Ace Selin, on 19 August 2014 - 09:36 PM, said:
Because people want to play the game by hiding behind large buildings or rocks for the first 10 mins, before they even get to brawling. LRMS are too easy, with indirect fire, spotters, BAP, Artemis, UAV, Advanced Target Decay, Advanced Sensor Range, TAG, NARC (the worst item in game). Not the game i want.
Most of my games end by 10 minutes. I certainly do not see any hide and seek for 10 minutes that you described but maybe that's just my Elo.
Mazzyplz, on 19 August 2014 - 09:40 PM, said:
easy answer, because LRM users can shoot you even though you don't see them in open ground to return fire. direct fire users can face retaliation, LRM users typically do not. a light mech looks at you in tourmaline and instead of trading firepower with him, he just tags you and the missiles fly down, that's more firepower than a dire wolf right there, depending on how many LRM users are on the team, shooting the spotter pretty damn difficult thanks to the STUN LOCK mechanic of lrm so in short: no. direct fire weapons, (Eg. looking at an atlas shoot at you from a hillside) isn't the same as seeing missiles fly off from behind a rock and landing on your head, so direct fire weapons are really not as efficient as the ZERO exposure time from LRM
1. A Light TAG/NARCing you is called role warfare. You want to eliminate the one thing Lights are good at doing?
NARC being too strong is not LRM boat's fault; it is PGI's fault for over buffing the equipment.
2. IDF reliant Lurmers are generally bad pilots who are only effective against equally bad pilots. Look, I can sympathize with the newbies who find IDF scary and wish to hug their mommies. I can only tell them to hug ECM mechs and cover instead and LRM IDF cannot be touched unless ECM is touched as well.
Edited by El Bandito, 19 August 2014 - 09:50 PM.