Nikolai Lubkiewicz, on 06 August 2014 - 03:30 PM, said:
The IS vs Clan test has now been switched off. We will be reviewing the data this evening and tomorrow.
Thank you all for your participation.
Should be pritty simple.
Clan small laser v IS small laser = 100% to 150% more range (200m to 300m optimal v 100m optimal)
Clan med laser v IS med laser = 100% to 150% more range (400m to 500m optimal v 200m optimal)
same for nearly all other weapons OR much easier fitting values (less slots, less tons)
It's terrible you need a test for this at all
. The pur numbers are enough to see the failed balance.
And no, speed does not compensate for this! Any IS mech is simply dead before he can get close enough!
And in before: "buy a Claner before ....". I own a KitFox and a Nova and it's sooooooooo much easier with them compared to any IS Mech! Everyone who claims Clan-weapons are balanced simply don't want to lose his OP roflstomper status!
If they wouldn't be much stronger ... you would NOT buy them! Simple fact!