Henri Schoots, on 28 July 2014 - 10:38 AM, said:
as for mwll, I don' t think tht after being shutdown the way they were....
well you get it, don' t you??
This is false Both IGP/PGI, AND the MWLL team have stated that PGI had no bearing on the decision to discontinue MWLL... please stop thinking it did.
This was a rumor that started on the LL forums with users... and spread out of control. Please stop perpetuating a myth.
Sandpit, on 19 August 2014 - 07:04 PM, said:
not mine.
100 mechs
10 maps
1 game mode
0 anything else
except perception is reality and my perception determines where my money goes

While I get where you're coming from, I have to agree with the other guy.
if MWO got the Warhammer, Marauder, Archer, Wasp, and Phoenix Hawk mechs... I'd literally pay them till I was broke.
Yes, I agree, we need more of OTHER content. but give me the rest of the unseen, and you can have all my paychecks, why? Because I am THAT nostalgic for those mechs... I don't care if they're the worst mechs in the game... I WANT THEM.