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Kit Fox Vs Raven , What Is The Point ?

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#41 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 06:42 PM

View PostLostdragon, on 27 June 2014 - 05:43 PM, said:

I thought I could de-armor my side torsos on the Kit Fox like I did the Jenner but I kept getting them blown off. I tend to be pretty aggressive though.

That hunch?

Near as I can tell that is pure L/R Torso.
(have not done much testing though)

View PostKoniving, on 27 June 2014 - 05:47 PM, said:

What's interesting is the size of the Firemoth.

I know, right?
Less than 1 meter shorter than the Dire Wolf! :blink:

And people say our mechs are oversized :unsure:

#42 Mahws


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 06:47 PM

View PostSatan n stuff, on 27 June 2014 - 05:45 AM, said:

Weight has nothing to do with it, SRM builds work just fine on a Commando or Locust which both use heavier launchers and have less tonnage available for them. Granted you can't really run an SRM18 Commando like you could in closed beta but you can get pretty close.

I don't understand your point.

To run that Commando you're sacrificing all armor on your left arm, a complete lack of energy weapons as back up and you're only carrying 2 tonne of ammo for an entire match. That's not working 'just fine' that's 'barely working'.

The ability to take SRMs that weigh half as much for the same damage, range and re-fire rate is a massive bonus for clan lights.

Edited by Mahws, 27 June 2014 - 06:48 PM.

#43 Tereva


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 08:00 PM

Lol such hate over the Raven :blink:
For info I don't run mine with ER-LL (just LL) and I have a 1.61 W/R and 1.51 KD ratio with it. I am sure some do better, but I still have the arrogance to think I that know how to use my precious.

Thx for all the info and good advice about the Fox, really useful.
So more about second line support bringing AMS & ECM + a bit of fire support.
Not really my play-style though :unsure:

For some reason I have some trouble with all the clan mechs that I own especially the lights that are what I run the most.


#44 Satan n stuff


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 02:01 AM

View PostMahws, on 27 June 2014 - 06:47 PM, said:

I don't understand your point.

To run that Commando you're sacrificing all armor on your left arm, a complete lack of energy weapons as back up and you're only carrying 2 tonne of ammo for an entire match. That's not working 'just fine' that's 'barely working'.

The ability to take SRMs that weigh half as much for the same damage, range and re-fire rate is a massive bonus for clan lights.

That Commando build has no armor on the one arm it doesn't actually need and it still has a 200 engine and ECM, it doesn't get much more optimized than that.
A Commando with 2 tons of ammo is working, you wouldn't get any more even with a streak build unless you lose the ferro fibrous upgrade and even more armor, and SRM ammo is more weight efficient than streak SRM ammo if it's aimed properly. That SRM build can kill heavy mechs outright in 2-3 shots and assaults in 4-5, as long as you sneak up behind them. 200 SRMs is enough to wipe out half a team like that. Try running a commando 2D with missiles and a laser on the other hand and you'll run out of ammo 4 minutes in and be stuck firing a single laser for the rest of the match, which will reduce your total and effective damage output quite a bit.
This Commando build is faster than either clan light, has ECM, and has a fairly accurate ( by missile standards ) 25.8 damage frontloaded alpha. No clan light can beat it at what it does, and it's not even nearly the best IS light.

Edited by Satan n stuff, 28 June 2014 - 02:37 AM.

#45 Tereva


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 07:37 AM

View Postsneeking, on 28 June 2014 - 02:11 AM, said:

bet a few people are suffering buyers regret :)

I was at first, but what would have been the point to make another version of the Firestarter or Jenner or even Raven ? They came up with mech with a different play-style and I think this was the right thing to do.

#46 mailin


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 05:24 PM

The thing about clan lights is that by their nature, they are meant to run with the other clan mechs. When I drop in my Kit Fox, I let my team know that I have ECM and triple AMS and I will be trying to keep the fatties safe. It's amazing to see them group around me, and when they do, we tend to move in a pack. Note, that this works even with pugs. When that happens it is devastating to the enemy team.

Now don't get me wrong, I also run all the IS lights and I love going fast. The clan mechs require you to think about the role of the mech you're in.

#47 Aleksandr Sergeyevich Kerensky


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 08:09 PM

View PostWarWolfSW, on 27 June 2014 - 05:02 AM, said:

....Anyone that has piloted a light mech for some time has likely noticed that not many players (unless your alone/scouting/harrassing) consider your little roadrunner a threat in comparison to that 80-100 tonner over the ridge. Put a light beside an assault and almost every player will target that much bigger mech, then tunnel vision on it.

I guess I play differently, because I as a assault player, definatelly shoot the kit fox first. It only takes 1 alpha to kill or severely hurt a kit fox. Taking out players from the opposition is always important, so the faster I can be done, the better. The kit fox is one of the easiest mechs to kill on the battlefield that are classified as a threat. (I say that because I think locusts are easier to kill, but on the threat meter, they are not as high).

Since I rock dual ppc + gauss or ballistics similar to that, any landed hit can be pretty devastating to them.

Basically, if I had to choose between the following: ecm kit fox, dire wolf, ddc atlas, ECM raven.
I would shoot the kit fox first unless I know the atlas or DW are coreable in 1 alpha.

If the kit fox could move faster, then I might reconsider this, but since they are easy targets... They are my go to target of choice.

#48 Ursh


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Posted 28 June 2014 - 11:08 PM

View Postsneeking, on 28 June 2014 - 02:11 AM, said:

given that im almost exclusively a light pilot all iv been reading about clan mechs since their arrival has made me glad I never forked over any money.

I would of been so disappointed.

bet a few people are suffering buyers regret :(

Struggle to function by playing with your team, rather than as a high speed CoD twitchy lagshielded annoyance?

#49 dragnier1


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 02:34 AM

One difference to note is the kit fox will cost about 1/3 of what the raven 3L would...i spent 12m on mine...for this reason alone i think it's worthwhile recommending the kit fox for those who want to play lights but don't have the cbills

#50 Satan n stuff


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 02:52 AM

View PostUrsh, on 28 June 2014 - 11:08 PM, said:

Struggle to function by playing with your team, rather than as a high speed CoD twitchy lagshielded annoyance?

What lagshield?

#51 sabujo


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 03:39 AM

The Kitfox was the first mech I put mastery into, just because I started to love how it plays out and what variety it can offer in the battlefield. And while I also started to play it like a 3L (one of my favourite light mechs), I soon realised some adaptations had to be made. First, you need to be even more aware of your position and everyone's position at all the time. Margin for error is smaller as the mech is more fragile (larger hitboxes) and its main weapons are easy to pick off. Second, you REALLY need to protect your legs. Not only the mech is slower, but its legs are too prone to be taken off.

And also comparing to the 3L, the lower arms (and wide apart) are also something you must be aware of.

#52 White Bear 84


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 03:44 PM

View PostTereva, on 26 June 2014 - 06:42 PM, said:

Hi all,

Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to me that the KitFox has the same game-play as the Raven 3L
The difference being :
* 30% less speed
* worst heat efficiency
* Jumpjet

Sure having jumpjets is nice, but I do not think they conter balance the lower speed and worse heat.

Any idea to make it more enjoyable ?



Well eventually if you decide to play clan you wont be able to pilot your raven in clan drops for starters :)

As Koniving said, try different things. This mech has 3 AMS, can load up with a tonne of LRM's/SRM's, actually thinking about it, toe to toe the kit fox should be able to smash a raven imo.

#53 mailin


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 04:48 PM

The only problem that I am having with my Kit Foxes is that the right arm seems to be made out of paper. Lose that right arm and you lose the ECM and the triple AMS. It almost seems like everyone aims for that arm on purpose. Hmmm. . .

#54 InspectorG


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Posted 29 June 2014 - 07:38 PM

View PostTereva, on 26 June 2014 - 07:38 PM, said:

SRM brawler ??? Seriously ?


A 48 point alpha is no laughing matter. It is also hella fun but you have to be a smart dearedevil about it.
You can sneak up to a direwhale/atlas and core their back in 2-3 alphas, depending on spread. Seems like forever but if you stay about 50m-80m away and watch where they turn their hips, they should never get to face you.

The safer choice is to stay with the heavies. 48 dmg removes a good portion of armor, and the victim is usually more concerned about the heavier mech thats shooting him down, not the little guy with the stick of dynamite.

Plus, ive destroyed way more components with the srm24 setup than with anything else and i use to roll Hunchbacks with AC20.

Srms are fixed, and for clans, 12 damage at 1.5 tons(plus ammo) with low heat and a 4 second cooldown is boss. The trade is short range, but skill makes up for that.

Also, leeted Kitfoxes handle noticably better, imo.

#55 Ursh


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 05:58 AM

View PostSatan n stuff, on 29 June 2014 - 02:52 AM, said:

What lagshield?

I meant to say hit-reg shield.

#56 Werewolf486 ScorpS


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 06:22 AM

Title should be "Kit Fox...what's the point?" those things are so slow and easy to kill that they are the new Locust to me and my friends. We laugh at people who bought them and giggle after we kill them! As someone who didn't waste money on them I have to say that they are by far the single worst investment in clan tech just because they are soooo ssslllooowww. They need a speed buff.

#57 Gyrok


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 06:41 AM

ECM + 2CERLL + 2MG + CSSRM4 + 2JJs. That is my favorite build by far.

#58 Kraven Kor


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 08:10 AM

I've observed several Kit Fox pilots doing exceptionally well using CERLL's and hit-and-run tactics.

They don't do terribly well against other lights, though.

#59 TercieI


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 08:47 AM

View PostWerewolf486, on 30 June 2014 - 06:22 AM, said:

Title should be "Kit Fox...what's the point?" those things are so slow and easy to kill that they are the new Locust to me and my friends. We laugh at people who bought them and giggle after we kill them! As someone who didn't waste money on them I have to say that they are by far the single worst investment in clan tech just because they are soooo ssslllooowww. They need a speed buff.

Now that's just silly. Whatever one thinks of the Kit Fox, it can carry ECM&JJ (feel free to laugh at any that don't, I won't argue then). The Adder can't have either of those things and can't carry meaningfully more armament and is no faster. It's clearly the worst clan mech.

#60 TygerLily


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 08:54 AM

I play it like a little "pocket medium." Try ECM, UAC/10, two ERSL. Stick with the main body...it's fun!

Also, ECM, two UAC/2 and an ERML is fun.

And I second anyone that second four SRM6's.

Kit Fox isn't a scouting Light, it's a brawling Light.

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