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Russ And Maps

Maps Metagame News

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#121 Sandpit


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:40 PM

View PostSky Legacy, on 20 June 2014 - 06:27 PM, said:

why not just hold a poll and find out the ranking that players give to all the maps and then put more maps similar to the ones that are at the top. I'd be willing to bet the top 2 favorite maps would be:

1. crimson strait
2. hpg mainfold

I don't want a poll, I want more in-depth feedback. Polls get dismissed. I gave up on polls when thousands voted no on 3PV and they did it anyway.

Please guys, I'd really like this to stay on-topic. This isn't about strategies for current maps, or problems with current maps, or geography, etc. This has potential to be a very strong thread that might get some attention if we can keep it on-topic. This is how the Narc thread started and we managed to keep it on-topic and it garnered enough attention to help affect a change with it.

Trust me, I know how easy it is to get sidetracked into different conversations but I really think this is important, beyond just map sizes. I've said for a long time now that there is a serious disconnect by the heads of PGI from what their player base wants and what they think they want. I honestly believe this is a prime example. If it CAN get some attention then it MIGHT be able to break through the perceived hubris of the developers and maybe start planting some seeds that will show them how out of touch with the player base they truly are.

In this particular case I have no idea who he's referring to in his statement because based on the threads I've seen over the years I have NEVER seen a thread asking for smaller maps. Ever. (That doesn't mean they exist but it does mean that I can't recall seeing one and if they DO exist they'd be an extreme minority) I HAVE, however, seen too many threads to count asking for bigger maps.

This isn't anything personal against anyone or their opinions in this thread, I'd just like to keep it constructive and on-topic so there's more chance it gets read and doesn't get diluted with other subjects. I think we have an opportunity to actually get PGI to listen. They have in the past, it just took a lot of work to do so. With clans released, UI2.0 released, and no other "distractions" this SHOULD be the perfect time for feedback like this as well as not having any real excuses for not working on anything but monetary mech sales. This should be a good time for us to be able to have feedback like this listened to.

And to EVERYONE (even those I don't agree with) thank you for taking the time to give some feedback.

#122 Sug


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:42 PM

View PostCHH Badkarma, on 20 June 2014 - 06:27 PM, said:

Personally larger maps that force you to scout and support advancing brawlers would be a good thing. Down side to that is that it requires patience. That is something lacking here IMHO

Well they only give us 15 min to fight and the first 5 of that are for circling counterclockwise until we exchange starting points for no reason.

View PostXenois Shalashaska, on 20 June 2014 - 06:32 PM, said:

To me all the maps feel small.

Because they are : /

What's the point in scouting a 2x2 kilometer map? The enemy is there. Right there. We all know the spawn points.

#123 Sandpit


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:42 PM

This also isn't about current maps. It's simply finding out where Russ is getting his information regarding players NOT wanting bigger maps. That's really the basis for the entire topic. He stated players don't want bigger maps. So far though, I don't see many in this thread who don't want bigger maps.

#124 Sug


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:44 PM

To be fair my fav map is the original Forest Colony but I'm the type of guy that could (and does) play 2Fort for years and years.

Edited by Sug, 20 June 2014 - 06:44 PM.

#125 Toe Cutter


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:45 PM

Map seize is not a problem. For me 12 man just sucks. It is a big boring blob of firepower that is nowhere as interesting as the 8 man fights were.

#126 Sky Legacy


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:47 PM

I would like a big Map also but one designed well not alpine peaks or whatever it's called that map is awful and forces 100 ton assault mechs to climb mountain peaks in the most awkward and non entertaining ways possible. What is the current tally of larger maps to smaller maps anyone know off top?

#127 That Guy


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:47 PM

i like big maps and I cannot lie!

please, no more tiny maps like frozen city, or forest colony, and no more maps with 90% dead space (HPG)

#128 Sky Legacy


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:48 PM

View PostSandpit, on 20 June 2014 - 06:42 PM, said:

This also isn't about current maps. It's simply finding out where Russ is getting his information regarding players NOT wanting bigger maps. That's really the basis for the entire topic. He stated players don't want bigger maps. So far though, I don't see many in this thread who don't want bigger maps.
he's probably referring to all the people who hate alpine which is probably everyone

#129 Wolfways


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:49 PM

Just to add another opinion here (because she won't post) small maps are one of the reasons my wife has all but stopped playing. She hates Forest Colony with a passion...seriously.

#130 MischiefSC


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 06:50 PM

Big maps but interesting like Frozen City is interesting. Crimson Strait is one of the best maps, no question. So is Tourmaline. Big, complex. Alpine, Terra Therma, less so.

#131 Turist0AT


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 07:01 PM

View PostSandpit, on 20 June 2014 - 01:39 PM, said:

Ok for my two cents

bigger maps = longer matches
more tactics
more strategy
more use for things like scouting and light mechs

I mean when you spawn and you're automatically within LRM range of the enemy team before you even move, that's kinda ridiculous in my opinion.

agree and echo

#132 Zordicron


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 07:14 PM

I will voice my opinion on this too:

Bigger maps yes please. Further:
- Make some of the original small maps, like river city 8 vs 8. This will make them less congested. RC, and Frozen city I think would benefit this most. Likely to require matchmaker code concessions.
-VOIP in game is almost required to make PUG conquest mode decent, currently its like herding cats. With bigger maps, this would become even more important to reign in all thos CoD YOLO kids.

I would love to see bigger maps, big enough that taking your lance and going for the enemy lance in the vicinity is actually viable- as is, it is 99% better to just ignore them and go blob up, because if you dont the enemy probably will arrive in force before your lance vs lance fight is over, and then you get stomped and your team is down etc etc. If spawns were actually far enough away there was time to engage a single lance before the whole team got there, people might actually do it. IMPOSSIBLE on current maps, ALL CURRENT MAPS, total tonnage mismatch lances withstanding.

Speed becomes important, but more so on lights and mediums, tactical positioning becomes paramount for heavy/assault, LIKE IT SHOULD BE, positioning is a huge part of battletech, and any strategic type war game. Speed should determine enemy position, tactics should determine your firepowers position. Right now it mostly just a race to whatever advantage point exists in the map because even mobile turret Fatlas will make it there in a decent timeframe. Huge map = fatlas is going to need to pay attention to where he is going and what he should be doing, not just strolling up hamburger hill to beat the enemy there. VOIP would be paramount importance again here, so the pug teams can spot enemy, decide on positions, even just relay loadout info to coordinate.

In short, huge maps would completely alter the tactical play in MWO, likely alter loadout decisions, etc. With 4x3 coming soon, adding a huge map to create some mech weight class role warfare would fit nicely.

PGI map guys: if you want to experiment with this, follow this method:
1.) Design a really big map, it will need variation in scenery. You cant just take like terra therma design, of similar looking volcanoes, and make it 3 times the size, because that is not only boring, it becomes dissorienting with no landmarks to go by. So yes, bigger would be more work. Crimson is a good example, think like that but much grander.
2.) While you are making this new grand map, take this into consideration: IF THE IDEA FAILS, i.e. PLAYERS HATE GIANT MAPS, MAKE SURE YOU CAN TAKE THE MAP, SPLIT IT IN TWO, AND HAVE TWO PLAYABLE MAPS. As in, make sure both "halves" of the one big map are suitable to stand on their own(not an issue if you didnt copypasta the whole terrain right?) including fire lanes and spawn points etc.
3.) release it to the playerbase for use! the easy part, and players will decide. if it gets a warm welcome, success! If not, split the map, Success!

Using the above, you can attempt the design of huge map, without the fear of wasteing recources on a poorly recieved map IF the players turn out to not enjoy the resulting playstyle. It really is a win/win, there is little risk for the attempt, and if it goes well, you have given players(at least a lot of them) something they wanted and shaken up the stale meta. if it goes poorly, you split the map, and now the players are rejoicing about getting two new maps instead of one. You really cant go wrong, the only thing needed is some communication to the playerbase about the design timeframe of "making two maps at once" and some teaser screenies here and there.

Totally do it, its like betting for the trifecta with a hedge bet that lets you break even, even if your trifecta loses. You really cant go wrong.

#133 DaZur


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 07:17 PM

In truth the early maps are too small and the later ones are still a bit linear...

In short present mission scope is too limited (If one can call what we have mission based). As it stands there is no grand design and as a result the early maps feel like an arena and the later maps are boring because the end game is marching to some point of reference and engaging in a battle of attrition.

Bigger maps require sound mission design to include secondary and tertiary goals...

I've belabored on this 1000 times... MW:O and more specifically CW is in desperate need of smart mission design, branching missions and end-games deeper than kill-or-be-killed.

Otherwise regardless of what lipstick you put on the pig... we end up with some mindless game of attrition.

Edited by DaZur, 20 June 2014 - 07:17 PM.

#134 Sandpit


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 07:18 PM

View PostSky Legacy, on 20 June 2014 - 06:48 PM, said:

he's probably referring to all the people who hate alpine which is probably everyone

if that's the case then I'm even more concerned because he's making a blanket statement about map sizes based on people's dislike for one single map which stems from the map design, not size...

#135 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 20 June 2014 - 07:21 PM

This should be an easy topic to close...
  • People have been complaining about how this is a sniper-dominated game
  • People have been complaining about a lack of brawling
  • People have been saddened when their close-range loadout is completely invalidated by long-range big maps
  • People have been complaining about having to hike forever before seeing combat
If you're wondering where Russ is getting his information, it's from the players who want to brawl without being forced to snipe.

#136 Rebas Kradd


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 07:23 PM

We will never have role warfare, information warfare, lance warfare, worthwhile objectives, or high time-to-kill without large maps.

Chew on that for a second, you "four pillars" folks. ;)

I'll launch my manifesto right after this public service announcement...

I am @17power, the guy who made the tweet that led to this thread, and I intended it to open a dialogue about maps and not yet another diatribe on PGI's leadership. Ergo, while I am technically powerless to change it, I object to the title of this thread and the constant refrain of unnecessary, personally directed criticisms every other page. THAT is unconstructive and off-topic. And a good way to make PGI defensive and shut down the debate. Please just talk about maps.

Earlier this week, I posted a personal survey on what people were actually expecting from PGI's original vision for the game. It was posted on these forums and both subreddits. The collective answer can be summed up with one word: complexity. Role warfare and information warfare, especially. Needing to work to find enemy forces. Objective-based combat also popped up, as did the Battletech feel of smaller, slower engagements with room to analyze, position, and shoot off arms. In other words, people are lamenting the lack of a "thinking man's shooter".

To those of you who feel this way (and I agree 110%), I pose one simple question:

What purpose on God's green earth do role warfare, info warfare, or lance warfare have on a map the size of Forest Colony?

Seriously. You spawn 60 seconds from your opponent's PPC range. It takes no effort to figure out where the enemy is; just look for the flashy lights. It's not even difficult in Alpine, just gain a little elevation. And in any situation where the enemy is easy to spot, the battle will be joined quickly and ended just as quickly, in what we currently know as an "empty arena shooter". Gamer behavior and prisoners' dilemma ensures this path-of-least-resistance phenomena. Small map = chaotic deathballing.

Large map size is the gateway to role/information warfare. People are tired of deathmatch, but don't seem to realize that small maps guarantee it.

If you want a role for scouts, spoofers, and electronic suites, if you want a "thinking man's shooter", you're going to have to force it. No RL military would strategize if the enemy was ten yards away. It's nonsensical to implement detectors and satellite scans in River City where any Battlemaster can spot the enemy visually, and thus those features won't pass PGI's "do we need to implement this now?" cost/benefit analyses. I can just see Paul and Bryan looking at each other sometime in 2012 and going "Why the hell are we talking about waypoint markers and battlegrid orders? They serve no purpose on most of these maps." And they'd have been right.

The only way to force these forms of warfare is larger maps, where deathballing is made impractical, or at least reduced to one option amongst many, by the distance involved and the lack of quickly-reached visual landmarks. This way, only lights can really find the enemy, therefore giving them a purpose other than "small assault mech". Multi-pronged attacks on bases can become more common. Lances would be presented with a valid choice between assisting a friendly lance under attack or proceeding to the objective. It might also create an Escort mindset by requiring larger, slower assaults to be escorted by mediums and heavies (otherwise you lose a lot of firepower) and forcing a speed-or-firepower tradeoff. Look at all this THINKING that might be required!

I agree that big maps with nothing to do is bad, so objectives are a need. But I also guarantee that your objectives will see almost no use on small maps. Teams will deathball as long as the efficiency of the "kill all enemy mechs" objective competes with any other. That's what happens right now - see enemy mech, converge on enemy mech. Leaving 20% of the map unused is an excellent tradeoff if it ensures that decisions will be necessary and role warfare and information warfare will be worth the development time.

For those of you who don't want to travel for five minutes just to die in ten seconds, consider this: Large maps would also dramatically increase time-to-kill. You would not be dying in ten seconds; you'd be getting into much smaller skirmishes with fewer mechs, with time to actually analyze, strategize, position, and target and lose components. In other words, BattleTech. Would you like to know why mechs die so quickly in MWO right now? It's because there are 24 of them shoved into a small area. Routes aren't far enough apart, you can just abort and converge whenever something is spotted. Not so in large maps with objectives. There, you HAVE to split up, or at least more often. The resulting matchups would be smaller, more like 4-man lances meeting up, with loadout, speed, and tactics actually contributing to the outcome. Locating enemy forces, baiting, diverging, this stuff would actually matter and require something more than the eyes to spot. Does this not sound awesome? Admit it. It sounds awesome. (It's also the only way to increase TTK without either increasing armor AGAIN or throwing off weapons balance).

People call it a "mech hiking simulator"? Well, you know what? If you want ANY sense of mission in a map other than "arena shooter", it's going to necessitate a little hiking. Otherwise, players will simply deathball. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. A "thinking man's shooter" requires patience. I personally would LOVE to hike across kilometers of flat (or gently rolling) land to reach a goal. The constant tension and fear of discovery would be immersive, realistic, and utterly epic, much more like previous MechWarrior games. Especially if I'm missing an arm or a torso. I want the terror of feeling alone at night on some unpopulated, empty planet with enemy mechs SOMEWHERE in the area. I want maps that turn engagements into a story that I can tell in the barracks. "Yeah, we got worn down by scouts before we hit the bridge, and then ran into this veteran Dire Wolf...he killed two of us, but us last two finally took him down. Then we had to limp all the way home with half weapons and ECM scouts on our tail...in the dark...they got my last lancemate...I can't believe I made it". I want distinguishable ebbs, flows, and turning points that settle into a tale to be told.

I've had exactly ONE such match in MWO so far. One. Guess which map it was on? Alpine Peaks, before 12v12.

So, the question boils down to this: do we want "Instant Action", or do we want tactics and strategy? Because we cannot have both at the same time. If the map is small, deathball becomes the prevalent strategy and role/info warfare are irrelevant. If the map is large, tactics become a factor; you just need a little patience.

* The case for size: I do believe that something Alpine or bigger is needed. In order to necessitate role/information warfare, you need a map large enough to get lost in and to prevent quick, cheap responses. The only map that accomplishes this purpose right now, ironically, is the most hated: Terra Therma. By virtue of its spare lines of sight, it's actually legitimate tough to find enemy mechs. The central volcano undoes much of this potential, of course, but the point remains. If we're going to prevent quick responses and mindless deathmatches, I do believe a map must be the size of Alpine or bigger.

* The case for flat land: not only is it geographically more realistic and reminiscent of previous MW titles, but it helps conceal weapons fire. In current maps, terrain is varied and elevation provided in order to force consideration of mech pitch quirks and prevent the game from devolving into simple circle-strafing. Fine and good. But it also results in people SHOOTING UPWARDS to hit opponents, leading to lasers and PPCs going up like flares and shouting "HERE'S THE HOTSPOT" to the rest of the world, making role/information warfare a joke. Flat land would prevent that by keeping the combat on the same elevation. Yeah, you get more circle-strafing, but that circle-strafing also has more room for considering enemy components. It's a good tradeoff and a welcome change of pace. (It would also be quicker and thus cheaper to produce, PGI.)

* The case for objectives: Well, I don't know about that. On a big map, objectives would be necessary, but it also works the other way: for objectives, big maps are necessary. The objectives will need longer for PGI to code. The big maps can be started on now. And while Skirmish on a huge map would try the patience of some (especially codependent Assault pilots), it would also force variety and tactics even without objectives. Skirmish on a huge map would still have room for role warfare and lance warfare if necessary. Things would become more interesting right away while we waited for further refinements.


PGI: The next stage of this game after Community Warfare should be a movement towards the originally promised vision, the essential ingredient of which is larger maps. If you're concerned about the less patient casual gamer, separate the larger maps into a new game mode. Call what we have now "Instant Action" and start developing a new class of gameplay to encompass the pillars you laid out in 2011. After Jungle and Mech Factory arrive, start working on a relatively flat map of rolling hills and forests (you've already fulfilled your beauty quota with the other maps); it should go quicker and cheaper, and pave the way for THINKING. We're not going to get it otherwise.

"Thinking man's shooter" doesn't come without patience. If the community votes down patience, they vote down the thinking man's shooter. The casual FPS crowd is a valid part of the community, like it or not, but it doesn't mean we can't have both styles. I see no other way to claim the original vision of the game, which I hope is not entirely dead.

Edited by Rebas Kradd, 29 June 2014 - 03:00 PM.

#137 DaZur


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 07:27 PM

View PostProsperity Park, on 20 June 2014 - 07:21 PM, said:

If you're wondering where Russ is getting his information, it's from the players who want to brawl without being forced to snipe.

... And then they growse because they drop too close to each other and there is no room for tactical movement. ;)

One of three things need to happen.

a.) PGI puts their foot down and declares MW:O a mindless arena shooter.
b.) PGI puts their foot down and declares MW:O a community based quasi-real time warfare.

Or... Agree to code functional game mechanics to placate both sides.

#138 Sandpit


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 07:53 PM

View PostRebas Kradd, on 20 June 2014 - 07:23 PM, said:


I agree 100%

View PostDaZur, on 20 June 2014 - 07:27 PM, said:

... And then they growse because they drop too close to each other and there is no room for tactical movement. ;)

One of three things need to happen.

a.) PGI puts their foot down and declares MW:O a mindless arena shooter.
b.) PGI puts their foot down and declares MW:O a community based quasi-real time warfare.

Or... Agree to code functional game mechanics to placate both sides.

One thing I'd point out regarding both of these posts. I'll use warthunder since that what I've been playing a lot lately.

You have 3 options when you launch

Arcade is the "deathmatch arena" style
it uses simpler flight models and controls as well as allows "respawns" much like the now defunct dropship mode here proposed. You have your hangar and when you're shot down you respawn in a different plane. Ammo is reloaded in the air. You have "mixed tech" with players flying out in whatever country's planes they want

Sim = a more realistic flight model, no respawns but still has some "easy" arcade dynamics.

Realistic = faction warfare which places you on a team with players flying out in planes of the same country (think faction warfare IS vs Clan with no mixed tech). You start at your airfield, have limited fuel and ammo and must fly back to your base in order to resupply if you run out. You get shot down your game is over.

This is how you make separate queues for the different players. Everyone gets a game style they want.

There's nothing wrong with small(ish) maps. They're fun for when you want to just jump in and shoot the **** outta enemy mechs. But that doesn't satisfy those who are, as Zur and Rebas stated, wanting the "thinking man's shooter". Some of us DO want those long strolls across the countryside, setting up firing positions, having scouts able to actually run out thousands of kilometers ahead of us to report back enemy positions and movement. You simply cannot have that on small maps.

There should be options for players, not restrictions. The more they restrict, the less players they will have. That's just a fact. Restrictions = smaller sections of players (both current and future) that will enjoy the game.

Bigger maps = more time in game (which I don't understand why anyone would complain about that)

THIS is where you get players WANTING to take lights and mediums and fast heavies because you're not immediately in a mindless shootfest within the first 30 seconds of starting the match. Forcing players with things like 3/3/3/3 doesn't make them WANT to take a more varied mech selection. With smaller maps it actually increases the chances of a player feeling like they need to take firepower over mobility because mobility doesn't factor into small maps nearly as much.

Small maps = stomp to the right for 30 seconds and engage
Big maps = stomp in various directions to scout, recon, infiltrate, harrass, etc.

I agree with Zur as well, they need to just announce one way or the other. This is either going to be an esport (I'd like to beat whoever gave that idea and buzz word to RUss with a fish personally) arena deathmatch game with a map attached to it
It's going to be the thinking man's shooter many of us were expecting.
Allow players to have options on what style of game they'd like to play.

#139 Sandpit


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 08:24 PM

I just thought of another factor that goes into map sizes

When building a mech I will often put in an extremely small engine (I've had assaults that were lucky to hit 49/kph going downhill) because what's the point?I have no need for speed or mobility when we're only going to tromp forward a few hundred kilometers to engage and there's no real chance to being outmanuevered other than getting flanked while engaging. So larger maps would actually help diversify mech builds as well.

The difference between a top speed of 50/kph and 65/kph is inconsequential when dealing with the small maps. It becomes a huge factor on the bigger maps when you're getting left behind, holding up your team form moving out as quickly, etc. Just another layer of strategy I feel large maps helps inject into the game.

#140 Sephlock


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Posted 20 June 2014 - 08:26 PM

View PostSandpit, on 20 June 2014 - 08:24 PM, said:

I just thought of another factor that goes into map sizes

When building a mech I will often put in an extremely small engine (I've had assaults that were lucky to hit 49/kph going downhill) because what's the point?I have no need for speed or mobility when we're only going to tromp forward a few hundred kilometers to engage and there's no real chance to being outmanuevered other than getting flanked while engaging. So larger maps would actually help diversify mech builds as well.

The difference between a top speed of 50/kph and 65/kph is inconsequential when dealing with the small maps. It becomes a huge factor on the bigger maps when you're getting left behind, holding up your team form moving out as quickly, etc. Just another layer of strategy I feel large maps helps inject into the game.

Just another reason to let us veto maps, so we need never play on Alpine or Mordor ever again.

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