Are you new to MWO? Not many mechs in the Mechbay? Can't figure out the difference between AMS and ATMs?
What's a PuG Drop?!
You're not alone. Every Mechwarrior in MWO started with similar, if not the same, questions.
You want to learn? We want to help!
The 1st Headhunters of Davion RCT [HHoD] has a dedicated training program for new MWs. We start with the Basics/Fundamentals of Communication and Movement. From there, Gunnery skills for all Weapons Systems are the focus. Finally, Advanced Movement, Scouting, Leadership Skills are taught.
Learning to fight as part of a team is essential in MWO. We want to help new Players learn this, just like many other good MWO Units out there! IS or Clan. Merc or Loyalist. We're here for the Mechwarrior.
So, to all you new Pilots... Heads up! Join up! The Headhunters are here with good training, good friends, and good fun!

Edited by Jugger Grimrod, 28 March 2021 - 07:12 AM.