irony1999, on 29 July 2014 - 04:17 PM, said:
A role warfare change would have been separating out modules by role
But instead of being sensible and giving scout mechs a boost for sensor modules, command mechs a boost for command modules, etc... you separated out weapon modules which are barely used, and lumped all the mech modules together.
Why not try going back to your own design docs, separate the mech modules by role as you originally intended (and still makes the most sense), and give us a compelling reason to play different mechs for their modules?
First reply nails it... this, much more so this.
Vassago Rain, on 29 July 2014 - 06:53 PM, said:
Normally, I wouldn't care, but this is supposedly the huge module redesign we've been waiting for, and I find it lacking, crude, and void of imagination.
Today I agree completely with Vassago, PGI you disappoint
CG Anastasius Focht, on 29 July 2014 - 11:25 PM, said:
I dont get the negativity, ive gone from having 2 cool shots and an AC20 range improver, to 2 cool shots, advanced sensor range, advanced zoom and the AC20 range improver.(with a free weapon slot left over)
The cost of unlocking these and buying them is nothing if you play often
The new system is a complete bonus, whats not to love ?
Well, if you are running that module configuration and only have that one mech chassis, it propably is an improvement for you.
But I'd wager quite a few will be running more like thus:
Consumables will be a choice of arty/air strike/coolshot/uav
Yes, in a manner of speaking this is an improvement to amount of arty spam. Normally those had to compete with other useful modules. I remember at times cursing in some layouts that I did not have arty in moduleslot when I had a herd of mechs just asking for it, now I have no reason EVER not to have it. Then second slot whichever is most appropriate for the mech.
weapon mod, will be ams/narc module if you carry those, in some rare mechs it might be something weaponspecific, most often not. (cool ballistics being easy on heat, but still meh)
mech mod; radar derp/radar lock/seismic become even more staple modules.
Only thing I find remotely good in this, they actually made mastering open up a mech slot as opposed to proposed weapon one. And bringing 4L and DC inline with others of their chassis... I mean, you had to make the best variant even better with superior module loadout, wonder it took you this long.