Keira_NZ, on 13 August 2014 - 09:41 PM, said:
your Location has an error... its "I don't delude myself"
Either word is perfectly find within my location sentence. (AKA: I'm not surprised that I'm not as good of a mechwarrior as I'd love to imagine, just as much as I'm not fooled into the belief that I'm any better than anyone else either. Either one works.)
Though, Delude would make me appear to be smarter!

But I wouldn't want to imply something else either!
maxoconnor, on 14 August 2014 - 06:54 AM, said:
I can't wait to step into the cockpit of this classic and feel what it would be like to fight the Davion hordes invading our homeland.
Hate to say it, but if I get to choose who I'm attacking in CW, It's so going to be Liao. (I have not liked them for a long time.) Nothing personal. I just hate your leaders.

(Then again, if St. Ives Compact was a faction option, I'd be a member of them instead, or at least it'd be a very close and tough decision for me to make.)