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Just Not Having Fun Anymore.

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#41 Zervziel


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 12:39 PM

View PostVassago Rain, on 04 August 2014 - 12:35 PM, said:

Get good, son.

Posted Image

found it!

Posted Image

#42 Koniving

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Posted 04 August 2014 - 12:51 PM

View PostWhy Run, on 04 August 2014 - 12:00 PM, said:

PGI said no hardpoint restrictions because they wanted creativity. I bet if they put hardpoint restrictions in, you and many others would return. It would eliminate many laughable builds, they could do away with bandaid ghost heat and other nonsense changes. Forget JJs, thats just another symptom of the ability to stuff stupid weapons on certain mechs. If they make either of the proposed changes to Gauss/PPC happen, I'll be following him out the door. And I've spent plenty myself...

Hardpoint sizes could help.

But even easier than hardpoint sizes... Restrict engines. Lets say an Atlas can only equip a 100, 200, 300 or 400 engine.
A Victor can only slap in a 160, 240, 320 or 400 engine.
A Jenner can only slap in a 105, 140, 175, 210, 245, 280, 315, 350, or 385 engine.
Shadowhawk with 55, 110, 165, 220, 275, 330, 385 engines.

Take your tonnage, now add it to itself until you find an engine size you can work with. Now see what happens when you build around that engine. For example, can you build around an Awesome with a 320 engine? Wait, we can't... we can't even TOUCH a canon engine size for the Awesome unless we're using a 9M or Pretty Baby.

Etc. You'd wind up using weapons you'd never thought you would use in order to fit within those engine limits; even with XLs.
Though... you know what mechs truly sacrifice to get good hardpoints in the first place? It's really quite simple.. Armor. But then they trade up stuff for things that would bankrupt them in R&R and bam, instant meta mech.
Meanwhile if the mech traded engine power instead of armor, we get the Cataphract 4X; a mech forever doomed to go very slow speeds just because it sacrificed engine to get firepower.
But that Cataphract 3D? Sacrificed only armor and slapped in an XL engine; getting super hardpoints.

So an armor based on the variant's stock armor would bring loads of difference.
Take the difference between a Victor and an Awesome.
Victor got a big engine, Awesome did not. The Awesome got armor instead. The Victor did not...but for some reason gets identical max armor special thanks to a Battletech "Create your own mech" rule.

The weakest armored Awesome has 80 points (2.5 tons) more armor than the MOST armored Victor (not counting PGI's money grab non-canon Dragon Slayer).

Now take this idea real quick and look at the Dragons. Almost every single Dragon outclasses one or more Victors in armor. Wouldn't you bring a Dragon if when both mechs maxed their armor, you could compete with a Victor in tanking ability.

Want a reason to take a Hunchback over the Shadowhawk? Look at the armor values at stock. Add 96 to any of them, and tell me... aside from the 5M (which has awful hardpoints), which one would you take over a Hunchback in regards to armor? Isn't it a bit more of a choice now?

Now compare Griffin and Kintaro stock armors. Now... two similar mechs, one jumps. The other has far better armor values in all cases. Which do you pick? Depends on what is more valuable to you; more armor or jumping ability.
Certain Atlases (the K for example; but in general all of them) are useless because others got hardpoint fluffing (an Atlas D-DC is an Atlas D with FEWER weapons to fit the command center; so why does it have more missile hardpoints?) + ECM.

But yes.. just some intelligent design philosophies would be nice.

View PostVassago Rain, on 04 August 2014 - 12:24 PM, said:

The old, good damage textures were part of the old, good textures. Said textures had to be remade entirely when they changed the camo system in feb. 2013.

So that's why we have the bullet holes.

They still exist, though, can still be found in the game files, and still work on the 3D models (to a point). It'd take very little time to make it work again. The same amount of time it takes to make a custom skin.

#43 Vassago Rain


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 01:06 PM

View PostKoniving, on 04 August 2014 - 12:51 PM, said:

They still exist, though, can still be found in the game files, and still work on the 3D models (to a point). It'd take very little time to make it work again. The same amount of time it takes to make a custom skin.

Minimally viable product.

#44 valrond


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 01:25 PM

I agree with the OP. The game is not fun anymore. I've been here since the beginning, a little over 2 years ago, 26th of july, 2012.
The first hit was with 12 vs 12. Not only queues got longer, but now there are a lot more players in mostly small maps, where the almost only tactic is to stick together. If you try to flank or get an advantage, you get toasted. Any initiative you could take is lost.
Then the focus went from brawling to long range, as the OP said. And with the final lrm+narc, where you CAN'T DO ANYTHING, just wait to die. I just happened to me, playing a brawling Mad Cat, same as in the video. I took a peek for a couple of seconds, then went back to cover, and was lrmed to death, even after disconnecting.
I'll try again in one or two months, but I think this is already doomed.
The devs have good intentions, they are communicative, they listen, but, unfortunatelly, they have no clue. Since the beginning they starting putting band-ids to cure the symptoms, but never the root of the problem. Too many band-aid s, but the patient is dying.
I have done everything to support this game, but I can't stand playing it anymore.

Edited by valrond, 04 August 2014 - 01:26 PM.

#45 Cyborne Elemental


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 02:35 PM

Same, on the rare occasion that this game actually ends up being fun, its still much less than it used to be.

It seems like every single patch, the game goes further down the tubes.

The maps pretty much are built around this arena deathmatch style of play, there is no battlefield, just racetrack round and round we go, slowest guy well too bad for you.

Nerf, nerf, nerf nerf.

All the insane mechanics that Paul dumps on this game because nobody will back convergence.

Lrm spam
Arcade targeting, instead of proper BT mechanics built on C3 master/slave lance target sharing and relay only with proper equipment.
Ghost heat
JJ nerfs to screw up brawlers, poptart snipers still do their thing just fine.

And now we get the Clans, just when the game was feeling pretty decent again, throw a wrench in those gears, hell throw a couple.
Balance is totally off, and you saw it first hand when PGI tested Clan Vs IS on the main servers, it wasn't even funny.

Its just one thing after the other.

Oh and lets not forget the wonderful Clickpocalypse UI 2.0, what a Gem that is.

Sorry if I sound bitter, but I still remember when this game was fun.

#46 Graugger


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 02:44 PM



This game is a bloomin chore now a days.

#47 Zensei


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 03:08 PM

The Meme is!



#48 Graugger


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 03:12 PM

View PostZensei, on 04 August 2014 - 03:08 PM, said:

The Meme is!



Not that easy when you're in a group... Lucky leprechaun...

#49 Zensei


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 03:40 PM

View PostGraugger, on 04 August 2014 - 03:12 PM, said:

Not that easy when you're in a group... Lucky leprechaun...

It's always been the same for every rage quit, every QQ, no exceptions, it doesn't matter what you have contributed to the community. otherwise a lot of people who have done the same were mistreated, so no exceptions

#50 Kiiyor


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 03:56 PM

View PostLordred, on 04 August 2014 - 08:14 AM, said:

If you still have fun with MWO, please by all means, enjoy. My fun however, has been drained out long ago, each new feature or fix makes this game worse and worse. The only thing I had left that was fun was taking screenshots, and even now that is much MUCH harder because groups of two get placed in the group que only.

Logging off.


Crap, sad to see you go. Don't stay a stranger forever, take a break and peek in every now and again.

#51 SolCrusher


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Posted 04 August 2014 - 05:10 PM

View PostAndross Deverow, on 04 August 2014 - 12:03 PM, said:

Salvation is on the horizon.... Warhammer 40K Eternal Crusade .. 2015


Oh I'm so happy I stopped in to read! I'm a Warhammer 40k fan! Can't wait off to google because the good sir didn't provide a link.

#52 Koniving

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Posted 05 August 2014 - 06:16 AM

View PostKoniving, on 04 August 2014 - 09:42 AM, said:

Try going for the objective for once, and you'll get this.

Back in the day, you'd see EVERYONE go for the base and encourage it. And you were praised for a good base defense.

When you are scorned for playing to the objectives, something is very wrong.

Feeding on this... from another thread.

View PostKoniving, on 05 August 2014 - 05:19 AM, said:

While true (and supposedly they have a new game mode coming with a map specifically designed for it as one of the two upcoming maps)... I wouldn't trust PGI with a new game mode. Here's why:

PGI stopped the payout for accomplishing the objective on assault because people would leave the base undefended and a capture would begin on the small maps. The reasoning is because a match could end without a fight and was considered trolling. (This is why I think standing on the base is stupid; it should require attacking the base which requires a lot of over time damage. Also since when it accomplishing the mission trolling?).

Anyway, we then have a new problem. If you capture the base now, you troll BOTH teams. So if you wanted to piss people off, just capture the base. It stopped paying to "stop trolling", but ironically enough it now "trolls" even harder.

If you're a new player that decides "Objectives: Destroy All Enemy Mechs. Capture Base." Well of the two you're more likely to capture a base. ZOMG TURRETS! So if by some miracle you try and defeat the turrets and manage to limp over to the base and start capturing it, your own team is calling you names, insulting you, showing their ass-end. Why? Because there's no money in capturing the base.

So a game mode that once had players doing many roles including scouting, base capturing, base defending, front lines, support lines, interceptors, and just about everything in between... now has everyone getting to the middle of the map or the Hill in I-9 and camping.

...After this clusterduck, do you trust PGI to make a game mode with objectives?

I don't. Pretty soon on a Planetary Assault mode similar to Battlefield's Rush, we'll get to the end of the match and guess what? Capturing that base was trolling, no payout. You'd have gotten just as much for suicide at the beginning of the match.

I also dug up this vid.

In this video it's
  • Team one:
    • 2 assaults
    • 3 mediums
    • 3 lights
    • 2 ECM
  • Team two:
    • 6 lights
      • 4 of them spider 5Ds
    • 1 medium
    • 1 heavy
    • 6 ECM
And it was perhaps one of the most fun, most intense, and most balanced matches I've ever had the pleasure of enjoying.

It's pretty obvious both sides had a 4 man premade, and both sides had 4 pugs (though it's possible they had 2 organized premades). Even so... Notice what wasn't there? And notice what was there?

Among many things, 4x3 wasn't there. Nor any tonnage match making of any kind. This brought forth a lot of variety in the field; the speed and ECM of the second team is stalemated against the armor and might of the first team. The desperate situation keeps team one pinned to a specific area. All of these tactics are going around. The game is just so much more vivid, the combat is occurring in several areas, none of it is stale and there's even some time in between attacks as the enemy team regroups and discusses strategy before the next wave of attacks comes in.

And this was intensely fun even if a bit drawn out.

Now in what current match, group play or solo queue, do you see that happen? Any of that?
That's the fun I miss; the true joy of closed beta and some length of open beta.

#53 Ngamok


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Posted 05 August 2014 - 07:00 AM

View PostLordred, on 04 August 2014 - 08:14 AM, said:

If you still have fun with MWO, please by all means, enjoy. My fun however, has been drained out long ago, each new feature or fix makes this game worse and worse. The only thing I had left that was fun was taking screenshots, and even now that is much MUCH harder because groups of two get placed in the group que only.

Logging off.


I've been playing WildStar Online and just bought Dungeon Defenders Eternity (basically a reboot of the original with added features). I still love MWO but just need more incentive to log in more frequently.

#54 Lordred


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Posted 05 August 2014 - 10:37 PM

I was alerted by Koniving that quite a few people stopped by in here. I decided to take a read through what has been said and would like to address some of the comments I have seen.

This may be TL:DR for some.

1: I did not post this as a ‘/rage quit’ ‘/tantrum’ ‘/attention seeking method’. I posted this because there are those who legitimately follow the screenshot thread I have run, and I did not want to clutter that up with my disembarkment. I came to the general forums as what I would post would be seen by those who wanted to see it, and would also fade away rather quickly with the volume of posts made here.

2: This has been a long time coming. I have been reasonably vocal about my issues with the game, I have commented on what I like and dislike. I have even worked with one of the devs on a visual issue with the game, that was something I found wonderful that a staff member would talk directly to a player to try to copy/reproduce an issue for debugging to pass onto the QA team. Having some of the pictures get featured on the MWO teams Facebook, and by Garth back when he was part of the team. That said however, and I did not initially wish to get to the nitty gritty on the details. (pause)

The main problem I have been having is the sheer speed with which mechs are being brought down in combat. Being a Early Open beta player with MWO I was witness to the time when PP-FLD (Pinpoint-Front Load Damage) was not an issue. Most engagements would happen around 50-280 meters, jump snipers were rare, but still deadly as it was a very high skill learning curve. Gauss, Autocannons and PPC’s had a fire delay of half a second, PPCs would start slow and speed up, which required different lead distance from the other direct fire weapons. Yes there were Medium laser boats, and Large laser boats, but even without ghost heat, those builds were limited by the high heat they developed. There was a time when scouting was legitimate, and there was a time when not everyone ran the highest tech available. I am of course, talking about Repair & Rearm (R&R). How I miss R&R, it kept pilots in check. If you wanted to make C-bills, you had to strike a balance between having the best tech, and what was cost effective. This kept the number of Assaults down, as piloting an Assault was expensive, piloting one poorly was cost prohibitive. I was not a founder, so I had to start my grind using Trial mechs, and I bought the Commando the first moment I could. I then quickly adapted and started filling my coffers with C-bills. It wasn’t long before I sunk some money into the game for extra mechbays and had a whole stable of mechs. That brings me up to point three.

3: ECM, god what a miserable cur you are, why on gods green earth did they implement the job of three techs into one item. ALL ECM does is make it harder to hit the mech, it impedes the ability of lock on weapons. It does not however, grant you stealth, and the IS version of ECM, cannot counter other ECM. They rolled the Abilities of Guardian, Angel, and Stealth Armor, all into one 1.5 Ton piece of equipment. A piece of equipment that they make no attempt to have weight against matchmaking. The team with the most ECM, has, and still does have a huge advantage. It grants stealth for surrounding units, and can hide the advance of an entire lance/team.

4: Mechs dying too quickly was an issue, in an attempt to fix this, they doubled the armor of every mech, both Armor, and Internal Structure. However simply bringing the damage of weapons down to their cannon 10/second number would likely have solved the issue. Many weapons deal three to nearly four times the damage they should, and to balance this we only got doubled armor, I know I am harping about point two a little, but lets get down to brass tacks. If they knew damage was an issue, they should have either Tripled armor, or reduced weapon damage.

5: Impossible/Instant convergence of weapon systems. This is a problem.

6: The (lack of) optimizations. This game was billed as a high end PC game in CB, it was DX11, used very nice, texture models, and was stunning. Somewhere along the line they decided to go to DX9, and reduce the quality of everything. Lets get real for a little, 32bit is going way of the dodo, DX9 is ten years obsolete. The consistent lowering of fidelity was quite an eyesore to me.

7: Removal of rewards for objectives. There was a time in the game when teams would base rush, as this paid well. If neither team kept a defense force, the game would often be over in the first three minutes of the match, I will admit this was not fun at all, but was easy to counter if you would play defensively. The response to this was to make it not worth anyones time to capture the objectives. This solved the symptoms, but did not cure the problem. Assault should have one team defending, and the other assaulting. That would have been a guaranteed way to make both teams engage every, single, time.

8: This one is definitely a personal gripe, it is no deal breaker, but is on the list. Mech Skills, + Speed, + Fire Rate, + Extra cooling. These may be ok with small bonuses, but the amount given is too simply too high. I have been a long time believer that the mech skill system should be replaced with something else, the bonuses are too good.

9: Recent Match Making updates: The recent MM update has pretty much been the final nail in the coffin for me. It is no fun running around in only the group que when you are playing with only one friend in a more casual fashion, which can be done in the solo que, but not so much in the group que.

10: A good meta moves around. The Meta gets created, then people start making a counter to the meta, that becomes the new meta, and the process continues. At this time, there is not a healthy meta, there is only the PP-FLD/LRM, and it has been that way quite a while.

11: Missed deadlines: CW as an example, was promised over a year ago, and we have heard very, very little about it. Whenever a feature is missed, we often get nothing by silence.


Lots of things have happened, many of which I disagree with. I get frustrated while playing, and it shows no signs of changing.

I plan to leave the Screenshots up for anyone who wishes to view them, I may even return if I hear word of vast improvements.

Thanks for reading if you did.

Feel free to agree, disagree, poke, slander or praise.


#55 Wraith 1


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 12:24 AM

I genuinely hope PGI reads this thread, as it's the most comprehensive example I've seen of why so many of their players and customers are unhappy.

Allow me to express my sympathy, I myself haven't played at all for a few weeks. Fall damage changes pushed me over the edge, (JJ-less light main, reporting fo- *SNAP*) but I also find myself to strongly agree with nearly everything in this thread.

Breaks are good and I recommend them. Though, it also helps to remember good times...

#56 Sarlic


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 12:25 AM

I still use the LBX on my Atlas. Great weapon.

#57 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 12:35 AM

View PostLordred, on 05 August 2014 - 10:37 PM, said:

I was alerted by Koniving that quite a few people stopped by in here. I decided to take a read through what has been said and would like to address some of the comments I have seen.

This may be TL:DR for some.

1: I did not post this as a ‘/rage quit’ ‘/tantrum’ ‘/attention seeking method’. I posted this because there are those who legitimately follow the screenshot thread I have run, and I did not want to clutter that up with my disembarkment. I came to the general forums as what I would post would be seen by those who wanted to see it, and would also fade away rather quickly with the volume of posts made here.

2: This has been a long time coming. I have been reasonably vocal about my issues with the game, I have commented on what I like and dislike. I have even worked with one of the devs on a visual issue with the game, that was something I found wonderful that a staff member would talk directly to a player to try to copy/reproduce an issue for debugging to pass onto the QA team. Having some of the pictures get featured on the MWO teams Facebook, and by Garth back when he was part of the team. That said however, and I did not initially wish to get to the nitty gritty on the details. (pause)

The main problem I have been having is the sheer speed with which mechs are being brought down in combat. Being a Early Open beta player with MWO I was witness to the time when PP-FLD (Pinpoint-Front Load Damage) was not an issue. Most engagements would happen around 50-280 meters, jump snipers were rare, but still deadly as it was a very high skill learning curve. Gauss, Autocannons and PPC’s had a fire delay of half a second, PPCs would start slow and speed up, which required different lead distance from the other direct fire weapons. Yes there were Medium laser boats, and Large laser boats, but even without ghost heat, those builds were limited by the high heat they developed. There was a time when scouting was legitimate, and there was a time when not everyone ran the highest tech available. I am of course, talking about Repair & Rearm (R&R). How I miss R&R, it kept pilots in check. If you wanted to make C-bills, you had to strike a balance between having the best tech, and what was cost effective. This kept the number of Assaults down, as piloting an Assault was expensive, piloting one poorly was cost prohibitive. I was not a founder, so I had to start my grind using Trial mechs, and I bought the Commando the first moment I could. I then quickly adapted and started filling my coffers with C-bills. It wasn’t long before I sunk some money into the game for extra mechbays and had a whole stable of mechs. That brings me up to point three.

3: ECM, god what a miserable cur you are, why on gods green earth did they implement the job of three techs into one item. ALL ECM does is make it harder to hit the mech, it impedes the ability of lock on weapons. It does not however, grant you stealth, and the IS version of ECM, cannot counter other ECM. They rolled the Abilities of Guardian, Angel, and Stealth Armor, all into one 1.5 Ton piece of equipment. A piece of equipment that they make no attempt to have weight against matchmaking. The team with the most ECM, has, and still does have a huge advantage. It grants stealth for surrounding units, and can hide the advance of an entire lance/team.

4: Mechs dying too quickly was an issue, in an attempt to fix this, they doubled the armor of every mech, both Armor, and Internal Structure. However simply bringing the damage of weapons down to their cannon 10/second number would likely have solved the issue. Many weapons deal three to nearly four times the damage they should, and to balance this we only got doubled armor, I know I am harping about point two a little, but lets get down to brass tacks. If they knew damage was an issue, they should have either Tripled armor, or reduced weapon damage.

5: Impossible/Instant convergence of weapon systems. This is a problem.

6: The (lack of) optimizations. This game was billed as a high end PC game in CB, it was DX11, used very nice, texture models, and was stunning. Somewhere along the line they decided to go to DX9, and reduce the quality of everything. Lets get real for a little, 32bit is going way of the dodo, DX9 is ten years obsolete. The consistent lowering of fidelity was quite an eyesore to me.

7: Removal of rewards for objectives. There was a time in the game when teams would base rush, as this paid well. If neither team kept a defense force, the game would often be over in the first three minutes of the match, I will admit this was not fun at all, but was easy to counter if you would play defensively. The response to this was to make it not worth anyones time to capture the objectives. This solved the symptoms, but did not cure the problem. Assault should have one team defending, and the other assaulting. That would have been a guaranteed way to make both teams engage every, single, time.

8: This one is definitely a personal gripe, it is no deal breaker, but is on the list. Mech Skills, + Speed, + Fire Rate, + Extra cooling. These may be ok with small bonuses, but the amount given is too simply too high. I have been a long time believer that the mech skill system should be replaced with something else, the bonuses are too good.

9: Recent Match Making updates: The recent MM update has pretty much been the final nail in the coffin for me. It is no fun running around in only the group que when you are playing with only one friend in a more casual fashion, which can be done in the solo que, but not so much in the group que.

10: A good meta moves around. The Meta gets created, then people start making a counter to the meta, that becomes the new meta, and the process continues. At this time, there is not a healthy meta, there is only the PP-FLD/LRM, and it has been that way quite a while.

11: Missed deadlines: CW as an example, was promised over a year ago, and we have heard very, very little about it. Whenever a feature is missed, we often get nothing by silence.


Lots of things have happened, many of which I disagree with. I get frustrated while playing, and it shows no signs of changing.

I plan to leave the Screenshots up for anyone who wishes to view them, I may even return if I hear word of vast improvements.

Thanks for reading if you did.

Feel free to agree, disagree, poke, slander or praise.


good luck man, meme thread was first but i dropped into screenshots sometimes... it was the second best thread around shame you're leaving but can't blame you at all.

Posted Image

#58 Vassago Rain


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 12:38 AM

View PostLordred, on 05 August 2014 - 10:37 PM, said:

I was alerted by Koniving that quite a few people stopped by in here. I decided to take a read through what has been said and would like to address some of the comments I have seen.

This may be TL:DR for some.

1: I did not post this as a ‘/rage quit’ ‘/tantrum’ ‘/attention seeking method’. I posted this because there are those who legitimately follow the screenshot thread I have run, and I did not want to clutter that up with my disembarkment. I came to the general forums as what I would post would be seen by those who wanted to see it, and would also fade away rather quickly with the volume of posts made here.

2: This has been a long time coming. I have been reasonably vocal about my issues with the game, I have commented on what I like and dislike. I have even worked with one of the devs on a visual issue with the game, that was something I found wonderful that a staff member would talk directly to a player to try to copy/reproduce an issue for debugging to pass onto the QA team. Having some of the pictures get featured on the MWO teams Facebook, and by Garth back when he was part of the team. That said however, and I did not initially wish to get to the nitty gritty on the details. (pause)

The main problem I have been having is the sheer speed with which mechs are being brought down in combat. Being a Early Open beta player with MWO I was witness to the time when PP-FLD (Pinpoint-Front Load Damage) was not an issue. Most engagements would happen around 50-280 meters, jump snipers were rare, but still deadly as it was a very high skill learning curve. Gauss, Autocannons and PPC’s had a fire delay of half a second, PPCs would start slow and speed up, which required different lead distance from the other direct fire weapons. Yes there were Medium laser boats, and Large laser boats, but even without ghost heat, those builds were limited by the high heat they developed. There was a time when scouting was legitimate, and there was a time when not everyone ran the highest tech available. I am of course, talking about Repair & Rearm (R&R). How I miss R&R, it kept pilots in check. If you wanted to make C-bills, you had to strike a balance between having the best tech, and what was cost effective. This kept the number of Assaults down, as piloting an Assault was expensive, piloting one poorly was cost prohibitive. I was not a founder, so I had to start my grind using Trial mechs, and I bought the Commando the first moment I could. I then quickly adapted and started filling my coffers with C-bills. It wasn’t long before I sunk some money into the game for extra mechbays and had a whole stable of mechs. That brings me up to point three.

3: ECM, god what a miserable cur you are, why on gods green earth did they implement the job of three techs into one item. ALL ECM does is make it harder to hit the mech, it impedes the ability of lock on weapons. It does not however, grant you stealth, and the IS version of ECM, cannot counter other ECM. They rolled the Abilities of Guardian, Angel, and Stealth Armor, all into one 1.5 Ton piece of equipment. A piece of equipment that they make no attempt to have weight against matchmaking. The team with the most ECM, has, and still does have a huge advantage. It grants stealth for surrounding units, and can hide the advance of an entire lance/team.

4: Mechs dying too quickly was an issue, in an attempt to fix this, they doubled the armor of every mech, both Armor, and Internal Structure. However simply bringing the damage of weapons down to their cannon 10/second number would likely have solved the issue. Many weapons deal three to nearly four times the damage they should, and to balance this we only got doubled armor, I know I am harping about point two a little, but lets get down to brass tacks. If they knew damage was an issue, they should have either Tripled armor, or reduced weapon damage.

5: Impossible/Instant convergence of weapon systems. This is a problem.

6: The (lack of) optimizations. This game was billed as a high end PC game in CB, it was DX11, used very nice, texture models, and was stunning. Somewhere along the line they decided to go to DX9, and reduce the quality of everything. Lets get real for a little, 32bit is going way of the dodo, DX9 is ten years obsolete. The consistent lowering of fidelity was quite an eyesore to me.

7: Removal of rewards for objectives. There was a time in the game when teams would base rush, as this paid well. If neither team kept a defense force, the game would often be over in the first three minutes of the match, I will admit this was not fun at all, but was easy to counter if you would play defensively. The response to this was to make it not worth anyones time to capture the objectives. This solved the symptoms, but did not cure the problem. Assault should have one team defending, and the other assaulting. That would have been a guaranteed way to make both teams engage every, single, time.

8: This one is definitely a personal gripe, it is no deal breaker, but is on the list. Mech Skills, + Speed, + Fire Rate, + Extra cooling. These may be ok with small bonuses, but the amount given is too simply too high. I have been a long time believer that the mech skill system should be replaced with something else, the bonuses are too good.

9: Recent Match Making updates: The recent MM update has pretty much been the final nail in the coffin for me. It is no fun running around in only the group que when you are playing with only one friend in a more casual fashion, which can be done in the solo que, but not so much in the group que.

10: A good meta moves around. The Meta gets created, then people start making a counter to the meta, that becomes the new meta, and the process continues. At this time, there is not a healthy meta, there is only the PP-FLD/LRM, and it has been that way quite a while.

11: Missed deadlines: CW as an example, was promised over a year ago, and we have heard very, very little about it. Whenever a feature is missed, we often get nothing by silence.


Lots of things have happened, many of which I disagree with. I get frustrated while playing, and it shows no signs of changing.

I plan to leave the Screenshots up for anyone who wishes to view them, I may even return if I hear word of vast improvements.

Thanks for reading if you did.

Feel free to agree, disagree, poke, slander or praise.


Well, that's another content creator down, but I bet we'll meet in other games.

#59 Egomane


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 12:38 AM

Goodby threads all go to the same place!

Sorry, to see you leave!

#60 MarineTech


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Posted 06 August 2014 - 01:13 AM

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