So far I've found two polished **** builds for the Summoner. Both have a hard average over 500 damage, seem to be holding over a 3.0 KDR, and have seen 1000+ games.
The Meta-Summoner. Basically identical to the Gauss Hawk, but with better heat efficiency, lower cooldowns, and more jumpjets. Plays at a much faster pace than a jumpsniper normally does, as you need to be firing more often to be a serious threat.
Brawler Summoner. I wouldn't recommend this one to newer players, it takes a lot of heat management and thoughtful damage spreading. This one also requires a bit of explanation for gameplay. Weapons groups as follows:
1 - Both PPC's
2 - Chainfire PPC's
3 - SRM Alpha
4 - SRM Chainfire
Can also be set up with 1/2 each having a PPC assigned to it, or with 2 having only 1 PPC in the group if you have an itchy trigger finger. The chainfire SRM is the least important grouping, and is rarely used.
The two PPC's are for early game, and allow you to jumpsnipe a bit. Stop jumpsniping if you are not winning your exchanges though, as your pinpoint alpha is weaker than that of jumpsnipers.
Brawling with this is an extreme exercise in heat management, which is why you need a group that does not fire both of your PPC's. The SRM-6's are heat neutral however, and can pretty much be fired every time they're off cooldown provided you haven't gotten carried away with the PPC's.
Despite running hot, and skimping a bit on armor, this is actually my best performing Summoner build yet.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, which side you put the PPC's on is kind of a preference thing. I like them on the left because if I shield with my right I get to keep my PPC's and an SRM6 when the other side is gone. Putting them on the right side however gives you better corner shooting ability and convergence.
Edited by John80sk, 05 August 2014 - 03:25 AM.