E N E R G Y, on 05 August 2014 - 04:19 AM, said:
So you want highly skilled players to suffer then? That's the worst response I've ever heard. You self admit to sniping taking more skill, and then imply that is somehow part of the problem and then that the higher skilled player should suffer.
Sniping is a
low risk, high reward strategy that will always look more appealing to new players because they need to exhibit very little risk to themselves in order to put the most damage on a target. That is already an established fact.
It is also an established fact that brawling is much more dangerous and takes more skill because, you not only need to aim well enough keep your opponents head down while you're closing the distance, but you need to know how to spread damaged over the rest of your body once the distance is closed, while keeping fire on your opponent.
An archer's job is not as dangerous as a knight's, because the archer can sit behind the front lines and pick targets off with impunity. If the archer faces a threat of someone closing the distance, he can simply re-position, and keep himself away from a potential threat. It's really not that hard.
Again, sniping takes skill in two categories of piloting in mechwarrior: Aiming and positioning. Brawling takes skill in four categories: Aiming, positioning, boxing, and movement. Those are the facts. The opinion you are bringing to the table is the opinion of someone who hugs the "meta" for dear life, and then seizures when he realizes that a single playstyle is not viable in EVERY scenario anymore.
E N E R G Y, on 05 August 2014 - 04:19 AM, said:
"You won't see many misses either with high skill" so the "high skilled" player should therefor suffer for that? because all the new/novice/casual players will complain on the forums and convince the DEVs to go on a nerf banwave? WHAT???? So due to the "high skill" and all the hours put into practice, now it becomes "low risk".... logic 0/10? the same could be applied to any other concept i.e. the expert brawler (and there are some amazing brawlers in this game don't get me started) who spends hours perfecting his craft, but after countless hours now his "style" becomes low risk/high reward, so let's nerf SRMS or AC20's! How does that even make sense to you? Do you understand you are killing the game with that logic?
We don't agree with this nerf proposal as much as you do, dude. I don't want to see a powerful combination such as a dual Gauss/ER PPC go down the drain because of a SEVERELY nerfed projectile speed, and a clunky weapons lock. There are ways to introduce balance to that combo without outright nerfing it like Paul is proposing to do. You've seen hundreds of reasonable suggestions to do so on this thread alone. Let's keep the suggestions flowing rather then simply white-knighting that particular playstyle with nothing but bluster and a rant against the players/developers, eh?
E N E R G Y, on 05 August 2014 - 04:19 AM, said:
So players that spend 1000/2000 hours on CSGO playing AWP and one-shotting newer players, that's unfair too right? low risk/high reward because of their skill right? So we should all go on the CSGO official forums and complain about it and maybe the devs will make the AWP harder to shoot, or have a max range on it, so it has to be used up close... THEN, all the newer players who complain can much EASILY use p90's and run around and spray bullets and kill things, so they don't have to worry about those "OP AWPERS" anymore *cough scarcasm cough*. Anyway, notice the parallels here? This is what the mainstream community is doing MechWarrior Online.
Again, Mechwarrior is not CS:GO, nor is it an FPS. The day Mechwarrior becomes a first-person, twitch shooter like Counter-strike is the day Hell freezes over.
Plus, you do know all the controversy and design mentality/balance considerations that went into the transition from the weapons in CS:S to the weapons in CS:GO, right?
In CS:S, snipers were king in that game because you just needed to be good in two aspects of gameplay (much like snipers in Mechwarrior Online right now): Aiming and positioning. To make matters worse, the devs at Valve made snipers utterly lack much of the skill that real world snipers have to incorporate to do their job well. In reality, this is what snipers have to account for when picking a target (and this is coming from an Infantryman from the 173D ABCT, 1-503D, so I'd like to think I'm at least somewhat knowledgeable on this subject): Knowing the eye-relief on a scope and being able to account for that eye-relief in as little time as possible (realistically, finding the correct eye-relief on a 10 - 20x scope takes about two seconds), finding the correct sighting appropriate to the range of the target and gaining a proper sight picture, compensating for the bullets travel path/time to the target, and compensating for the targets movement.
ALL OF THOSE FACTORS are what are supposed to go into sniping. In CS:S Valve chopped down those factors into nothing by making the eye-relief time practically nill, by making bullet travel-time instant, and making the bullet itself hitscan with nothing but a simple, barely randomized cone-of-fire manipulating the shots.
CS:GO slightly alleviated this problem by introducing "crosshair blur" by moving, but still, sniping is stupid easy in that game because you're still firing a weapon with no eye-relief compensation, no bullet-travel time, no sighting or ranging a target. In essence, the AWP is a one-shot laser with a slightly blurry and shaky scope when moving.
Even the devs at Valve conceded that the sniper had WAYYYYYYYYYY too much pull in both public and competitive matches. Which is why comptetitive matches only allow one AWP per game now. Not to mention, it is part of the reason why Minh "Gooseman" Le LEFT the developers of CS at Valve because he wanted to create a balanced Tac-ops shooter on his own.
If you're expecting Mechwarrior to, one day, be CS:GO then you may want to quit now, because it will NEVER be that way. Not because P.G.I. doesn't want this game to be competitive, but because at least most of the players and P.G.I. know the design differences between a 31st century, vehicular combat simulator, and a twitch FPS shooter.
E N E R G Y, on 05 August 2014 - 04:19 AM, said:
pfffttt... And the CSGO comparison is valid. Of course it has assault rifles and this is a sci-fi robot shooter - BUT, in terms of gameplay, EVERY game company strives to make a popular, competitive game, that is well-balanced that will last for many years to come. CounterStrike has done this. It doesn't matter if its a MOBA, FPS or RPG, any company could imitate some of the models that CS has laid out, and they could only wish to attain a fraction of the success VALVE has established.
CounterStrike has done this and is why other companies can only dream of acheiving the feats that Valve did. It's all universal mate, the answers are right before your eyes, and much of this has been argued before, years before.
Alas, sadly, as I stated about 15 times earlier, it's only a matter of time before PGI follows in the footsteps of Call of Duty or Battlefield, turning a once great franchise into a diluted, mundane, low-skill cap pub game for casual players.......
Oh my dear Christ... are you screwing with us right now? You've GOT to be screwing with us.
I'll say this again, and it will be the LAST time I'll say it:
This franchise has always been advertised as a "31st Century battlefield, vehicular-combat simulator."
That does not translate into: "tac-ops, first-person-shooter."
Srsly. GET OFF the notion that Mechwarrior is an FPS, and that it will EVER be equivalent to the design flop that is CS:GO.
Put that thought as far away as possible from your mind and at least PRETEND we're piloting giant, stompy robots with a lot of armor and huge guns. We're NOT playing human Spec-ops soldiers who can take out an opponent with a few good "plinks" to the chest.
E N E R G Y, on 05 August 2014 - 04:19 AM, said:
..No competition scene, gimicky sales ($500 gold mechs), and total and utter dilution of the gameplay mechanics to make it "easier" for new players, who are essentially going to pump $$$ into the game, to play. The signs are all there, and many that I didn't even bother to list. Either this is your first PC game, or you are blinded by your love of the MechWarrior series and don't want to believe it (believe me, I love MechWarrior too, but the signs are here).
Let's all remember how much focus is put on making sales for trivial hero mechs, ingame cockpit items, 500$ gold mechs, skins for your mech, premium time (you can't even do a 1v1 without both players paying $$$, are you joking?), MC for mech bays......
Oh, and were is community warfare? Clearly, $$$$$$ is the big sign here and a total disregard for ACTUAL GAMEPLAY is obvious for an experienced PC gamer.
You're wanting to turn this game into CS:GO. That's the bottom line of your tirade, right? But you can't recognize that there are fundamental design differences between this game, and CS:GO. CS:GO IS NOT the end-all, be all, of competitive games. I cannot believe that you are implying that CS:GO is the end-all, be-all of competitive games.
Again, we don't agree with Paul's design proposals or decisions as much as you do, but at least we're trying to introduce some sort of balance into that equation by introducing very simple mechanics which will serve to further immerse the player in the game, while simultaneously balancing the gameplay styles and load-outs that are available to players.
As I said before, we don't WANT to eliminate sniping from this game, but we don't WANT to make it THE DOMINANT style of gameplay. In fact, ideally Mechwarrior is supposed to be a game a rock, paper, scissors. There is not supposed to be any one dominant style of play, there are supposed to be a variety of rediculous gameplay styles and load-outs--each with there own unique challenges/upsides.
If you want to take that away, and turn Mechwarrior into a unilateral, repetitive, "meta-war," then we don't want you here. I will not subscribe to P.G.I.'s "meta." I will not subscribe to yours. I will choose a variety of styles that plays best to my strengths rather then hugging a dominant playstyle for dear life and continuously defend it with bluster and tirades. All for the sake of modeling one completely different game into another.
Edited by ReXspec, 05 August 2014 - 06:23 AM.