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Summoner Vs Timberwolf: Why Do You Choose One Over The Other

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#61 Crunk Prime


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 12:30 AM

Going to be funny watching all the crying going on when the Madkittys get nerfs.

But honestly they probably wont get nerfed until they are available for cbills, and the unwashed masses are able to buy them. Gotta let people have that P2W advantage for at least a little while you know, otherwise they would feel ripped off.

#62 Cyborne Elemental


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 12:32 AM

Summoner is framed up about how the Thunderbolt is, its a big box easily spotted and focused on because its profile is simple.

Its not just shape, but hitbox geometry as well, summoner has giant legs, a big protrusion on its back ect as where a madcat is almost perfectly flat on its rear.
A madcat turns to try and soak up arm and side torso damage, he knows his back is pretty clear and won't have to worry about things sticking out as much to catch damage.

Madcat's body parts are also fairly spread out, so most damage gets focused inward, meaning that rarely will a madcat lose its arms and its ability to fight back, a torso or CT ends up being the prime target and is much better armored, Summoner is all packed pretty tightly together and is easily focused on with mininal distance on aiming at different parts.

Madcat can also customize its JJ loadout if you're running the S variant, Summoner's JJ's are locked in, and that is 5 tons that could potentially be used on more weaponry or equipment which is not available to the Summoner.

Madcat has the benefits of Ferro and Endo-Steel giving it that slight advantage on base free tonnage

And hardpoints, Madcat wins here as well, because of good tonnage space, it can carry any variety of E/B/M and still be proficient and not locked into any 1 particular role, its a jack of all trades and does it well.

#63 MungFuSensei


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 12:47 AM

I bought the Masakari package, and I've been slowly mastering each one since then. I've saved the Timberwolf for last, because I don't like to jump on bandwagons.

It's really hard to come up with a build that just works for the Summoner. It took me a while, but a UAC5 with 2.5t ammo, LRM15 with 2t ammo, 4 ERMLs, and 2 AMS with 2t ammo.

This build excels at one thing over the timberwolf, and would be the only reason to choose it over the timberwolf: Hill hugging. Just keep jammin' 'em at range, hull down, and when they come around the corner, 4 ERMLs are surgical.

That being said, that's a limited use, and the Timberwolf is just immensely more versatile. The Summoner needs Endo and unlocking the JJs before you would ever consider it over the Wolf.

#64 Aleski


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 01:03 AM

There is a lot of discussion about the differences of Twolf and Summoner.

This mech are very differents, i think you have to test both of them in order to know wich is the better for your playstyle. A lot of people say that the Twolf is better in anyway and gna gna gna, but has a Dragon player, i don't take this sorts of arguments in consideration =)

Examples of builds that work well for me :

Twolf : This mech is very competitive and powerfull, he is better than a Victor, and has Koniving say, you have to play a lot with it to see how the Hitboxes are working, the CT is HUGE on face and you die often by LRMs if you don't play wise.
If play it well, you will made thousands of damages very often, this is the two builds i use the most :

Prime : (Armor isn't the real numbers i use for ST and rear ST repartition)
I run only one JJ, it's useless to poptart but help to passe some little hills. The combination of SRM6 + MachGun is cool for brawling, and i kill a lot of mech with that loadout... It's my favorite one.

C :
Only lasers loadout. This Twolf need a nerf, i often made 900 damages, and one shot a lot of lights with some practice. I mean, this mech is really overpowered... It really deserve a try =)
And it's good for learning heat management and being easy on the trigger for shooting the right component of a mech, at the right moment. Target Info Gathering helps a lot.

Summoner : I think of the summoner like a giant medium, the agility is very different over the Twolf, the five JJ are not so bad, but they could be better. You can't put the same amount of guns of a Twolf, but you can do several damages too. The hitboxes allow you to spread the damages a lot, this mech can be very durable if you play smart.

My best loadout ATM :
This loadout fits my playstyle great, i often do 600 damages. It's less efficient than a Twolf in damages, but you can kill often, and the good maneuvrability is very helpfull =)

The other good loadout for me is U-AC/20 + 4xER ML, it's deadly and you can brawl well with it.

I really love this two mechs. Summoner have to be tested, no one should just stop to the Timberwolf only, because Summoner can be surprisingly good. The only problem of the summoner is to find THE loadout of your dreams =)

See you on battlefield, mechwarriors!

#65 Valore


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 01:03 AM

There's no reason to take a Summoner over a Timberwolf.

The way PGI have decided to 'balance' Clan tech by making Clan mechs non-upgradable means that if your mech loses the loadout lottery and has FF instead of Endo, its already losing out.

Not to mention other factors like built in JJs which are useless since JJs currently aren't that great, AND low weapon points.

Also, ideally when picking mechs based on tonnage classes, you want something as close to the upward border as possible, so 35tonner lights, 55 tonner meds and 75 tonner heavies etc. Unless PGI starts weight matching, which will be something that isn't exactly high priority, that's the way things will be.

#66 Black Ivan


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 01:05 AM

Timberwolf is for me the most iconic Clan Mech ever.

#67 kapusta11


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 01:11 AM

How can one compare medium and assault mechs?

#68 Widowmaker1981


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 01:23 AM

The only reason i would ever play any mech is if it does something another Mech in its weight class doesnt do better. The Timberwolf literally does every single thing better than the Summoner, so why would i play the summoner? Maybe if it had some kind of insane torso twist like the griffin, but like it is?

These ideas about what does what better are from my own theorycrafting and testing, i don't care what the forums tell me is best... they are right quite a lot though.

And for people who say for 'fun' - WINNING is fun. not losing. Sure, winning with no challenge isn't fun either, but im not some kind of MWO god that needs to intentionally handicap myself in order to get a challenge.

#69 Ultimax


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 04:39 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 27 August 2014 - 11:40 PM, said:

(thats me, 5th from the top..in my super secret alt acct)

Stishop Beiner?

#70 Vassago Rain


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 04:52 AM

My shadowhawk has 25 tons of 'podspace.'

Thor's just a gimp in every way possible.

#71 Murphy7


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 05:09 AM

View PostBlack Ivan, on 28 August 2014 - 01:05 AM, said:

Timberwolf is for me the most iconic Clan Mech ever.


It's why I paid for the mech a la carte, and a similar reason to purchasing the Phoenix package for erstwhile Unseens.

As for Timberwolf toughness, people have to shave more armor for weight savings, legs can be suspect on them I have found. Ymmv.

#72 Jonny Taco


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 05:11 AM

SMN needs to have 2 of it's jj unlocked, increased torso rotation angle, + jj thrust quirk in the legs, and the f torso omni pod with an energy hard point.

#73 Roland


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 05:19 AM

If they gave the Thor 360 torso twist like in MW4, that might be an interesting change.

#74 Vassago Rain


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 05:20 AM

View PostRoland, on 28 August 2014 - 05:19 AM, said:

If they gave the Thor 360 torso twist like in MW4, that might be an interesting change.

It'd still get punked 100% of every battle. Thor's comparable to the blunderbolt, which is only fitting, since it's the clan version.

#75 Roland


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 05:22 AM

Nah, it's way better than most of the IS heavies.

Another fix that it'd benefit from would be if JJ's were fixed so they actually let you jump significantly, like they used to.

#76 Angel of Annihilation


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 05:30 AM

In general the Timber Wolf is a better mech mostly due to the Timber Wolf having a massive amount of hard point options. The Summoner is very, very limited (needs some torso mounted energy mounts badly).

Also Summoner is very tonnage limited as well. It is 5 tons lighter to start with and doesn't mount endosteel which removes another 3-4 tons of usable weight from the mech.

This doesn't make the Summoner bad, it is just that the Timber Wolf is better.

Also the Summoner is ugly while the Timber Wolf is dead sexy.

#77 Carrie Harder


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 05:40 AM

View PostRoland, on 28 August 2014 - 05:22 AM, said:

Nah, it's way better than most of the IS heavies.

Another fix that it'd benefit from would be if JJ's were fixed so they actually let you jump significantly, like they used to.

Jump jets, enabling a mech to JUMP?

What a concept!

#78 3rdworld


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 05:47 AM

How do I choose between the Summoner and the Timber Wolf?

I don't. 1 mech is good the other isn't.

#79 Alexandrix


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 05:56 AM

As many people have already said,This isn't even really a contest.The Twolf is better.Plain and simple.The only reason to take a suckoner over the twolf is personal preference.Even then you are knowingly gimping yourself.

Don't get me wrong,I like mine and still take it out from time to time for kicks.But,I also like my warhawk and nova.So....I guess I just have a soft spot for some of the inferior mechs or something.At least the warhawk and nova both have SOME redeeming qualities to them.Filling roles that other clan mechs can't necessarily fill in their brackets.

If they really wanted to,they could make a few small changes to these mechs to make them not suck quite so bad.

-Swap ferro out for endo on all clan mechs that have only ferro.Or at least allow the option to do so.Ferro sucks in comparison to endo,always has,always will until they decide to give it some non canon buff.

-allow the removal of a few of the hardwired JJ's on the suckoner and nova

-Make hardwired jj's better than optional pod mounted jj's

-add more hardpoint/omnipod options for the hawk/suckoner/badder

-give some better quirks to the hawk/suckoner/badder.Especially the hawk,god the quirks on that thing are just down right god awful.

That would be a start anyways.

Edited by Alexandrix, 28 August 2014 - 05:57 AM.

#80 SgtMagor


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 06:25 AM

Mad kitty is a good mech, but it never catered to my use. Summoner has always been my go to heavy, but when I compare the Mw4 to the MWO  one I just throw my hands in the air and sigh. the MW4 mech had 360 torso, able  to mount dual ballistics in the arms,  jumped like a medium mech, it was hands down one of the most versatile clan mechs made. dual gauss and an erllaser was more than enough for me to take on any mech  Daishi or Atlas and anything in between. the MWO Summoner is so limiting in its weapon choices and use imho, but I still prefer it over the TW-S.

Edited by SgtMagor, 28 August 2014 - 06:26 AM.

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