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Public Test - Mass Production

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:29 PM

[font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]UPDATE 12:50PM, 21-Aug:[/font]
Greetings MechWarriors,

The final patch will be available shortly. We are aiming to begin the test now at 1PM PDT / 4PM EDT / 8PM UTC

[font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]UPDATE 11:40AM, 21-Aug:[/font]
Greetings MechWarriors,

Testing by the QA team is revealing critical errors preventing us from launching the test at this time. We will have to delay until the issue is identified and resolved.

We sincerely apologize for this delay, recognizing some of you may have slotted time aside from your busy schedule to participate. In the meantime, the live version of the game remains available to play. Once the Public Test is up and running, we intend to extend the test according to the amount of time the test was delayed.


Greetings MechWarriors,

We are pleased to open up the Public Test server for our longest test yet. This test will last 24 hours and be focused in three main areas:

First, the new Unit Creation feature for Community Warfare will be available in the front-end.
Around this feature, we hope to hear from you about both the usability and art of the interface for creating units, as well as any bugs discovered in testing.
Please note, pre-registered units will not be present in this version. They will have to be generated manually by the player for the purpose of the test.

Second, we will be testing the new Industrial map, which will be present on 100% rotation in the test server.
We hope to hear from you on any issues involving collisions and textures, We’d also appreciate us your feedback on the map layout, spawn locations and more.

Finally, we will be testing the server hardware at our brand new data center to determine whether that equipment will adequately improve our current live production services.
On this subject, we would like to know about your ping and connectivity in-game, responsiveness of saved changes, and the effect of these changes on client-server synchronization during matches.
We’re especially eager to hear about how it compares to the live game!

Please see the notes below for full details of the test:


  • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]Unit Creation[/font]
    • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]New Community Warfare Feature[/font]
      • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]Functionality Testing – Please find bugs![/font]
      • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]Usability Testing – Tell us what you think of the interface![/font]
  • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]Codename: Industrial[/font]
    • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]New Game Map[/font]
      • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]Intensive Map Testing – Please find collision, out-of-world, and/or texture bugs![/font]
      • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]Play-Testing – Please tell us what you think of the map![/font]
  • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]Connectivity[/font]
    • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]New Data Center Systems[/font]
      • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]Smoke/Load Testing – Can you connect? Can you get into a match? Any desyncs?[/font]
      • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]Performance Testing – Please tell us about your connectivity, ping, responsiveness, etc…[/font]

Test Time
Start: Noon PDT / 3PM EDT / 7PM UTC [background=transparent;] 1PM PDT / 4PM EDT / 8PM UTC [/font]
Duration: 24 hours. 26 hours.

All players registered before 20-Aug-2014 at 4:30AM PDT may join the test.

Testing Provisions
Your live account inventory, as of 4:30AM PDT on August 20th, plus:
  • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]An additional 25,000 MC in the Test Server.[/font]

  • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]An additional 50,000,000 CBills in the Test Server.[/font]

  • [font=" 'Stratum1 Medium'; font-size: medium; background-color: transparent;"]An additional 500,000 GXP in the Test Server.[/font]

For More Info, please check out the Public Test sub-forums: http://mwomercs.com/...27-public-test/
[background=transparent;]You can download the Public Test client here: [/font]http://patcher.mwome...neInstaller.exe

#2 Livewyr


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:30 PM

First post?

yay! First post.

New map. Me Likey.

Me Likey ALOT

Mech factory map. Part of me is really hoping it is like the Solaris Arena, so I can go Justin Xiang on a Griffin.

Edited by Livewyr, 20 August 2014 - 02:33 PM.

#3 Jin Ma


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:30 PM

you guys did this for UI2.0 too, whats the point u dont take our feedback

#4 Why Run


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:36 PM

View PostJin Ma, on 20 August 2014 - 02:30 PM, said:

you guys did this for UI2.0 too, whats the point u dont take our feedback

This, repeatedly. What about all the HPG collision issues?!

#5 Prc


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:37 PM

wanna thank my family for being #4

#6 Iqfish


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:38 PM

So it has begun.

Mixed feelings, we will see. I hope it turns out good...

#7 Threat Doc


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:39 PM

Guys, all of those other things are being taken care of. There are multiple small departments at PGI because they cannot all work on the very same thing at the same time. PGI has been promising CW since the beginning of the damn game in 2011; stop throwing a fit, for pete's sake.

#8 xengk


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:40 PM


Destructive Map Testing – Please find bugs!

As in map with destroyable object?
This gonna be interesting

Edited by xengk, 20 August 2014 - 02:42 PM.

#9 A Man In A Can


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:41 PM

Cool. Will be there to see the new stuff. :)

#10 charov


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:43 PM

Looks interesting. Thanks guys!

#11 DustySkunk


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:45 PM

View PostKay Wolf, on 20 August 2014 - 02:39 PM, said:

Guys, all of those other things are being taken care of. There are multiple small departments at PGI because they cannot all work on the very same thing at the same time. PGI has been promising CW since the beginning of the damn game in 2011; stop throwing a fit, for pete's sake.

^^ This. Also, looking forward to the new hardware. Hopefully it will do much to help online performance.

Honestly PGI has been doing a damn fine job lately of trying to make good on their promises, and (at least making it look like) they are listening. Yeah, there is still stuff to fix~ but at least we aren't just seeing paid content now. We are seeing things which can change gameplay for the better. We have been calling for CW for ever, and now we get to test an element of it for the first time. I, for one, am excited.

Guess it's time to finally join a unit in MWO

#12 Pezzer


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:45 PM

View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 20 August 2014 - 02:40 PM, said:

We actually do take feedback with every test. In some cases we are able to use it right away. Largely though, individuals expecting feedback to cause a massive overhauling change to any feature will be disappointed. Our primary goal is to find bugs and make sure these features work correctly.

There's a pretty big backlog of things for UI 2.0 which the UI team hopes to come back to, but their current priority, as mandated by the community and production team alike, is focused towards Community Warfare. That means further work into pre-existing aspects of the UI, apart from major bug fixes, will have to wait until after CW is unrolled.

Well-written post, does a good job of summing up the state of things! CW is what everyone wants and needs, followed by new maps, followed by UI changes. Everyone can get used to a clunky interface as long as the game itself is fully functioning. I understand that complicated interfaces are harder on new players, but that's what tutorials are for (until things are ironed out ofc).

Edited by Pezzer, 20 August 2014 - 02:46 PM.

#13 Clownwarlord


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:47 PM

I wonder if they can get us a map of the new map? (A map like that of what you see in the command tools by hitting B in match.)

#14 Gerhardt Jorgensson


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:48 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 20 August 2014 - 02:29 PM, said:

    • New Game Map
      • Destructive Map Testing – Please find bugs!
      • Play-Testing – Please tell us what you think of the map!

As in destructible terrain?


^^ nevermind :)

Edited by Gerhardt Jorgensson, 20 August 2014 - 02:53 PM.

#15 Scratx


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:51 PM

View PostGerhardt Jorgensson, on 20 August 2014 - 02:48 PM, said:

As in destructible terrain?


Would be awesome, if true. Alas...

View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 20 August 2014 - 02:48 PM, said:

Destructive, not destructible.
The goal of destructive map testing is to find problem areas on the map. Things like places where you can fall out of world, see-through walls, shoot-through walls, invisible walls, getting stuck on rocks, etc...

... Niko just torpedo'ed our dreams. :D

It just means, Go Wild And Break Things, Then Tell Us About It™ ! :)

#16 stillnight


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:53 PM

Wow some actually destruction? I am kinda thrilled to see what they look like and from the little screenshot on the thread link it looks pretty cool! Can't wait to try out the map, and since I'm getting 25k MC might as well try out the clan mechs that are available for MC.

It's looking pretty good PGI keep it up!

EDIT: nm sad face :)

Edited by stillnight, 20 August 2014 - 02:54 PM.

#17 Heffey


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:54 PM


#18 DustySkunk


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:54 PM

View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 20 August 2014 - 02:48 PM, said:

Destructive, not destructible.
The goal of destructive map testing is to find problem areas on the map. Things like places where you can fall out of world, see-through walls, shoot-through walls, invisible walls, getting stuck on rocks, etc...

Nikolai... "destructive" might have been a poor choice of wording given the increasing calls for destructable terrain lately (e.g. the statues in River City). I know it sure had my hopes up that we'd be blowing through trees and such when I read the OP for the first time!

...maybe update the OP so that it's clear what is meant here please?

Also, thanks for your lightning quick responses on this thread! Greatly appreciated

#19 Scratx


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:56 PM

View PostDustySkunk, on 20 August 2014 - 02:54 PM, said:

Nikolai... "destructive" might have been a poor choice of wording given the increasing calls for destructable terrain lately (e.g. the statues in River City). I know it sure had my hopes up that we'd be blowing through trees and such when I read the OP for the first time!

...maybe update the OP so that it's clear what is meant here please?

Also, thanks for your lightning quick responses on this thread! Greatly appreciated

Something like "Intensive" might still convey the same meaning without the possibility of mistaking it for destructible things/terrain.

#20 Deathz Jester


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:57 PM


Posted Image

Edited by Iron Harlequin, 20 August 2014 - 02:57 PM.

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