Foster Bondroff, on 24 June 2014 - 03:44 AM, said:
I will just comment the opening post and none of the answers.
Bishop, what you describe as "the cure" is acutually the baseline for anyone that wants to win. And that is "play to your strength and not to your weaknesses" or "force your game upon your opponent an not vise versa".
If you are able to do that while you are piloting an IS mech, you will very likely be able to do the same while your are piloting a Clan mech. And more important. You will most likely have won your games, because your ability to force your terms on your opponent is greater than his.
But its not a good point from which to compare IS Tech to Clan Tech. The only way to really measure this is eliminate personal skill and personal tactical knowledge from the equation. One way maybe is to simply think of a fight of yourself against yourself and decide from your experience using both Techs with which you think it will be easier to force your game upon your opponent - in this case urself.
look to the quotes from Mercules and Wintersdark, below yours.
Mercules, on 24 June 2014 - 05:18 AM, said:
The issue is that a lot of people are trying to simplify it far too much. They pick a single Clan mech and a single IS mech and then compare the two based on "paper stats". They ignore the fact that the majority of the maps and match goals will allow for play which supports the IS front loaded damage to be as effective if not more than the Clan DPS. They ignore the fact that while something like a TBR will be a bit faster than than an ON1 it also can't drop it's engine weight a bit if it is being built for a purpose that doesn't require as much maneuverability like say, Indirect Fire Support.
The clan mechs are a weird juxtaposition of having "more customization" and "less customization".
Wintersdark, on 24 June 2014 - 06:03 AM, said:
This. SmurfyWarrior is really hurting people, as they invariably end up comparing stats and not considering the whole picture.
Sadly, however, because Clans ARE overpowered when you have poor/new players vs. other poor/new players, I suspect we'll see some sort of nerfs. The problem with this, of course, is that once you have decent/experienced players involved, Clan mechs will simply be fully outclassed by IS mechs to the point where they are only used "for fun". As things stand now, the Timberwolf is decent, comparing well with the 3D, there are no serious competitive Assaults, the mediums are alright but not Shadowhawks, and the lights... well, the Kit Fox has utility, but ECM Spiders/Ravens and Jenners are still kings of the lights.
They say that doing well with clans requires more skill, and they are theoretically right: If you want Clan DOT weapons to perform as well as IS PPFLD weapons you'd require substantially more skill. But they neglected the much, much more common situation: At low levels of skill, the Clan Weapons are grossly superior, and at moderate to high levels of skill they are grossly inferior. In order for those DOT weapons to outmatch PPFLD weapons at high end play, you'd have to be unreasonably more skilled than your opponents... at which point if you got into a PPFLD mech you'd clean house effortlessly.
It's not JUST about people not applying common sense. It's pointing out that people who were unable to play smart in IS mechs before, are going to play just as bad now. Because instead of actually looking at the problems, they are going to declare anything that beats them, as OP. Or anything they cannot access right this moment as OP
and P2W. These are the very same players crying about how OP LRMs currently are.
For the players who exercised commonsense, they don't have the same issues. Because instead of wanting everything made to EZMode, so they never have to adjust, they identify the problems, and by doing so, the solutions. Clans DO have better XLs. Many Weapons are Lighter, so it is not hard to pack on more firepower.
They almost universally, due to hardpoint designs, run hotter. In many cases, to use that firepower, WAY Hotter. (just 4 UAC2 and a UAC20, with a couple medium lasers, can push you to auto shutdown in 5 seconds flat on the hotter maps). Most have mediocre hardpoints, which go a long way to comping for the XL, because they can't zombie like many IS mechs can. They play out more theoretical DPS (though usually very low "sustained DPS") which is misleading, because good warriors don't stare at each other and eat DPS. Good pilots already used cover, twisting and such. With the exception of basically one Direwolf build, the IS utterly owns the PP-FLD war. (TWOlf Poptart is good, DS is still better), and that PP-FLD advantage cannot be overstated, when the majority of the damage from the clans is DoT.
There are a handful of areas the clans do need tweaks and balance adjustments. So do the IS. The point, which over 100 people obviously got, by the "likes" is that the chicken littles crying that the sky is falling, by and large were the same ones who were crying the same thing, and asking for everything to be nerfed, BEFORE the Clans were launched.