MischiefSC, on 23 August 2014 - 11:17 PM, said:
You think I'm kidding. Look at IS SPLs. It's pretty much MG range already - trade double the size and having heat generation for similar functionality. Dial damage back a bit (not a ton but a bit) but... isn't that was pulse lasers really should be? Laser MGs?
No, I didn't think you were kidding, although I did think you might have made an oversight at the time. I was actually more serious than not; I like SPLs, and enjoy running with 6 of them on chainfire. That's exactly how many you need to hold down the fire button for a never-ending laser barrage. Not really an effective use of them, but dammit, the laser machinegun effect is fun.
My 6 SPL Firestarter would be an absolute terror feared by all with that .2 beam-time.
In general, pulse lasers are a less efficient weapon. Hotter, heavier, shorter range. But they do hit harder, faster, and they spread damage less. (And amplify the effects of friendly fire, or missing). They also allow you to squirm around more.
These things amplify your mistakes, but they also give your opponent a harder time to react.
Longer burning lasers run cooler, shoot further, and weigh less. Friendly fire is more likely, but has less impact if you don't just drool on the keyboard and let it all soak into your ally. Naturally, if you want to keep all your damage, you have to either time your shots well with your enemy, or squirm around less.
These things are much more efficient, allow you to recover from mistakes easy, but your opponent has more time to 'deal' with the lasers.
I do think normal lasers are better at the end of the day. The ability to fit more 'stuff', including more weapons, is easily worth the reduced damage output. Even so, pulse are damn fine, if you're into an aggressive playstyle and don't mind sacrificing 'stuff' for them.
In games with customizable bits and bobs, I find it best to start on the extreme with your favourite metric, then dial it back bit by bit until it just sits at the edge of your comfort zone. From there, you can take the extra 'points' you have and bump up other things to flesh your build out, and it will be absolutely perfect for your hands.
If people did this they might discover they actually can go sideways into pulse quite happily.