The Future Of Modules - Feedback
Posted 30 July 2014 - 05:31 AM
Posted 30 July 2014 - 05:38 AM
Previously this was true. You had to make a CHOICE between taking consumables like arty, airstrike and UAV, or you took modules like Seismic (and then radar deprivation) that make a big difference in gameplay.
Seismic and Radar dep will be your two go-to mech modules, with Target Decay a close third for Missile Mechs. If someone wants to take consumables, now they ALWAYS can...the only choice involved is how many C-Bills you want to drop.
Edited by Ghost Badger, 30 July 2014 - 05:39 AM.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 05:40 AM
Posted 30 July 2014 - 05:41 AM
Draconeran, on 30 July 2014 - 05:31 AM, said:
I'd be happy with a choice type situation.
1 Base "Universal Slot" and 1 Base "Consumable Slot"
Mechs meant to be heavy on secondary systems get a second "Universal Slot."
But we have to be able to fit 2 to 4 Mech Modules, as we could before, or I continue to be "Not Playing "
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:04 AM
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:05 AM
As it stands other than the ams overload/range and narc modules people pretty much just ignore your weapon new weapon slots, if you want people to justify burning millions of cbills and a handful of gxp you will need to make it y'know.....appealing.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:07 AM
Prezimonto, on 29 July 2014 - 04:36 PM, said:
I would suggest something like this, which I posted elsewhere already:
I like this a LOT. Well thought out, should not be too horrific to implement, and comsumables are mixed in with the standard modules.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:12 AM
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:14 AM
Sprouticus, on 30 July 2014 - 06:07 AM, said:
I like this a LOT. Well thought out, should not be too horrific to implement, and comsumables are mixed in with the standard modules.
Those were the goals. Lots of mechs might end up with the ability to take 3 or even 4 consumables, but at the expense of other modules. By spreading them (and the lists probably aren't close to perfect) into "roles" you can help each mech individually define a role through modules use, but guiding them to unique modules load out choices.
In the example I showed with the Spider 5V the pilot would be able to pack, I think, 3 UAV's, then an arty or air strike. It's expensive, well over what I pilot would normally earn, but the mech can make a serious impact through those items. Or it can focus on sensors and support, packing on bonuses for tag and ams, spotting tools, and probably still more than one UAV.
The Clan mechs can be focused more towards combat, which becuase Combat modules aren't totally weapons people have some choices to make as well.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:16 AM
Prezimonto, on 30 July 2014 - 06:14 AM, said:
Those were the goals. Lots of mechs might end up with the ability to take 3 or even 4 consumables, but at the expense of other modules. By spreading them (and the lists probably aren't close to perfect) into "roles" you can help each mech individually define a role through modules use, but guiding them to unique modules load out choices.
In the example I showed with the Spider 5V the pilot would be able to pack, I think, 3 UAV's, then an arty or air strike. It's expensive, well over what I pilot would normally earn, but the mech can make a serious impact through those items. Or it can focus on sensors and support, packing on bonuses for tag and ams, spotting tools, and probably still more than one UAV.
The Clan mechs can be focused more towards combat, which becuase Combat modules aren't totally weapons people have some choices to make as well.
It might be hard for them to code taking multiple consumables, it seems hard coded to only allow 1 right now. But it does NOT seem hard to 'shuffle the categories' and rename them to match the list.
Even if you only allow 1 UAV it still allows flexability because the spider can choose which category the UAV falls under.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:18 AM
For instance: Advanced target decay. Pretty much only used by LRM boats, sometimes streakers as well. Why not treat it as a weapon module for missiles? Not saying that'd perfect, but if we are not getting anything else for lock on weapons...
If we ARE getting weapon modules that do more than simply add range for extra heat, then several interesting options open up:
Reduced min range modules for LRMs and PPCs. (Having clan lurms have no min range vs IS lurms is one thing, but standard PPCs doing NOTHING at 89 meters is a little unfair; they had a reduced damage/distance mechanic once, a module that gives it back would be pretty popular)
Increased velocity for missiles (there is one for the narc, why not the explosive missiles?)
Increased durability! Make weapons of that type harder to crit.
faster recycle (possibly in exchange for LESS range!)
reduced heat on energy (but slightly lowers damage, increases beam duration, or increases cooldown)
reduced jam chance or duration (but longer cooldown)
tighten/widen LBX spread
tighten/widen missile spread
increased flamer heat affliction
One thing that REALLY needs to be addressed is how the current changes to the module system affect certain variants. For instance, the BJ-3 and BJ-1X both use energy weapons only, and already have issues handling heat (BJ-3 more so with low engine cap and internal DHS limitation). Currently, the only offensive weapon modules they can use ADD to their heat burden, but if they don't use something, they have wasted slots. And as there are no PPC modules at this time, the PPC build of the BJ-3 suffers from having no good purpose for any weapon slots other than maybe the AMS upgrades (since the med lasers already tax its heat after PPC fire).
Looking forward to seeing how this plays out down the line, hope some of these suggestions help (if you weren't looking at them anyways).
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:22 AM
If we had other consumables such as:
Sensor Jammer - Makes all missile locks on the mech drop after 3 seconds and locks need to be re-acquired. Lasts 12 seconds.
Jam Seismic Sensor - Prevents the mech from being detected by Seismi sensors for 10 seconds.
Capture Neutralizer - Turns a captured node to neutral at twice the normal speed.
Quick Scan - Scans a mech quickly and broadcasts the target damage info to all allied mechs or lance mates within x meters (can be used 3x in a fight).
Disposable Jump Pack - One use jump jets or used until bar is empty (doesn't refill).
Gear Tweak - Temporarily increases turning rate for 10 seconds (can be used 2x)
More meaningful non-direct damage options are needed to flesh out the consumable module system and the direct-damage modules require more restrictions. These are just quick ideas and I'm sure better ones can be made.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:24 AM
Sprouticus, on 30 July 2014 - 06:16 AM, said:
It might be hard for them to code taking multiple consumables, it seems hard coded to only allow 1 right now. But it does NOT seem hard to 'shuffle the categories' and rename them to match the list.
Even if you only allow 1 UAV it still allows flexability because the spider can choose which category the UAV falls under.
Sure. I don't mind that either, and it's simpler. The thing I liked about multiple consumables is that while air and arty are more restricted, the other consumables are in places (and with enough slots) to still make taking them tempting.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:24 AM
"always basing our decisions on what will benefit the majority of our players"
That's me isn't it? If I'm not, guess I would like to know who the majority is and how you determine them. One benefit is my Misery, I am glad to see Stalkers came out ahead with this implementation.
How does the rest of this implementation secure and benefit role warfare? I feel its more like a homogenization happening. Role warfare indicates specialization, not generalist.
Weapon modules add flavor, but they are never more than a "why not?" or perhaps more applicable "why?". I like brawling, I don't yet feel like I need them to fulfill my role. I don't depend on or give much thought to the edge that ~20m provides. Maybe in the peek-a-boo park of a match, but meh. And then there isn't even modules for something I wanted to add yesterday, LBX5 for example... what is up with that? Shouldn't it be all weapons if one weapon has it?
I think weapon modules should be a defining choice with +/- for a play style, not a "sure, why not" approach. I suppose that is hard to figure out, if you create something too useful it becomes a requirement not a choice.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:33 AM
Edited by Appogee, 30 July 2014 - 06:34 AM.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:34 AM
Only Light 'mechs can carry arty/airstrike.
THAT is role warfare.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:39 AM
As far as the Weapon Modules go, I realize a great deal of time and resources were invested in creating them. But from a player's perspective, they are not worth the investment. I don't know how your incentive plan for employees works, but I can imagine the poor guy that came up with these is not getting squat for it. I suspect by creating Weapon specific module slots, this is a way for someone to see a little return on his investment. If you want weapon modules to be used, then make them worth carrying. Make the range longer, with no heat penalty. Shorten the cool down time. No one likes adding heat to their builds and as long as they add heat, no one will carry them. Just my .02.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:40 AM
stjobe, on 29 July 2014 - 04:37 PM, said:
Not this hot mess of a module system that doesn't do a thing to increase role warfare; in fact it does the exact opposite.
Not only what they should have done, but what they planned to do. Why trade that plan for this mess?
I really do not see this system increasing role warfare at all. As it is now, the only place people will make any trade offs will be in the selection of their "mech modules". The existing weapon modules (except maybe the AMS buffs) are too limited in performance to warrant their c-bill or heat cost, so people will mostly continue to not use them. Those that do use them will not see sufficient change in performance to modify their play style. As for the consumables, well now there is no longer any trade between useful mech modules and consumables. so everyone will have consumables on board. So now the choice is between brawling (with coolant flushes) or spamming air/arty/UAVs and the latter will be much more common. My only conjecture is that PGI is really eager to suck c-bills out of the economy (via the consumables) that this somehow seems to make sense to them.
Posted 30 July 2014 - 06:42 AM
I like that not all mechs have the same number of mech module slots, I like that mastery gets you an extra one.
I love the autorefill of consumables.
I like how this enhances fun in competitive play, now you can bring mech modules and the required arty/air.
Now what I dont like:
Pugging is terrible now with everybody bringing an artillery and an air strike. I exptect this in competitive matches, not so much in PUG play, without comms is too difficult to coordinate this stuff and all we have is a great big huge mess.
You gave us weapon module slots, and even with dedicated slots to use nothing else but them, they still sit empty. Gaining an extra six meters in range is not worth the heat increase, let along the GXP and cbill cost. These things are completely without purpose. Either make them worth equipping, or remove them from the game as a failed experiment.
Thanks and please keep up the good work, most of what PGI does is excellent, but everyone makes an occasional mistake. Learn, correct, and move on.
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