Adiuvo, on 21 June 2014 - 10:42 AM, said:
The point isn't about the damage. He should get hurt/killed there. He had three mechs focusing fire on him. The problem is with that he can't fight back due to the ridiculous amount of cockpit shake and visual distraction from a single LRM boat.
LRM's can't have viability at close range (or extreme ranges, although that has been somewhat mitigated by the recent buff to their speed), pinpoint damage, quick firing (depending on the IS mech/launcher, and for all clan mechs), the ability to go without lots and lots of deadly explosive ammo, or the ability fo be taken along, knowing that you can actually use your weapons (see: all the counters to them)... heaven forbid they have anything, ANYTHING, of use.
And btw, what I actually said was
"Or... the person could back up around a corner and survive with only a light dusting."
And if there was only the one guy firing at him, that's exactly what would happen. If on the other hand, he had three firing at him, two with LOS and firing direct fire weapons....
Wait... look at those again. in what way is he backing up around a corner? I see him moving more or less straight back. There is no corner he is going around.
He got caught flat footed. It happens, and yes it is unpleasant.
If the "problem" is that he could not calmly turn to one of his enemies and fire at them with the same precision as if he had all the time in the world on a brisk summers day... ... I don't know what to tell you. The concept of "you are being shot at, therefore you are less accurate with your return fire" is not a new one, nor is the concept of object permanence (the idea that even if you do not have an object in your immediate sight, you know it still exists.... and... you know... you can sort of make an inference that your target might be somewhere in the vicinity of where it was a split second ago, fire there, and check for red crosshairs).