different... very few actually know how to pilot a slow 100 ton mech. (i dont count DDC pilots with a 350 engine, assault pilots really...)
the current CT hitbox of a DW is outright ridicules. i dont have a DW to pilot. but no matter what weapon i use at whatever range, i always hit the CT... regardless of the angle and position of the target... the CT is exposed from practically anywhere.
It means that if you want to mask your nose from the attacker, you have to twist so much that your rear torso becomes an easy target for him. come to think of it... dire wolfs are one of the few mechs (if not the only one) that both its front CT and rear CT can be shot without significant effort by the attacker.
With all that, keep in mind that the dire wolf does not have lower arm actuators (only a compromised right arm has it to a very limited degree). therefore, if you want to be a danger to the enemy... you have to put your face in his (and his friends') cross-hairs. Even if you have LRMs, you cant lock-on unless you put your reticle on target (therefore, unlike streak atlases, it cant defend itself from lights). It means that you already paid the price for being able to pack huge amount of weapons.
Atlases, even with a 300 engine and no ECM... can effectively lock missiles in close quarters, they can torso twist to a degree which makes it impossible to hit their CT, lrms do not always track their CT.
The awesomes are another example of problematic CT hitbox... if it was only a matter of skill... the awesomes wouldn't have became extinct right now.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 05:16 PM
1. CT obviously, is to easy to hit. I dropped with several IS mechs with the intention to go hunting a few of my fellow DW pilots (sorry guys) just see if they are really that easy to drop, and they are. I was trying to pick it apart and most of my shots went to the center torso I could not blow an arm off to save my life.
2. Chain firing and alpha strikes. Weapons firing is sketchy. On chain firing you can make coffee between shots sometimes. If you try and rapidly cycle through...lets say 4 med laser while firing AC's or Missiles forget about it...it is like the mech can only fire one weapon at a time. On an alpha strike either not all the weapons fire or hit detection is that bad. I Alpha'd a Centurion (who had previous dmg) and not only did he survive his srms cored me in a few shots.
3. The mech seems scaled a little on the small side.
4. The movement of the mech. Heaven forbid there is a pebble on the road. I don't have such a problem with the speed, but hanging up on hills and such that an Atlas has no problem with is an issue.
4a. The mech animation is off, it looks like it is slipping on ice.
I have found that I worry more about running into a Timber Wolf than any other mech on the field right now. The Atlas and the Dire Wolf should be feared when seen on the battle field, as of right now that is not really the case of the Dire Wolf you can almost see the drool coming from the cockpits of light and medium mechs when they find you on the field.
Edited by Mazod, 24 June 2014 - 05:27 PM.
Posted 25 June 2014 - 07:20 AM
(well, at least the Dire Wolf can mount ballistics... the Awesome can't...)
Posted 25 June 2014 - 09:22 AM
That Hood is supposed to protect the CT from attacks that hit the top of the mech (usually missiles). I don't think it will ever get implemented on all mechs with hoods, but they really should have had a separate top armor which has a fixed armor value depending on the mech (like side, legs ect) which protects the CT on the top, once that armor value is destroyed then the CT starts taking damage or CT only takes small splash damage till the top armor is destroyed. So the CT is still vulnerable from frontal/rear hits but has some protection from attacks above. Thats what that hood is meant to do but atm is making the CT even weaker due to its large square`ish design and misiles just destroying the CT really fast.
Edited by Eblean, 25 June 2014 - 09:23 AM.
Posted 25 June 2014 - 12:02 PM
Eblean, on 25 June 2014 - 09:22 AM, said:
That Hood is supposed to protect the CT from attacks that hit the top of the mech (usually missiles). I don't think it will ever get implemented on all mechs with hoods, but they really should have had a separate top armor which has a fixed armor value depending on the mech (like side, legs ect) which protects the CT on the top, once that armor value is destroyed then the CT starts taking damage or CT only takes small splash damage till the top armor is destroyed. So the CT is still vulnerable from frontal/rear hits but has some protection from attacks above. Thats what that hood is meant to do but atm is making the CT even weaker due to its large square`ish design and misiles just destroying the CT really fast.
the hood can not have separate armor value (violation of builds)... but it can have a separate hitbox
The hitbox can have a damage reduction multiplier to all torsos... like 25% to left 50% to CT and 25% to right torso. Like the pelvis area which are 50%-50% split between legs on some mechs.
Posted 25 June 2014 - 04:12 PM
(I had a run with eleven! straight lossen in my DWFs - which is inflating my opinion of how much effect my bad skills have but tbh I like to think of it as a statistical extreme of 1 in 2048 )
PTS suggest that they seem workable when mastered and "moduled up" except for the big CT issues.
Haven't done much modding on it though (well I'm mostly spending it on the Timber Wolf

On another note I had a game where I lost my side torso and still had my arm with functioning PPCs (yeah a game where I lost side torso before CT :-) )
Bug or is it an intentional quirk?
Edited by GullyFoyle, 25 June 2014 - 04:16 PM.
Posted 25 June 2014 - 04:23 PM
knightsljx, on 25 June 2014 - 06:03 AM, said:
Are you kidding? 60 point alpha? 6.63 sustained DPS? I have a Timber Wolf with an 73 point alpha that can do a whopping 10.52 sustained DPS! You put a 60-point alpha on a Dire Wolf that can't move, can't jump and can't turn away and also has a CT hitbox as big as Nebraska and you're COMPLAINING?!
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