Amd Cpus?
Posted 29 June 2014 - 07:49 PM
i currently have
athlonIIx4 640 processor 3.0ghz i think
4g ddr3 1600 ram
asrock 980de3/u3s3 mb
120g ssd
radeon HD7770 oc vid card 1g ddr5
win7 32bit
with DX11 does the game run better on more than 4 cores now?i have been looking at inexpensive cpus like the amd fx6300black 6core 3.5ghz vishera for around $100 but also found a amd fx4130black quad core 3.8/3.9ghz for only 40 bucks.
i only use the pc for gaming and browsing and watching videos.i understand the quadcore upgrade would be less but would the clock increase help much?
my birthday is coming up and im investigating upgrades that would improve mwo, im already getting 40-60 fps on mostly low setting (a cpl are medium) at 1280x900.and will be adding another 4g ram and switching to win7 64 bit soon.id like to hear some opinions (not intel vs amd since i have an amd mb please)
Posted 29 June 2014 - 08:20 PM
Avoid first gen AMD bulldozer chips!!! they are flawed. the 4130 is bad. it would be a downgrade from what you have. if your stuck in an AMD board, I'd try for an 8 core. you'll be much better off! 8320 isn't much more expensive than then 6300.
Posted 29 June 2014 - 08:21 PM
Posted 29 June 2014 - 09:32 PM
it says the 6300 is piledriver (vishera) not bulldozer.
my motherboard is asrock 980de3/u3.
but is the game running better on 6 or 8 cores now without parking cores or tweaking the user.cfg?
Edited by Gorantir, 29 June 2014 - 09:57 PM.
Posted 29 June 2014 - 10:39 PM
AMD FX 6300
Asus M5A970 R2.0 mobo
Asus R7 250 1Gddr5 128bit (slightly lower perf than your 7770 but close enough)
10GB DDR3 1600
No overclocks for any component, running stock coolers at the moment and generally high ambient temperatures over here in Malaysia anyway.
Win 7 64-bit
I average between 48-85fps on low settings (textures on high) depending on maps and whether there are enemy units in the distance (if there are unsighted enemies in the distance the fps will drop when you are looking in their direction btw)
I believe that my setup is representative of what you would want to achieve with your upgrade, and my advice would be that upgrading to an FX 6300 not so much of an improvement that is worth spending the cash on. Maybe an 8 core 8350 would be a better idea, but the differences would be marginal for the cost involved.
If you're planning to play Star Citizen in the future then I'd recommend that you wait and save up until it is released then build an awesome rig when that happens. It was what I was planning to do until my previous PC kicked the bucket.
Hope my 2 cents helps you make an informed decision.
Posted 29 June 2014 - 10:50 PM
Posted 29 June 2014 - 11:27 PM
I think I paid just around $430 for the upgrade (also bought a Corsair H100i liquid cooler). Two weeks after my purchase, newegg dropped the CPU price by about $20, so it is even better now.
Good thing is your mobo will support the FX-8350, but there have been issues with more than light overclocks and socket temp on that board. But my FX isn't even OCed yet and I run the game beautifully for the money I paid.
Posted 30 June 2014 - 06:37 AM
Posted 30 June 2014 - 06:45 AM
Posted 30 June 2014 - 06:59 AM
Posted 30 June 2014 - 07:53 AM
Gorantir, on 29 June 2014 - 07:49 PM, said:
Your Athlon is a native Quad Core CPU. You have four integer Cores and four FPUs
The FX 4XXX is a CPU with 2 modules, each module is two integer Cores and one FPU.
The FX 6xxx is a CPU with 3 modules, the FX 8xxx a CPU with 4 modules.
Switching from an Athlon X4 to a FX 4xxx / 6xxxx would be a downgrade (only 2 or 3 complete cores).
Even switching to a FX 8350 wouldn't bring you what much FPS, because your GPU is also limiting.
IMHO you should buy a faster GPU (R7 270 / R9 280).
Posted 30 June 2014 - 12:33 PM
Now what i had to do $650 later was a change out of the motherboard, processor ram and new OS and ssd. I get very good frame rate with v-synce off low is 75 and high is 115 and that on 1600 res and high detail.
What you could do is bump the processor speed up a couple of hundered mhz and see if it helps the game if it does then you could get a better cpu fan and try to run it at that speed. I have heard that the 6 core 6350 does good because of the higher clock speed but I have no first hand knowledge of it though.
I am a AMD fan but running a Intel now just to get the game running good. Got a deal on parts from a friend upgraded his system he was going to ITX small form factor so got his 4770K motherboard case and order up a os and ram and it runs great but we should have to do that since we specs wise has what it take to run the game recommend except for 300 mhz less speed.
Posted 30 June 2014 - 10:29 PM

Posted 01 July 2014 - 10:13 AM
System RAM: 8191 MB
CPU Name: AMD Athlon™ II X4 650 Processor
CPU Speeds: 3200
Physical CPUs: 1
Virtual CPUs: 4
Video Card Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
VRAM: 2048 MB
Primary Display Resolution: 1920x1080
Multi-Monitor Desktop Resolution: 5760x1080
Microphone: True
Language: English (United States)
Free Hard Drive Space: 410845 MB
Total Hard Drive Space: 942353 MB
Windows Experience Index Rating: 5.9
^^ My current system specs... I DO run with V-Sync turned on to limit my framerates tho'.
Average FPS runs 40-60 on most games with DX11 and settings on High and Full Window mode. With V-Sync off, I would notice my FPS totally SKY ROCKET (like 1200+) after connecting to a game and waiting for the team window to show... didn't like the idea of my GPU cooking itself, or even the possibility of it...
When playing, game is on my center 32" screen, left side 23" monitor typically has Teamspeak open and running on it, along with controls for my Nvidia Shadowplay software as well (set to Desktop record since I hate running in Full Screen mode) and my music software (Zune for me) with tunes playing, while the right hand 23" typically has Chrome open showing FB chat for a few guys that drop with me in game as well as a seperate tab for Mechspecs and one for Smurfy's...
So I've got a bit running at the same time, and no worries about the system struggling to keep up... I feel with the V-Sync I'm actually reigning it in a bit... maybe over cautious on my part but still...
Thought I'd throw system up... see a lot of players say AMD CPU's have a rough time but havent' noticed it myself...
Posted 01 July 2014 - 10:29 AM
Stickjock, on 01 July 2014 - 10:13 AM, said:
^^ My current system specs... I DO run with V-Sync turned on to limit my framerates tho'.
Average FPS runs 40-60 on most games with DX11 and settings on High and Full Window mode. With V-Sync off, I would notice my FPS totally SKY ROCKET (like 1200+) after connecting to a game and waiting for the team window to show... didn't like the idea of my GPU cooking itself, or even the possibility of it...
When playing, game is on my center 32" screen, left side 23" monitor typically has Teamspeak open and running on it, along with controls for my Nvidia Shadowplay software as well (set to Desktop record since I hate running in Full Screen mode) and my music software (Zune for me) with tunes playing, while the right hand 23" typically has Chrome open showing FB chat for a few guys that drop with me in game as well as a seperate tab for Mechspecs and one for Smurfy's...
So I've got a bit running at the same time, and no worries about the system struggling to keep up... I feel with the V-Sync I'm actually reigning it in a bit... maybe over cautious on my part but still...
Thought I'd throw system up... see a lot of players say AMD CPU's have a rough time but havent' noticed it myself...
You've got a pre-piledriver chip, it's a proper quad core. You've also got a pretty good video card.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 10:35 AM
FX8320 @ 4Ghz
Asus M5A99FX Pro
GTX 770 4GB (SLI)
16GB 1600Mhz DDR3 Ram
Corasair 750W PSU
(SLI disabled when playing MWO cuz it hates SLI)
Here is the thing about MWO. It doesnt work on any system well enough to maintain 60fps. I have sent service tickets to PGI and they told me that 30fps is within their standards. Their words "MWO just isn't designed to work on high end gaming systems." So if you are looking to upgrade just to play MWO I would stick with that video card you have and get a little more powerful CPU like the FX6300 or 83xx. I usually get around 40fps on very high settings but a lot of the time the game drops into the 20's. It doesnt like high end systems. I got better performance on my AMD Phenom 965BE and a HD7850 than I do now with the rig I just listed.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 11:07 AM
ninjitsu, on 01 July 2014 - 10:29 AM, said:
You've got a pre-piledriver chip, it's a proper quad core. You've also got a pretty good video card.
Good to know about the chip... I know just enough to be dangerous putting components into my system... hadn't really even checked on my processor as to how good it was or not...
Posted 01 July 2014 - 11:21 AM
DjPush, on 01 July 2014 - 10:35 AM, said:
FX8320 @ 4Ghz
Asus M5A99FX Pro
GTX 770 4GB (SLI)
16GB 1600Mhz DDR3 Ram
Corasair 750W PSU
(SLI disabled when playing MWO cuz it hates SLI)
Here is the thing about MWO. It doesnt work on any system well enough to maintain 60fps. I have sent service tickets to PGI and they told me that 30fps is within their standards. Their words "MWO just isn't designed to work on high end gaming systems." So if you are looking to upgrade just to play MWO I would stick with that video card you have and get a little more powerful CPU like the FX6300 or 83xx. I usually get around 40fps on very high settings but a lot of the time the game drops into the 20's. It doesnt like high end systems. I got better performance on my AMD Phenom 965BE and a HD7850 than I do now with the rig I just listed.
I've got it running pretty well with SLI. There's a post floating around with some good information on getting it working properly.
I am probably beating this horse to death, but high-end AMD is not the same as high-end Intel for MWO. With a couple of small changes, I am now running almost everything at Very High with DX11 and getting 60fps+ (I was experiencing some dips down to 40fps, but I have fixed that with a rather mild OC on my cards). There is a lot of stuff floating around about how to maximize performance with AMD chips in MWO so you can do a little bit of work to your system and get a better experience. Still, don't expect any AMD chip to perform as well as an Intel equivalent in MWO (or really most things).
Posted 01 July 2014 - 11:45 AM
xWiredx, on 01 July 2014 - 11:21 AM, said:
I've got it running pretty well with SLI. There's a post floating around with some good information on getting it working properly.
I am probably beating this horse to death, but high-end AMD is not the same as high-end Intel for MWO. With a couple of small changes, I am now running almost everything at Very High with DX11 and getting 60fps+ (I was experiencing some dips down to 40fps, but I have fixed that with a rather mild OC on my cards). There is a lot of stuff floating around about how to maximize performance with AMD chips in MWO so you can do a little bit of work to your system and get a better experience. Still, don't expect any AMD chip to perform as well as an Intel equivalent in MWO (or really most things).
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