Ultra-Laser, on 08 March 2015 - 01:59 PM, said:
See, if Battle Armor was introduced this is the one thing that would drive me nuts. If you guesstimate from the size of the cockpits, access hatch looking bits and ladder greebles then MWO mechs ought to be at least comparable to proper BT scale mechs, but if you take too close a look at the scaling in the city maps then our mechs are somewhere between "mid sized gundam" and "small-ish godzilla".
Indeed. I've noticed the 'thin' ones are typically very tall/large despite the tonnage. (Marauder being slightly taller than an Atlas despite the huge tonnage difference, which even at this size the mech is still really thin and lower volume so still feasibly lighter).
I waited to respond to the original message until I could find the image again. While unable to find the entry I originally based the fact that the Locust must be larger (in which to cover their tracks and the firepower they have in their scout lance, the Locusts would step on the smaller footprints made by the shorter though much girthier Shadowhawks), I found one of the images on page 41 of CityTech.

The little story there is kinda funny. And compare the size of the Locust to the Shadowhawk images I provided earlier -- it's still a fair bit thinner than the Locust despite the similar armor. And even at that size, I think the Locust (between its height and lengthy legs it'd be pretty difficult to hit while moving).
I believe it definitely would create considerable diversity between mechs.
Adder, Firemoth, Mist Lynx, Kitfox.
Ignore the second and bottom rows on this.(For comparison, MWO puts the Commando at 9.7 meters tall, the Centurion at 14.7 meters, and the Shadowhawk is approximately 15.6 meters [in BT it'd be less than 9 meters tall]).

BT's Atlas is stated to be in the 13 meter range in height. The tallest mech in BT in 3055 is the Executioner (14.4 meters), and yet MWO has the Atlas at 17.6 meters.
You'd definitely have some reasons to choose some mechs over others.
Back on topic, my two cents on Battle Armor (yes, Battle Armor, not just Elementals, The Inner Sphere cateches up on the Battle Armor game pretty darn quick).
I'm pretty comfortable with the notion of BA being a consumable, but BA's nature as an attendant unit to a given battlemech, as opposed to the one-shot arty/airstrike might mean having BA take up its own mech module slot. I'm leaning towards having it as an "indefinite" consumable myself, although depending on how OP the final set up is I might be willing to have it take up both consumable slots. The way I would like to see Battle Armor work is that the point/squad starts out as passengers outside of your mech (at last a use for all these gab bars!) for both inner sphere and clans alike. Some might quibble over the omnimech/battlemech rules and technobabble for why one can carry BA but not the other, but as far as I know allowing BA to hitch a ride on conventional battlemechs if a fairly common house rule. Might even be in TacOps. As these squads are riding on the outside of your mech there is every likelihood that they will be shot off as you close in with the enemy. Now some of you might read that and think "sweet, ablative armor" and you'd be mostly right. Keep in mind that the Battle Armor consumable counts as "spent" the moment you enter the game as far as c-bill cost goes, so having your hard earned c-bills get shot to bits in exchange for being able to tank another 2-3 seconds of fire means that you likely won't be able to make full use of your investment.
I love it. But for performance reasons and because of the sheer size of MWO's mechs, I'd imagine them popping out of an imaginary storage unit or air-dropped. But yes, having them escort you until slaughtered is ideal, even with a length of time and good equipment they'd still be hardpressed to compete with the artillery strike/air strike. But at least you'd have them.
The Clanners would have their Elemental points of course, who we can assume would outclass their Spheroid counterparts in most if not every way. How are us poor spheroid dogs supposed to cope on this front? Assuming that PGI continues the trend of having bits of 3052+ leak into our forever 3050 we'll do it the same way we do in our mechs, we specialize, or failing that just get dead sneaky.
I haven't read what's in the spoiler yet (super tired from work) so I'll be back to excitedly read it.
But for now, one obvious thought is to simply play the numbers game. Clan spawns 5 Battle Armor with appropriate weapons. From what I see on megamek, they are mostly melee-focused (swarm mech; attack swarmed mech, attack legs, stop swarm) with some having light MGs. IS spawns infantry and from what I'm seeing here, that's typically 20 to 28 infantry men and they can be packing anything from MGs to a Gauss Rifle. SRM / LRM, etc.
If the Clan Battle Armor jumping becomes a problem, the IS has jump-men, infantry with jump packs.
Just food for thought. Looking forward to reading that spoiler when I'm more awake.