Or: "How I learned to love the MM, and understand what was happening in a round."
Okay, folks - here's the thing. A matchmaker in an exclusively PVP game is always a dicey prospect - and it's never perfect. If you're awesome, you're going to be put into situations where you're carrying a team. If you're average, sometimes you'll get folks whose ranking in the matchmaker doesn't really match up to what 'average' is. No matter what your ELO, you may end up with... well. Me.
I'm the kind of guy that doesn't always run optimum mechs - I'm playing with kitting out a Spider 5K as an Urbanmech, and have brawler Trebuchets for fun. I have gimmicky locust builds and experiments I'm trying in live fire. Sometimes, I get a little too aggressive even in good builds and get my face shot off early.
Basically, I'm the you most of you won't admit to being.
Why is this important?
Well, I'm the reason you're ROFLstomped - or, vice-versa, ROFLstomp other people.
(for newbies reading this: ROFLstomp is a 12-3 victory or better - when one team just rampages over the other.)
I'm going to tell you - it's not the matchmaker's fault.
What causes a ROFLstomp is actually fairly simple - gun advantage. Put another way:
once you have begun to lose mechs, the loss will have a tendency to accelerate unless you can generate new, short term advantages.
Essentially, once you lose firepower, you lose the ability to generate kills. If you lose significantly more firepower than the opposing team, they can actually make it impossible to recover unless you can generate situations in which they can bring firepower to bear. If you go down 0-4 early, you will likely lose the match in a stomp. In the converse, if you go up 4-0 early, you're probably winning this match in the same way.
This doesn't have anything to do with a 'fail team', or a bad matchmaker - it has everything to do with how your team fares in the early engagement. Did you leave your assaults to fend for themselves and lose them early? Did your lights make a bad corner and eat facefull of Jager AC40? Did your team choose a bad spot for a firing line, or did your enemies just do better at shooting this time and knock out too much armor at range?
If you get stomped, you may have been (and likely were) equally matched, but something went dramatically wrong.
Perhaps you were outplayed - someone had a great night. Perhaps you or someone on your team made a mistake. Perhaps you had no leadership, and they knew when to push. Who can say?
However, stomps don't happen because it was impossible to win - rather, they happen because you went down a bunch of mechs early, for whatever reason. Analyze that and you'll figure out your loss - or your victory, if you want to see /why/ you won.
Blaming the matchmaker is
usually the refuge of those who didn't pay attention to the fight. The best team in the world can have a bad night, get out of position, or fail on coordination. That's essentially not the matchmaker's fault.