if FF made for better players then why all the team killing idiots in so many other FPS games?
i support FF as its a real part of warfare. however the penalties should be so severe it should ( as in real life) give you night sweats just thinking about harming a team mate. every game with "relaxed" FF penalties just invites people, too frustrated with team, idiotic,malicious, or glory hounding,to kill and maim teammates.time and again ive played fps games with FF on but no penalties for it to speak of , and had a whole match ruined by some windowlicker who thinks its fun to sit in his teams spawn griefing or killing his teamamtes (ARMA 2 comes to mind, it can shut down a whole server unless a mod is present)
i WANT FF, but also want you to not just get spanked but nutpunched and throat kicked for doing FF damage/kills
anyone afraid of serious FF penalties is in my mind A:careless and doesnt like paying for bad behavior they display or
B: already planning on doing it to one degree or other..
as an example i cant say how many kills and matches in WOT ive lost because i had to hold my fire to avoid blue on blue.
the number is past counting LOL
NOT shooting because of teammates is a part of tactics and planning (not to mention should to a small degree reduce the effectiveness of the missle boat fans