Sinitron, on 25 July 2012 - 03:51 AM, said:
I just want people who don't play for the sake of viking metal and grog to get out and join some trashy merc outfit instead. How is that such a bad thing? Everyone knows the clanners are here to subjugate and forcefully assimilate us. Imagine if the Russians conquered Sweden tomorrow and replaced your national anthem with "HONK HONK I AM A BUTT", would that be fine with you?? Hell no, you would be PISSED. They'd replace IKEA with CBIC (Chernobyl Barely Irradiated Crap) and instead of milk and water you would only be allowed to drink cheap urine-flavored vodka.
In the same fashion it is the intent of every Ghost Bear, Smoke Jaguar and other clanners to destroy the identity of the FRR and turn you into mindless automaton slaves in the machine of the evil tube baby empire. Would you really want to be ordered around by some cheap imitation of mankind made in space-china? Would you have our metal and hard rock replaced by dubstep and trance?? You would be mad to even consider accepting such an atrocious violation of everything we stand for!!
They're far worse than the Draconis Combine and deserve nothing but animosity for their future atrocities!
First off... if I am reading your first sentence correctly, and I could be, what your saying is that being FRR (and ultimatly Scandinavian) means that you listen to Viking Metal, and people who don't would not be fitting to serve in the FRR's military. To which I say bull, huge steaming piles of bull's dung. If anything Viking metal is a pretty small minority with in the music listened to here, and I am pretty certain that it's even a minority amongts the people who listen to mainly Metal in general here as well. There are probably more people outside of Scandinavia who listen to Viking Metal then in the Scandinavian/Nordic countries combined. Yes, the Scandinavian nations have a unusually strong base of various kinds of Metal and simmilar type of music listened to and created here (especially Sweden, Norway and Finland... don't really recall how Denmarks Metal scene is, or Icelands)... but if anything many other styles of music are as strong, if not stronger then Metal.
Now I personally do mainly listen to various kinds of Metal (Viking Metal not being one of them), but I do listen to a few other things here and there as well. But I would be kidding my self if I belived that Metal is the only thing Scandinavians listen to. You would be as likely (or more) to hear rap, hip hop, jazz, blues, pop, techno, country, dansband, funk, alternative, rock, dubstep, soul, and what ever else I am unable to come up with at the moment, as you are hearing metal or viking metal blaring out of a FRR's speakers.
Right down to it, the word that best descibes the Scandinavian music landscape is... diversity, and has been since atleast the 50's-60's and forward.
As for the rest. Yes the clanners are here to "take back" the IS, and yes many of them will use huge amounts of violance to do so, and the result is a cast system where some are "worth" more then otheres etc. But to an extent the Clanners are not as bad as most IS factions are when it comes to one aspects, some levels of honour. I mean if they where like the IS where, they would NEVER have let something like the Battle of Tukayyid have stopped them from continuing their assault. All because it was a challenge made by ComStar to the Clans under the Clans own rules when it came to challanges, and trials of possession and what ever else they where called. If the clan had been almost any other IS faction, that faction would probably not have honoured such a deal... atleast not for very long.
Also Clan Ghost Bear was one of the few groups that actually managed to get any kind of victory in this battle. And based on that they might have decided that since they won some of their battles they would not have to honour the agreement of this trial of possession. But they did. And not only that, they started seeing the errors of their way, and went from being a Crusader clan, to being a Warden clan. Which eventually turns into them reaching out to what remains of the FRR, and the people of the FRR in the space Ghose Bear control, for them to join foces. And I belive that Clan Ghost Bear prove them selves to be truthworthy over the many numbers of following decades.
True, it's hard to know things like this befor they happend, and I am certain even I would have been sceptical. But we do have the benefit of knowing what happens. And as such I feel that jumping on the Ghost Bear players for what happends in the storyline is... dumb. People like the factions they like... and if anything, clan Ghost Bear is in my opinion the most likable Clan faction... because if anything it shows that people can change, who ever they are. And I bet you that this is one reason why many of the Ghost Bear players actually like them, because they change, and because they reach out to FRR and want to work together for the benefit of all. And give it even more time and I have a feeling that all of the bad parts about Clan sociaty will slowly disapear in the Rasalhague Dominion, leaving what could be considered the "old FRR" having been massivly "powered up".
Now, the whole thing about "imagin if the Russians attacked"... I don't think anyone would really be "fine" with their nation being attacked or what ever by anyone. And there is a chance that I would try and resist it if it happend. But there is a HUGE difference between that and BattleTech... can you guess what that is? If your guess was not "BattleTech is fiction", or something of that nature, then you should probably sit down and take a deep look at where your minds at. In the whole grand scale of things, BattleTech, and everything in it, matters little. It's just a game, it's just a person, and eventually a few people, who sat around one day and got an idea about what they could create for them and otheres to spend their free time in, and have fun. In my opinion it's a great IP, but it's just fiction. So denouncing Ghost Bear players, or anyone else in any fictional IP out there for that matter, for liking a certain faction with in an IP, seems... laughable for one, dumb for another, can probably find more words for it to... but right down to it, it's almost on the same level as going after a person because he likes women with brown hair, or likes to listen to a certain music style, or liked to eat... I don't know... donuts with ketchup or something (saw that in a Spider-Man comic in the 90's.

)... it's all a matter of taste.
I don't mind minor bickering and teasing and what not between the people here from different factions, or in other games or what ever. As long as it's done in a good tone, good natured, maybe a bit of humor thrown in here and there. That can be pretty fun I think. But the tone from some of the people here in this thread seems far from "good natured". Sometimes some of the things said feels like it's borderline harrassing people, or worse.
As for me getting pissed about stuff... I rarely do. I can only remember like... 3 or 4 times in my life where I was actually angry. Other then that I tend to mostly get annoyed, or mildly annoyed. I am a very calm and layed back type of person, I almost never get worked up, and when I do it usually does not last long. Yeah I probably would get annoyed if Sweden was attacked by someone, and stated to change things around and make us do things we did not want to do or what ever... but I would still probably only get annoyed, at the most strongly annoyed.
As for replacing our national anthem... meh, I like the one we have, but I am not attached to it like my life depended on it. I like our flag to, but nor am I going to get butt hurt about if someone burned it or tried to defile it somehow to take a jab at Sweden. I would probably just chuckle if I saw someone burning our flag in a fit of rage about something they felt was the cause of it. It's just a peice of fabric placed in a particular pattern with a particular colouring to it. As for IKEA, I actually don't think I own anything from IKEA, not based on any particular thought about their quality or anything, it just turned out that way for now. Actually, even if I am Swedish, I don't recall ever having even been inside an IKEA store.
and finally about this thing of having stuff replaced by "inferior stuff" or something. No, I don't expect or want anything to be "replaced"... what I do want though... and this is key... I wand diversity. I want the choice to be able to decide "Do I buy this 5000 [insert currency here] hyper awesome super quality flux capacitor, or do I by the 500 [currency] cheap imitaiton flux capacitor... or should I by this handy cheesegrater?" I want the choice, and I want everybody to be able to have that choice. To decide if I/they want to listen to Metal, Rock, Jazz, Rap, Hip Hop, Soul, Funk, Alternative, Dubstep, Trance, Techno, Dansbands Musik, Bluegrass, Country, Classical, Opera, or Super F'ing Hardcore Childrens Songs...
So if you where a true Scandinavian, or what ever it is called when someone outside of Scandinavia is obsessed with everything Scandinavian, then you would know that Scandinavia is all about diversity, acceptance, embracing new things/ideas/concepts/etc, having a choice, democracy, etc. Sweden, and Scandinavia have managed to be as successful as we have been, and are, because of these things, because we embrace a lot of things, embrace new things ideas people etc, because we have the ability to do all these things. With out diversity this world woudl be a very dull world, and would be an extremly stagnat place, with nothing that changes. No change is a bad thing.
And that was an absolute book of a post... but I don't care... and I don't care if this thread is a troll thread or what ever... and that I possibly swallowed the hook with the line and sinker to... I knew it was possibly there, did not mind taking it this time.
I probably also missed writing a lot of things, and wrote a lot of things not needed, and I probably babbled a lot to, not to mention probably even contradicted my self all over the place, and maybe did not even make sence in otheres... but hey, that happends... nobody/nothing/etc is perfect.

And if anyone claims they/someone/something/etc is, they/you are wrong.