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Clan Wolverine Is Recruiting

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#1 Malekhai


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 06:32 AM

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Clan Wolverine is currently recruiting any pilots regardless of skill level or experience. The clan has been present in MWO since closed beta, and played in all previous incarnations of the MechWarrior franchise. There are no time constraints/requirements we would place on members or new recruits, the only request we have for our members is to join us on teamspeak to have some fun while dropping.

Clan Colors are:

Red, black, grey/white or black, red, grey/white.

TS3 server is provided once you sign up on the website

Website: clanwolverine.enjin.com

If you have any questions, ask below or PM me in game.

Edited by Malekhai, 19 October 2014 - 06:35 PM.

#2 Malekhai


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 08:15 AM


#3 GunnyKintaro 01


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 09:01 AM

Are you a Clan? If so this is the Merc area? Or if your a new Merc unit welcome !!

#4 Grendel408


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 12:32 PM

;) Can't use a lore/canon name huh? We'll see about that ;) Welcome Wolverines!

#5 DerangedShadow


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 12:54 PM

o7 Wolverines!

May the true Star League-in-Exile be true and straight!

I wish you guys all the best luck in recruitment and your efforts.

#6 DoctorDetroit


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 03:33 PM

Make your colors Maize and Blue!!! Go Michigan!

#7 DerangedShadow


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 06:44 PM

It does not say anything about faction names there Marack, only unit names. So until they make it more concrete with Community Warfare, I'd say they are good with their name.

#8 Malekhai


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 10:23 AM

There are rather simple solutions to the use of a canon name. Until unit naming is in place there is no reason to put in place our other options for names.

Also Marack is a rather annoying troll who has been stalking Clan Wolverines forum posts. I would just as easily suggest everyone ignore him

View PostAH Osprey 02, on 30 June 2014 - 09:01 AM, said:

Are you a Clan? If so this is the Merc area? Or if your a new Merc unit welcome !!

Apologies for not responding to this earlier, but we figured as Clan Wolverine is no longer associated with the clans in lore we would enter as a merc unit. This particular unit has been around in MWO since closed beta, just getting back into the swing of things and recruiting again.

#9 GunnyKintaro 01


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Posted 03 July 2014 - 02:01 PM

View PostMalekhai, on 03 July 2014 - 10:23 AM, said:

There are rather simple solutions to the use of a canon name. Until unit naming is in place there is no reason to put in place our other options for names.

Also Marack is a rather annoying troll who has been stalking Clan Wolverines forum posts. I would just as easily suggest everyone ignore him

Apologies for not responding to this earlier, but we figured as Clan Wolverine is no longer associated with the clans in lore we would enter as a merc unit. This particular unit has been around in MWO since closed beta, just getting back into the swing of things and recruiting again.

Cool beans welcome if I or the Atlas Hunters can help in anyway let me know plz! <S>

#10 Malekhai


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 05:59 AM


#11 Malekhai


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 03:26 PM


#12 Malekhai


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Posted 22 July 2014 - 04:05 AM


#13 Malekhai


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Posted 28 July 2014 - 05:28 PM


#14 GunnyKintaro 01


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Posted 28 July 2014 - 10:33 PM

Hey guys hows it going i just wanted to invite you over to hang out .. TS3 Info atlashunters.enjinvoice.com no password love to game some with you !

#15 Malekhai


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 10:37 AM


Name has been changed to Clan Wolverine in Exile to fit in with naming.

#16 The Gruntmaster 6000


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 10:43 AM


Apologies for not responding to this earlier, but we figured as Clan Wolverine is no longer associated with the clans in lore we would enter as a merc unit. This particular unit has been around in MWO since closed beta, just getting back into the swing of things and recruiting again.

Question. What is the story for the unit? Like background, how it survived the sterilization of the civilians and escaped the blockade that bombarded the surface of Circe? and also how they managed to escape the annihilation that was swept throughout Clan territory? I am not trolling just curious.

#17 Malekhai


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 12:56 PM

According to Clan history the entire population of Clan Wolverine was utterly destroyed. However it is noted that nearly 20% of the population is unaccounted for and referring to as a "clerical error". During the Trial of Annihilation the front line troops of Clan Wolverine held off the Clan Wolf attackers long enough for a large number of civillians, scientists and second line troops to escape. Included in those escapees is supposedly Sarah McEvedy as she was never accounted for in the Clan Wolverine deaths. saKhan Franklin Hallis was locked in a duel with ilKhan Kerensky for three hours allowing a larger amount of the population to escape. The evacuation of the Wolverine population took place during the invasion. The civillians and troops that could not escape are the ones who were left to be sterilized.

From Sarna:
On January 22, 2824, the Loremaster from Clan Wolf came before the Grand Council to present Clan Wolf's final report on the results of the Trial of Annihilation. The report stated the following facts:
  • 1. All Wolverine front-line warriors encountered were annihilated, including saKhan Franklin Hallis.
  • 2. Most of the Wolverine second-line troops and civilian castes were unaccounted for.
  • 3. Most of the known Wolverine supply caches had been hastily ransacked, presumably by the Wolverines themselves, especially the Brian Cache full of 331st equipment that the ilKhan had ordered be shared with the Snow Ravens.
  • 4. Most disturbingly, Khan Sarah McEvedy was missing; whereabouts unknown.
All lore after their "Annihilation" is considered canon rumor. However, in Betrayal of Ideals (Havent read the sourcebook personally, speaking from second hand), if I remember correctly it is noted a Clan Ghost Bear Star Colonel watched the majority of the Wolverine fleet leaving the Pentagon Worlds. Several of their smaller fleets intending on taking some scattered Brian Caches with them did encounter the Clan Wolf forces and were destroyed but the larger portion of the fleet managed to escape intact. The reason I believe this to be true is the McKenna class WarShip named the Zughoffer Weir, AKA Blake's Sword.

More from Sarna:
Evidence provided as Canon Rumor suggests that the SLS Zughoffer Weir was a part of a group of survivors from Clan Wolverine which escaped the annihiliation of that Clan conducted within Clan space in and which escorted the survivors back to the Inner Sphere, becoming involved in the events surrounding the group known as the Minnesota Tribe. The presence of the Zughoffer Weir as a part of the Word of Blake fleet was used as evidence that at least some of survivors of Clan Wolverine - the "Not-Named Clan" - had encountered ComStarand joined the order during the twenty-ninth century.

Last known record of the Zughoffer Weir before WoB service:
Described as an older McKenna which had been in service with Clan Wolverine for some time prior to the Trial of Annihilation that saw the Wolverines destroyed, theZughoffer Weir was last seen by the Clans during the battle in the Barbados system in the Deep Periphery. The bulk of the survivors from Clan Wolverine were resupplying in the system when the Great Fleet assembled by ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky jumped in via at least two jump points and began engaging the Wolverine WarShips and [/color]JumpShips. The Zughoffer Weir - then still known as the SLS Zughoffer Weir - fought during the naval engagement, and was observed crippling the Clan Hell's Horses WarShip CHH Mustang via a point-blank run along her keel that destroyed the Mustang's CIC. The Zughoffer Weir had waded into the middle of the various fire arcs for several WarShips to strike at the Mustang, and then jumped out of the Barbados system before nearby WarShips from Clan Cloud Cobra could engage it.

The Zughoffer Weir allowed several ships to escape after its maneuver through the battle.

(As a side note, amazing story behind this ship. In service for a long long time and as shown above, an incredibly lucky ship)

So, I think the Zughoffer Weir is pretty firm evidence that Clan Wolverine escaped Clan space with a sizeable fleet and was on their way to the Inner Sphere. The encounter in DCSM space after that with an unknown unit using SLDF total warfare tactics (Clan Wolverine's signature as they never adopted the stereotypical Clan tactics) wielding brand new mechs and advanced SLDF cooling suits with Wolverine patches further solidifies the evidence (Sorry for the run-on).

There are many many disputing opinions, but this is the most believable in my opinion. There are also several theories on what happened after their arrival and disappearance from the Inner Sphere.

Edited by Malekhai, 16 September 2014 - 01:04 PM.

#18 The Gruntmaster 6000


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 01:34 PM


The encounter in DCSM space after that with an unknown unit using SLDF total warfare tactics (Clan Wolverine's signature as they never adopted the stereotypical Clan tactics) wielding brand new mechs and advanced SLDF cooling suits with Wolverine patches further solidifies the evidence (Sorry for the run-on).

While I found this bit interesting: This was the Minnesota Tribe and 15 of their people were killed and taken and later genetically traced (after being frozen) by Clan Ghost Bear and there was no relation sorry to bust the bubble.

The bit about the Weir being with Blake is very interesting. Although I don't think they survived because no Blakist was related to any Genetic of Wolverine (Ghost Bear had been a ransacker of the Genetic Repositories and took samples of ALL blood lines there).

I have done a bit of research myself, but I do have to say Minnesota Tribe and Blakists (based on all evidence) are not Wolverines. Mainly because the Minnesota Tribe: ran from battle in the Clan wars. No Clansman would do that unless honorless (and no way a whole faction would). Blake isn't as no found Blakist has genetic relation. I believe ComStar slaughtered them (knowing them as Star Leaguers coming back) and wanting their technology for their caches.

But there was a sizeable amount of civilians missing (although they could have been obliterated by the orbital bombardments).

But it also isn't known if Weir was even with Kerensky during Exodus:


The last record of the SLS Zughoffer Weir maintained in the Inner Sphere indicated that the ship joined General Kerensky as a part of the Exodus Fleet in 2784.[1]

It was indicated but I do believe it might have gone. If it didn't it would make sense then that Blakists had it.


It isn't known if the Zughoffer Weir subsequently met up with the surviving Clan Wolverine elements led by Khan [color="#ba0000"]Trish Ebon[/color] when she led the Texas-class battleship SLS Bismark and a small fleet of ships which had been acting as screening forces back to the Barbados system to pick up the few survivors of Kerensky's purge.

This line indicates it was not housing Wolverines at the time and may have been part of Comstar. It also says that Trish was going back with the last survivors to the Barbados system which means they probably would have died leaving only Weir.

Weir I do personally think was a Wolverine ship at the time, but unfortunately its all speculation on their survival past the Annihilation do to bad book keeping lol. Nice back story man. I like your thinking of the loop here.

#19 Malekhai


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:15 PM


[color=#959595]While I found this bit interesting: This was the Minnesota Tribe and 15 of their people were killed and taken and later genetically traced (after being frozen) by Clan Ghost Bear and there was no relation sorry to bust the bubble.[/color]

Not entirely sure where you got this information. Clan Ghost Bear only ever genetically tested the dead from the WoB Jihad and found no relation. In all the research I have done I have never found anything mentioning Minnesota Tribe soldiers frozen away nor anything on them being tested by Clan Ghost Bear.

And to make a point of the genetic repositories, Clan Wolverine was alive in Clan Space for less than a generation (16 years to be exact). That gives time for at most three generations of Clan Wolverine to be recorded in their repository (child, parent, grandparent, MAYBE great grandparent but doubtful imo). In my opinion, they had very little time to start a eugenics program like the rest of the Clans and if you look at their general anti clan sentiments they may never had one.

So looking at, for example, the McEvedy family line. Sarah McEvedys father and herself are the only two that left the Inner Sphere with the Exodus Fleet to my knowledge. Now they would have aunts, uncles, grand parents, cousins etc that could have a similar bloodline. (In the case of Franklin Hallis, the Hallis family name actually survives in the IS with the part of his family that never left). Now assuming Clan Wolverine escaped give them approx 280 years, say 6 generations for that same bloodline to become integrated with that of the Inner Spheres. Now the surviving members are as distant from the original members of Clan Wolverine as the descendants of Clan Wolverine that never left the Inner Sphere.

Minnesota Tribe was not in existence during the Clan Invasion nor during the War of the Reaving. All records about them completely disapear after their attack on DCMS.

Also, Clan Wolverine (or The Minnesota Tribe) were not Clansmen in regards to their tactics. They never adopted Zellbrigen and maintained the SLDF tactics of Total War rather than Kerensky's 1v1s.

The Weir was with Clan Wolverine during their escape confirming that the WarShip was with Kerensky during the Exodus. The Zughoffer Weir is recorded in Clan history as it needed to be noted for Clan Wolf's logbooks that it was unaccounted for.

20% of the population is a rather significant amount to be unaccounted for even after orbital bombardment. Keep in mind, Clan Wolverine had been preparing for evacuation before the Trial of Annihilation was even declared.

That last part with Trish Ebon is completely fictional and does not come from anywhere I have seen in any sourcebook. It also notes in that same page that Trish Ebon was promoted to saKhan by Franklin Hallis who was dead during the invasion of Circe while Khan McEvedy was still alive further proving it false.

#20 Malekhai


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Posted 16 September 2014 - 02:24 PM


Some tests can go back thousands of years. But they don't tell you a lot. They can only tell you about a tiny part of your ancestry.

These tests are fun though because you can figure out if you're related to Genghis Khan. Or Abraham Lincoln or anyone else famous who has been tested. (We won't go into these here but we've dealt with these tests previously here andhere.)

Other tests can tell you a lot more about your relatives. For example, some newer tests like 23andMe offer can tell if two people are up to fifth cousins.

But these tests won't say how you're related. In the case of fifth cousins, they'll just be able to say that the two of you share great, great, great, grandparents. They can't tell you where the two of you fit in that family tree. At least not without more family members being tested.

Edited by Malekhai, 16 September 2014 - 02:24 PM.

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