Decided to post anyway... Should be in bed...
Atheus, on 26 June 2014 - 09:32 PM, said:
I grasp, but it's not a biconditional relationship. Apple implies fruit, orange implies fruit. Not apple implies... we don't know. It may still be fruit, or it may not. Applying it to MWO: Joe's advantage implies P2W. Jon's advantage implies P2W. Not Jon's Advantage implies nothing. NOBODY's advantage implies not P2W. In other words, not all players need to benefit in order for one player to be able to purchase an advantage.
Regarding your colloquial weapons analysis...
From what I have seen attempting to debate the pros and cons of the weapons system is a total quagmire. I can point out factual errors occasionally, but everyone has to have their own feelings about what's important and what doesn't matter. I'll leave it to the individual to decide what they think the clan weapons have to offer, and just cross my fingers that they don't have too many of the facts wrong.
Like I said it's not a biconditional relationship, but let me draw another example for you just to be clear on this. If you want to say your analysis works, that means that if a mech is advantageous for every single player in the game except for one, even if that player can't benefit from it because he is actually deaf dumb and blind, and plays by sense of smell, thus can only use LRMs
, then it is not pay to win.
Logic isn't a democracy, and all you're talking about is the definition of a term. If you want to hobble the definition of pay to win with some sort of time dimension in your own argument, fine, but it becomes far less functional by doing so. How do you describe a game that has pay to win stuff in the game that's early access? You have to find a new term to describe the advantageous stuff that would be pay to win if it weren't early access to try to differentiate it from the type of early access stuff that doesn't provide any sort of advantage.
You're basically trying to make me believe the time table isn't so bad while lying about what it says. This doesn't help your early access to pay to win content perspective much. It's 2 months of early access for the Kit Fox. 5 months for the Timberwolf, which many think is the best of the batch. It's 5 months before there is no longer exclusive content in the game that has a high potential to be pay to win.
The guy who was comparing his Dire Wolf with a Jenner didn't have speed tweak, and I'm guessing he didn't have many basics filled out either. Any 100 ton mech with no efficiencies and a 300 engine is going to get torn to bits by a Jenner. It was a totally meaningless anecdote.
I thought you said you read the first 17 pages >.>
Right, and at the end of the day, different is just about always going to be either better, or worse, even if the difference is small. It is almost never exactly equal, if ever.
I'm not sure what you want me to do with this anecdote. Does it prove anything? No. It's not worth thinking about in the context of this argument.
For the purpose of evaluating my argument, just accept that the working definition of pay to win is as I stated it - describing only the present. Besides, if you wanted a new term it would have to be P2GEAWUOGI (Pay to get early and win until other people get it), and that acronym sucks. It's just P2W. Worry about when the paywall comes down after your acronym.
I saw this little gem in the middle of the next section. You have to realize that I've responded to a gazillion posts in this thread, but I do actually have other things to do so a few fell through the cracks. If you said something smart I'm sorry I missed it. I occasionally skip things when I've just answered a similar concern in recent posts, or in a subsequent post directed at someone else hitting two nails with one head type of thing. If you had read the entire thread, you'd find my answers to most of your concerns, if not all.
We aren't calling an apple fruit and an orange fruit and trying to prove... We aren't trying to determine if a clan mech is a mech... You are making little sense here... Your example is going farther and farther into... I don't know anymore...
Colloquial.Where are you getting these words? You are also using them very much incorrectly as well...
The weapon systems have balances that actually make the WORSE than IS weapons in most ways, even though they are stronger/lighter/etc. I've actually been fairly punctual and not as informal as you seem to be implying here about my weapon analysis...
You fail to understand the point I was trying to present, but that is the essence of your logical path when presented in the opposite side of the argument. Even you seem to admit that your logic in this debate is incorrect with your own statement here...
Definition of the term... Read the post that I quoted for you... (or the links I posted about pay to win definition. Then again, you seem to be using a lot of words improperly within the last few pages that I read... (which was this page and pages ~14-17).
Nathan Bloodguard, on 26 June 2014 - 08:13 PM, said:
Using this as a definition for Pay to Win, I would still say clans are not Pay to Win, for they do not give a significant advantage (reasons for this is stated above in my other post at the top of this page) over their Innersphere/ free to play counterparts.
To interject about the hero mechs. Some of them can seem like Pay to Win, but you can still do most everything in a similar mech (Misery would be a highlander/atlas or other similar hard point mechs as an example. It can only seem like it if you ONLY liked that mech chassis, otherwise it could still be duplicated by free to play means. using the above definition, does a hero mech really give the player of them a Significant Advantage over other players who do not have them? I would have to say no again. Just another different flavor for the same mech.
A commonly held belief of what a term means is important. As the common use of a word changes, so does it's definition. Ain't is a word now, when it once was not... However, the current standing definition of P2W as a phrase does not seem to fit or apply to your current view of the situation.
You are talking about people who paid $30-200+. Don't you think they deserve to get a little something extra, such as running around with the mechs they paid for first for a while? Seen as, without people like them, this game would not be able to continue to run. This is not P2W, this is a marketing mechanic and we will see these very same mechs shortly. As it is, I still have not seen the clan mechs as being overly powerful, and they seem to be well balanced to their IS counterparts.
I didn't have my elites filled out with my 4J, yet I have been doing well... Your point once again? I have been having his same issues in my stock Awesome (which moves about as fast as he does), and I've got basics filled out... You seem to call anything that places your "proof" (read as "opinion") into doubt as "inconsequential" or "irrelevant", or you seem to just not respond to it at all, like you seem to want it to just "disappear".
That guy posted the common mechs in a single match. Did he post why those pilots/teams picked those mechs? What was the reasons those mechs were used? Why did they choose them over other possible mech selections? I just saw a screen shot, which was also photoshopped, which (although I believe he didn't) invalidates it's credibility as someone could have easily have changed the mech names. (I know I could easily make such an alteration if I desired to.)
Can't something be different, but equal? Example: I drive a Metro car. Someone else brags about how great their car is. Who's car is really better? Well, that depends. I get 50 miles to a single gallon of gas. They get 15. They can tow a lot of stuff, I've got a tighter weight limit. Who's car is really "better"? My opinion, mine is. I save more money on gas, and seen as 99% of my driving I'm the only occupant and nothing else... for me my car is better. For that other person, maybe they do a lot of towing, or something, which makes their car more valuable and useful to them. They each preform similar tasks... Same thing for IS/C weapon comparisons. For the most part, they run different from each other, but seem to preform a very similar role in a manner that seem to make them two different flavors of the same thing. (Would you like french vanilla, or Vanilla bean?)
Brushing off another "anecdote" as "worthless and irrelevant" I see...
Changing what I'm saying to "better match what you want me to agree to" again. Still not working. It's still paying to get stuff sooner. It's not pay to win by any definition that I have seen so far... Mind presenting your EXACT definition of P2W? Oh, that's right. You did. And Nathan covered that.
Yup. I understand you've commented to a lot of posts. However, when I posted that, it was during a rather quiet moment of this thread's life. I also said I didn't expect you to respond to it at this point, as it's lost way back there... However, any time someone seems to present a post of a similar like, you seem to conveniently "ignore" it, for whatever reason, which may be (or may not be) very valid reasons...
As far as "reading the entire thread"... NOT GONNA HAPPEN. My time is worth more than that. Also, I've wasted enough time here. I agree with Sandpit. You like to argue in circles. You have a circular argument going on here, where you keep repeating yourself over and over again, and keep deflecting counter arguments with the same "quagmire" responses...
Now. I've done enough for tonight. I go to bed. (For real this time.)
CMetz, on 26 June 2014 - 10:06 PM, said:
I have a pretty interesting idea as to how this can be settled... Will start a new post... and hopefully it'll include some interesting information one way or another, as hopefully it will provide solid data... I'll get back to you all.
Will read.
Personally, I'd like to see people's clan mech stats, and compare them to the same players IS mech stats... Might help shed some light on the subject...
(But stats can still only tell one only so much.)