N0MAD, on 10 July 2014 - 06:51 PM, said:
As some of you may know i posted a thread on New player help 3 days ago asking what medium mech i should buy because i just started playing again after a year break.
First game in solo Q i ran into a High profile player that ive seen play in the Latest tourny, in his shiny Timberwolf ( elited no doubt) so obviously a high ranking player matched up vs me (a total noob) and congratz to him he ended up with 5 kills multiple assists and over 1k damage. Match maker working as intended?.
The key to understanding Maggie the Matchmaker is that she doesn't divide you into nice rooms to play with people around the same skill level, she kicks you into a room with whoever she has on hand at that point in time, then start calling up names to go into maps. So if "high skill" players are in the same room as new players, they can get sorted into the same map.
Maggie's concern is to balance the relatively skill of the
teams, not of the players. So "lopsided" team is not unusual. But my conceptual testing of the balancing algorithm convinces me that it's actually not that easy to get lopsided team, at least not based on ELO alone. Any lopsidedness in game itself usually is a result of in game cooperation or lack thereof.
N0MAD, on 10 July 2014 - 06:51 PM, said:
Ok so a couple of my mates who have been away as long as i have patched the game since i had.
We group up (3 of us ) first game, we are matched up vs again a High profile team (again one of the top tourny teams) of 8 fielding TWs and DWs (again fully elited i assume) and i know cause i asked biggest group on our side was a 4 man, do i need to tell you how that turned out? BTW, they had 3 assaults 5 Heavies on their team ( their whole team not the premade).
So i see that the match maker is working well and that 3x3x3x3 is working real well... right?
Again, yes to my (limited) understanding. Because Maggie has to find a game for the player -- if players cannot find games within a reasonable time, they would eventually quit the game. So at a certain point of the sorting process, Maggie would relax the constraints -- that is always been fairly consistent in the messages that PGI puts out.