Tarriss Halcyon, on 23 July 2014 - 07:10 PM, said:
I wouldn't call Commando, Centurion or Kintaro rare-to-see, since I run into all three reasonably often. Quickdraw... hell, I'm mid-tier ELO (I think) and I still see more Dragons than QDs. Commando is a viable skirmisher-scout, and the COM-2D actually counters the meta-3L quite well with counter-ECM and close-quarters weapons to give it more close-burst than the 3L's two ER Larges. Centurion is still a decent, agile zombie, although it is less common than it used to be after it got outclassed by Shadow Hawk. Kintaro is still one of the best IS Medium Missile boats. 'nuf said. I'd say Trebuchet is rarer than both of your named mediums, and Locust rarer than the Commando.
A turnable head wouldn't be as much of a boon as you might think, though. Not for the added complexity of the controls. What we need is either unique module layouts or unique armor setups to bring more players to those less common mechs, not the gimmick of extra vision. Because, after all, why turn your head to target something you can't physically shoot?
Only mech that should have a turnable "head" is Urbanmech, and that "head" should have 360 degree rotation... and be it's CT. Makes it into a good player-controlled turret.
I wouldn't much care about my elo. I just judge combining my daily experience in public matches of european time bracket with corresponding activity within my Unit.
Commando is a lackluster mech nobody would willingly take into combat with even slight importance. It has too little tonnage for the weapons it might mount, and too large by size for it, which makes it more fragile compared both to Locusts and Spiders. Spiders are out of discussion, one with 3 MPLs has a better chance of disrupting enemy ranks due to their JJ capability. I also see plently of Locusts and ride one myself with great success in tonnage-limilted drops. Giving Commandos a turnable head would greatly improve efficiency with their arm-mounted weapons, especially SRMs.
Centurions are low-elo simply due to the fundamental flaw of their primary RA weapon(s), which is easier to put away, than to effectively use. In all situations, Hunchbacks can perform just as good or even better due to overall smaller profile. Turning head might just give them a better time aiming their right arm during maneuvers.
Kintaros has the only benefit of having their SRM-friendly hardpoints in their arms, compared to Trebuchets, which has pathetic arm yaw amplitude, and Hunchbacks/Griffins/Shadowhawks/Wolverines, which has no such hardpoint at all. Turning head would make them much better strikers. I haven't seen one for over a week.
Quickdraws are just way too big for their tonnage. It pays off in close combat, but they also too clumsy for it as well. Turning head would make it easier to navigate in combat and give their arms something to do aside from blocking fire. Not even speaking about IV-4.
Overall, an
ability of your head to track circle reticle rather than torso's one would make those mechs to stand out significanlty from mechs with fixed-mount cockpits. For instance, they would much better handle firing between different elevations (Alpines FTW), since you'd be able to actually see where you're aiming at in those circumstances both ways. Brawling with jump-jets will also be enchanced considerably in a similar way. It's just feels unjustified, when I have a mech with an actual head, whose cockit interior is obscuring the firing angles wide and high and completely discards the benefit of broader Arm amplitudes those mechs have.
I don't really think you've given it a proper thought to tell me there's no benefit to it.
Edited by DivineEvil, 23 July 2014 - 08:48 PM.