I know the 10v12 concept was tossed into the hands of PGI in the past and dismissed but I would like to continue to try and breathe life back into the idea simply because of what I've seen since the release of the Clans (I am aware PGI have limitlessly better information on the subject also). I, personally, see far too many Clan mechs around these days. I had slim hopes of seeing a lot more of the guys out there who are IS loyalists going at it against the Clans in the current game but no, instead all I see is a bunch of guys who wear IS faction tags and run around in an Omni and any who aren't are usually complaining because they have to wait X long before they can buy one for c-bills. This raises a very concerning notion with myself on a number of levels mainly Community Warfare.
The suggestion is to leave the current game meta as is only drop the numbers of a Clan team down to 10, leaving a full IS team at 12. No tweaking of weapon or armour values just drop the team number. This would obviously require PGI to force IS and Clan to drop seperate but with Community Warfare on a horizon it's doubtless this isn't already on the cards. I believe that this action alone would discourage the general mass to drift over to the Clan side and keep a steady number of people playing IS (the majority will play for easy wins, right?). I've noted a couple of reasons for this below if anyone cares to peruse them.
- Once Community Warfare comes out we will likely have most if not all of the Clan Mechs readily available for c-bills. This is a problem on many levels because all people need to do is change their faction to one of the Clans in order to continue to use those Mechs. I know and understand that there are those out there who are completely loyal to the IS lore as I myself an to Clan lore but from what I have visibly seen those people are unfortunately going to end up the minority. I don't really want to be consistantly bashing heads against the Clans all the time; I personally wanted to see Clan vs IS fights. All the current Clan release has done has turned the game from IS v IS to Clan v Clan. The future prospect of this is upsetting at best.
- My second concern is a far more personal issue than the future of the game. People who, to put it is as bluntly as possible, simply cannot use the Clan tech. I've seen more people then I'm honestly happy to admit try to fry eggs on their Omni's. I watched one individual (who I had the gross misfortune of being grouped against two games in a row) do it multiple times in the same Mech, in seperate games. This is not fun for me. I get nothing out of destroying a Mech that some idiot overheated and it's been sitting there shut down for at least 5 seconds nor do I get any enjoyment out of watching my own team doing it. I understand that some of these people may just be testing out a new fit that ran a little warmer then they thought it would - this is fine - but consistantly..? I don't exactly like the prospect of these 'shutdown junkies' being tossed into the ever-growing Clan horde to help ruin the chances of people who actually want to try and win their games come Community Warfare. I'm sure that once we're playing for something more than a kdr it will bother people.