Phaeric Cyrh, on 09 August 2014 - 01:57 PM, said:
I disagree with your entire premise. I didn't pay money so I would have an equipment advantage, and I don't want one. In fact my best mechs for grinding C-Bills and the ones I enjoy piloting the most are ones' I paid for with C-Bills. My DS is nice, but I have more fun and make more space cash in my Raven 3L, and do far more damage in my Atlas AS7-D-DC. My overall favorite mech is my BJ-1 due to it's balance of speed, agility and firepower.
I have spent MC on premium time, mech bays, Hero mechs, paint and once even converted XP.. I plan on purchasing more swag for my cockpits and more paints and camo patterns.. None of these was done so I would gain an advantage on the battle field.
You don't need to make a F2P P2W to have it be viable.. Make it fun and provide for cash content that doesn't make you a better player, but adds to your flair and sense of individuality.. Look at TF2.. Valve is BANKING on the economics they put into that game. None of that stuff is P2W.. Hats, beards, ******* birds on your shoulder.. But people love it, and will pay through the nose if they can afford it.
TF2 had a retail price tag for how long before it became f2p? Valve is simply taking care of one of it's golden gooses, and you left out the weapons and weapon sets which a ton of people buy, and they provide advantage.
If what you prefer to spend your money on is flash and aesthetics, it's all good. My rant is directed at those seeing the nerf bat coming, and trying to use **!!SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS!!** to preserve a $50+ investment in stomping face on the battlefield. I don't care if people p2w, just be honest about it. And if you pay-2-lookgud instead, I think you're awesome and i'm not talking about you. Good looks open doors, good hair blows the hinges off.