WarZ, on 18 July 2014 - 09:11 PM, said:
It has been a joy to play solo this week. Sure you get the occassional game that goes south, but most are pretty close. Lots are VERY close.
So is it a total confirmed fact then, as well as experiences that confirm this ?
I dropped in the solo queue tonight (because I don't like trying to comment based on second-hand information) to see how it went.
I dropped in Assaults (which is my best weight class so therefore my best Elo, not that I'm saying it's a high Elo, just my personal best Elo among the weight classes)
I dropped 10 games
7 were of 10-2 thru 12-0
3 were close games with less than 5 remaining mechs on the winning side.
A few things I noticed:
One match was on River City Night. The enemy team had 9 clan mechs to our 3. They also started in the upper city. So with clan range, the ability to shoot us immediately after spawning, and the high ground advantages, they lost. They lost because 3 mechs (i dire, a quickdraw, and a timber) derped out one at a time on different sides of the map and quickly got destroyed by our team who focused on them and stuck together.
I then noticed 3 mechs standing up on top of the wall in upper city skylining themselves and just standing there. So they got picked off next. That left us with relatively a relatively healthy 12 mechs against 6. 6 dire wolves wouldn't have done well with those odds. This one was 12-0
We lost this one after going to a 12-9 lead very early on (again, a few derped out and got taken down) but the enemy team then tightened up and used their range. We had several AC20 short range brawlers on our team. Instead of pushing after getting the numbers advantage, they wanted to peek and poke. Mind you, at least 2 were Atlases so 2 of our biggest mechs were basically MIA for most of the fight. We lost 5-0.
Frozen City:
We spawned on the "low side" (the one where you've got the tunnel on the left). We all grouped up and pushed the ridge together. The other team (had more clan mechs) tried to sit back and peek and poke with 2-3 mechs once again derping out alone and getting taken down quickly which just escalated the our win.
With the exception of one game, none of the stomps involved any imbalances. I assume new player numbers were limited (if any at all) because the only C mechs I saw was the one time I dropped in the Highlander C. (which btw is an excellent mech) Even when the other team had us outnumbered in clan mechs, it was never clan mechs that caused the win/loss (there's a few dire wolves limping around right now because they thought my stalker was going to flinch first

) or stomp. One time we just got steamrolled bad. We quite simply just got beat.
The games, with that one exception, were all won or lost based on teamwork, strategy, and tactics. Even without voip it seemed like my teams were almost always willing to pay attention to what was going on. Once on Canyon I ventured out along the 3 line (after notifying my team I was going to take a peek) and got into a situation with a firestarter spotting for their lurms. As I sloooooooooooooooooowly plodded backwards, I had a teammate magically appear to help me run off the spotter and get me reattached to the main force.
Point being I didn't see anything (and again, this is just my own personal experience) that would have made me think "we lost because of (insert and number of reasons other than teamwork and such or jsut getting outplayed)" They were all good games that could have gone either way had one side or the other played it a bit differently.
I know it was just 10 matches in my highest Elo so it's hardly definitive. I saw the same types of complaints though.
"Clans op"
"sorry team"
"lrms are op" (which I find really funny since I don't run AMS on my stalker and did just fine in the same game)
you name it. It was the same as always. Some players looking for any excuse they can to explain away a loss that didn't involve our team playing poorly or them not paying attention.
WarZ, on 18 July 2014 - 09:11 PM, said:
It has been a joy to play solo this week. Sure you get the occassional game that goes south, but most are pretty close. Lots are VERY close.
So is it a total confirmed fact then, as well as experiences that confirm this ?
it's almost guaranteed that if you put 12 randomg solo players in a match with 1-2 groups, they're not going to do very well. The groups are just able to support one another better. I can drop with my regular buddies and typically not even have to communicate much since we've played together so much. I know when to drop back, when to push, etc.
They know when to do that also. So we play into one another very well. It has less to do with voip and more to do with familiarity with one another.