Official And Confirmed: Solo Group Only
Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:31 AM
Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:32 AM
Terciel1976, on 10 July 2014 - 08:18 AM, said:

(Evidence: This Thread)
Are you seriously using a Mudhuttwarrior post as your proof? Seriously?
Even in that post everyone tells him he is wrong. But hear what you want to hear, it is all the rage these days.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:35 AM

Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:37 AM
WarHippy, on 10 July 2014 - 08:35 AM, said:

Yep. till PGI makes 2 group queues (small 2-4 and large 5+) balance problems will still suck hard. The solo queue is the antithesis of a team game.
Edited by Kjudoon, 10 July 2014 - 08:38 AM.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:51 AM
Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:54 AM
Kjudoon, on 10 July 2014 - 08:31 AM, said:
Lather rinse repeat and PGI can't stop it because they are obeying the rules.
This is an example of how this can happen and what it can look like. It's an older video, but this has happened, and The B33f got it on video. Warning Language.
If people really want to make this effort, it's fine. It's like smurfing, some people are tools, but most people aren't.
In addition if you take 5 games, and 2 games they are on opposing sides, 2 games they don't end up in the same game, and 1 game they finally sync up. I'm just having a hard time getting riled up.
Kjudoon, on 10 July 2014 - 08:37 AM, said:
And yet it's still fun, and we still have teamwork in the solo queue. Who knew?
Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:00 AM
Nicholas Carlyle, on 10 July 2014 - 08:54 AM, said:
And yet it's still fun, and we still have teamwork in the solo queue. Who knew?
I've seen little evidence of that in the few solo drops I've done. It's just like the Faction solo tournaments, but with less attempted kill stealing by jumping in front of teammates. Playing in those sucked hard.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:03 AM
Kjudoon, on 10 July 2014 - 09:00 AM, said:
Know what the common theme in your drops has been? You.
In MY drops, the games have been solid and close. Not high level tactics, but I definitely make an effort to communicate during the match and people have been listening more often than not.
We still stomp now and then when the opposing team totally screws up (or my team derps it out). But it's felt amazing compared to what it used to be.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:12 AM
Nicholas Carlyle, on 10 July 2014 - 09:03 AM, said:
Know what the common theme in your drops has been? You.
In MY drops, the games have been solid and close. Not high level tactics, but I definitely make an effort to communicate during the match and people have been listening more often than not.
We still stomp now and then when the opposing team totally screws up (or my team derps it out). But it's felt amazing compared to what it used to be.

Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:16 AM
I don't get how this company operates...
Nicholas Carlyle, on 10 July 2014 - 09:03 AM, said:
Know what the common theme in your drops has been? You.
In MY drops, the games have been solid and close. Not high level tactics, but I definitely make an effort to communicate during the match and people have been listening more often than not.
We still stomp now and then when the opposing team totally screws up (or my team derps it out). But it's felt amazing compared to what it used to be.
Exactly the same that I've been going through. People definitely have been communicating more and actually paying attention to what's being said and acting accordingly.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:17 AM
Kjudoon, on 10 July 2014 - 09:12 AM, said:

Well without groups in the queue, and the new matchmaker. I'd wager ELO is getting matched more tightly than it was before.
So if my experiences have been good and your experiences have been bad. That leads me to believe you are the problem.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:28 AM
Posted 10 July 2014 - 09:51 AM
Nicholas Carlyle, on 10 July 2014 - 09:17 AM, said:
Well without groups in the queue, and the new matchmaker. I'd wager ELO is getting matched more tightly than it was before.
So if my experiences have been good and your experiences have been bad. That leads me to believe you are the problem.
Nothing like a little opinion there masquerading as fact. Let's do the comparison test.
"The problem with the bad experience you were having with premades in the solo queue is you."
Hmmmm... am I right? I don't think I am using that logic, ergo, neither is your own conclusion. You are 1/12th of the possible solution to victory. If you have a monster game, you can still lose due to the bad play of the other 11 or the superior play of the other 12.
Maybe you're right in one aspect and it is because of tighter elo levels. Since PGI won't publish that data, all we have is opinion and conjecture. I could say that you're having a good time because your elo is low enough you're still getting bad or new players, while my Elo is high enough that I'm only seeing high level/competative players.
The endgame still remains the same: the game isn't fun (for me at least) PUGging, just as it hasn't been fun to pug since I started playing. The game IS fun in small groups because it wasn't always a hyper-competative abattoir that it has become since mixing in the 5+ groups who then use it for their e-sport practices.
Do I think a Solo only queue is generally a good idea? Sure. Ends the whole crying from the dedicated puggers about any one being able to team up. I'm good with that. The chinese firedrill can live on in peace and I would love it if PGI didnt do any more contests that required solo pugging so I can leave it alone. It's the same when they created the Skirmish mode so all the death matchers could get out and stop ruining the other queues with their complaints about having to think beyond Mech Smash! Now when someone complains about a cap win the response is "Go play skirmish then". Stay in the sandbox you like.
The problem now is the need for a third queue to end the large competative group stomps by creating a small group queue that is far more casual. Just like the issue with 12mans being released into the public queues, the same problem is now there for anyone who groups up destroying the ability for friends to play together if they want to have any sort of casual stompy mech fun. Competative play is not fun. It is work, and if you have the equivalent of "NFL level" e-sportos playing against intramural high school casuals... it's a joke.
That, currently is the group queue.
The only thing I scoff at is the idea that solo queues communicate more now than before. Chat may be busier, but it sure isn't more useful from my experience at my apparently high elo... if your thesis holds true.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:00 AM
Kjudoon, on 10 July 2014 - 09:51 AM, said:
Your making 0 sense.
Here is your viewpoint "The solo queue now has less communication and poorer game play since the groups were removed."
Here is my viewpoint "The solo queue has just as much if not more communication and better game play since groups were removed."
And you think YOU are the one in a higher ELO bracket?
Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:00 AM
thanks for a real Solo Queue
i am happy now

Edited by Sinister Maestro, 10 July 2014 - 10:01 AM.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:02 AM
"I enjoyed stomping solos in my groups, and now that my smaller groups are getting stomped by bigger groups I want things back the way they were".
Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:06 AM
Nicholas Carlyle, on 10 July 2014 - 09:17 AM, said:
Well without groups in the queue, and the new matchmaker. I'd wager ELO is getting matched more tightly than it was before.
So if my experiences have been good and your experiences have been bad. That leads me to believe you are the problem.
I wouldn't say my experiences have been bad I just prefer to drop in and around the group players. This change prevents that, and I'm sure it is because of PGI's condescending view that as a solo player I will have more "fun" playing easy mode. Watching the groups and playing with/against the groups that are working together is far more fun for me.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:10 AM
WarHippy, on 10 July 2014 - 10:06 AM, said:
Aside from the higher end groups, I've seen nothing in the group queue that makes me feel like it's that much more organized.
This is especially true due to the lack of real objectives in this game.
We've been playing on the same maps for years and the game mechanics have not changed drastically.
But my point stands, if you are having bad experiences in the SOLO queue, and I'm having good experiences in the SOLO queue. Odds are you are the problem.
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