And you can't really cook off ammo in overheating. While also following tabletop rules of explosions is fairly brutal which may not appeal to everyone. I propose looking into an alternative implementation:
Whats wrong;
- Crit ammo explosions occur rare and when they do, they are like an arty shell to the head.
- Heat explosions don't really happen

How about following change to ammo explosion system:
When a weapon crits ammo bin, it has a varying chance of setting it off either partially or wholly.
Out of the top of my head:
Just to take some damage numbers ac20 1t 20x25 / ac2 1t 2x150 = 500dmg / 300dmg
When critting, then say something to tune of:
5% chance to blow the whole ammo bin (Usually this is blows off at least the part, with luck neighboring as well)
5% chance to blow 50% of hit ammo bit (There goes the part)
10% chance to blow 25% of hit ammo (Really bad, but survivable)
20% chance to blow 5% of hit ammo (Nasty, but quite survivable)
60% ammo bin survives (Opposed to 90% nowadays)
Also, add the same for overheat situations. Give it some proportional smallish chance to crit a random ammo bin (Say general case around 5-10%ish)
Oh and when the ammo bin in leg blows, give it same chance to blow as being critted or maybe halved...
Or do we want carry all that ammo with no risk?
(Of course numbers after couple of beers and from the top of my head.. but to make a general idea)
Edited by Haakon Magnusson, 18 July 2014 - 03:32 AM.