First off, let me explain how the patches and updates are delivered.
PGI uses a third party Content Delivery Network or CDN called Akamai, and it happens to be probably the largest one available, a good majority of software and game developers use it, particularly Microsoft ( you know, that annoying downloader you have to install if you are using the Microsoft Developer Network? That's Akamai )
Now, to ensure high performance content delivery, Akamai spread their content across multiple servers in multiple countries, when the patcher makes a content check the patcher URL resolves to the NEAREST akamai content delivery server. If you do an NSLOOKUP you'll see the that first entry is,in PGI's case,, then the IP's associated with that ID that are NEAREST to the requesting client. Note, a1982 is the ID that is used to identify content specific for PGI and then with a bit of clever DNS jiggery pokery Akamai selects the physical boxes where the patches are held. It is different for each region, US North, South, Europe, Asia, Australia. These boxes may be in your country or may be a few thousand kilometers away but they are the closest.
In the case of yesterdays patch, everything went fine at PGI's end, servers updated fine and came online and all appeared well. What WASN'T expected was that Akamai themselves internally made some change to the content network which had a wild backlash onto the MWO Community.
This, unfortunately, was unforeseen and COMPLETELY out of PGI's control and currently remains out of PGI's control.
They want to assure us all that they are trying very hard to get the situation resolved and that it is top priority at this time.
PGI want to reiterate that they are very sorry for the trouble (and bad feeling) this has caused and as stated by Kyle, they will reimburse lost ACTIVE Premium time on a case by case basis so please submit a support ticket to when you have determined how much Premium Time you have lost as a result of the issue.
In the meantime, to those who are unaffected.
Edited by GlycerineOxide, 16 July 2014 - 11:15 AM.