Hiring Hall
Posted 03 May 2016 - 07:37 PM
Name: Hurleyvan
Callsign: Hurleyvan
Timezone: Pacific - Anytime after 6PM
Playstyle: None really. I built a LRM boat and a Brawler.
Roletype: Adaptable
Preferred Weight: My three mechs are Zeuses - Assult, building that out first. I drop with 3 80s and a light.
Experience: Played all of the old mechwarrior games. Played Mechwarrior Living Legends. Just started Mechwarrior Online.
Posted 03 May 2016 - 07:55 PM
Timezone: NA CST
Language: English
Mic: yes
Faction: IS preferred, open to Clans but do not have any Clan mechs
Playstyle: mid-range DPS, brawler, skirmisher, flanker
Preferred weight class: Heavy, Medium, Assault (not good with most lights)
Experience : playing on and off since open beta in early 2013
Mechs: 36 Elited or Mastered, all IS
I am a fairly experienced tier 3 quick play player looking to join an organized group for CW. I am interested in playing both Scouting and Invasion game modes. I have a quality microphone and various VoiP programs downloaded. I also have a brother that recently started playing this game on occasion so if there was room for second newish player that would be a bonus for me.
Edited by Therax, 03 May 2016 - 07:56 PM.
Posted 04 May 2016 - 08:14 PM
Timezone: NA CST
Language: English
Mic: yes
Faction: IS if I get to pick, only have a few clan mechs.
Playstyle: Brawler, Skirmisher
Preferred weight class: Med or Light but can run whatever.
Experience : Playing MWO off and on for a year or so. Played a lot of the old Mech Warrior games never the table top ones tho.
Mechs: 68 Mechs owned, 6 Clan lights, 7 clan Med, the rest IS. At least until the Kodiak drops.
I play mostly with my rooamte and 2 RL friends who'll prob be posting here too, looking for a casual group to drop with.
Posted 04 May 2016 - 08:19 PM
Callsign: PewPew
Timezone: Pacific Coast Time -8
House/Faction: Any
Playstyle: Any, just not a fan of playing LRM. Most effective at getting the damage out where it matters
Roletype: Assault or heavy long range, or fast moving damage
Preferred Weight: Assault or Heavy
Experience: I played since closed beta, then quit around the time they reduced head hitbox size and made the zoom a separate module. I played with the Wolf Spider Battalion and was a first string player in competition. My KDR hovered above 8.0 then. I just started playing again last week. I am currently Tier 2 and my KDR hovers around a respectable 2.6 (612 / 233). W/L is 1.75.
- I won't have a TON of time to play, especially with scheduled practices and such. I'm mostly looking for a group to get into faction warfare with since I haven't tried it, but would like to farm some rewards.
- I prefer clans since all my new mechs are clan and all my IS mechs are beta mechs.
- I'm looking for a unit that is very casual, but has highly skilled players.
Edited by PewPew, 04 May 2016 - 08:20 PM.
Posted 05 May 2016 - 11:43 PM
Timezone: NA CST
Language: English
Mic: yes
Faction: Don't really care, have been playing clans for CW though I'm not married to them.
Playstyle: Skirmisher/Flanker
Preferred weight class: Mediums, some fast heavies, Trying to get better with assaults and lights.
Experience : Been playing since Stalkers were first released, don't remember how long ago that was.
Mechs 42 owned, pretty even split between IS and Clan.
I'm looking for a group to do CW drops with. The words floating in my head as good descriptors are competent and casual, though I could probably be convinced to play more seriously, as I do want to get better.
Posted 10 May 2016 - 06:46 PM
Eastern time NY
Merc Group
any style
any type
medium or heavy mechs
Noob Level
I am new to MWO but played MechWarrior4 Veng, Black Knight and Mercs in Leagues. BZ VL Planetary Leagues. Last played in MechWarrior Leagues until closed. Trying to learn MWO and could use some real help

Edited by TWM GunneR, 10 May 2016 - 06:48 PM.
Posted 11 May 2016 - 02:28 AM
Callsign: Kalfi
Timezone: GMT (Western European, Greenwich)
House/Faction: Freelancer
Playstyle: Brawler
Roletype: Versatile
Preferred Weight: Light or Assault
Experience: MWO, Mechwarrior 2/3/4
Edited by Kalfi, 11 May 2016 - 02:29 AM.
Posted 12 May 2016 - 01:45 AM
Timezone: GMT+1 (Germany)
House/Faction: Whoever pays best.
Playstyle: Flanking Maneuvers
Roletype: Mostly Brawling
Preferred Weight: Heavy + Light, can handle mediums too. Can't work Assaults at all so do not even ask me to.
Experience: See my Tier. Played MW 2 through 4 (never online though). Playing MWO since 2012 Pugging alll day long.
TS3 present (don't annoy with ventrilo or some other ****). I'm fine with english and german.
Edited by Jason Parker, 12 May 2016 - 06:59 AM.
Posted 12 May 2016 - 12:56 PM
Callsign: Dfeeds
Timezone: GMT -6:00
House/Faction: Clan Wolf
Playstyle: Mixed, opportunist
Roletype:Either brawling in a heavy or assassinating in a light
Preferred Weight: Light or heavy
Preferred Mech: For Heavy it's the timberwolf and light it's an elited arctic cheetah]
Experience: MW3/4/mercs, Steel Battalion online (xbox one, not the new kinect one). Some tabletop but I was too young to fully grasp it. Had a guy donate his entire collection to me and I felt bad wasting the opportunity.
Extra Information: I tried playing this about a year ago but never really got into it. I bought a timberwolf as my first mech and tried out several builds. I dropped with a couple of gents on here who gave me some good advice but, unfortunately, I just stopped playing. I picked it up again out of boredom and found I enjoyed it much more, but it got bland again until I tried out piloting light mechs. I guess I'm not half bad with them, and it's so much fun! I shot through tier 4 in a day and still can pull the highest match score in my ACH-prime in tier 3. I haven no idea how the "big boys do battle" but it's a lot better than I ever did in a heavy. Still, I like my timberwolf (favorite mech before I knew it was so popular).[/color]
tl;dr new light pilot looking for a group of guys to drop with. I just purchased a month of premo time so I plan to stick around!
Edited by Dfeeds, 12 May 2016 - 12:58 PM.
Posted 12 May 2016 - 07:36 PM
Callsign: Elyfresh
Timezone: PDT
House/Faction: Clans
Playstyle: Brawler & Midrange
Weight class: Heavies & Mediums
Experience: Other games with competitive scenes.
Looking for a semi-competitive group for faction play. I've been trying to build drop decks for FP, I have 23 mechs atm, 17 clan and 6 IS. I'm always willing to learn and improve. I have Team Speak and Discord and a working mic. I can also provide a TS server if need be. If anything, I'm just looking for a good merc group for FP.
Edited by Elyfresh, 12 May 2016 - 07:45 PM.
Posted 18 May 2016 - 02:52 PM
Callsign: Cheddar/Cheezus/Hey Stupid
Timezone: GMT -05:00 (NA Central Time)
House/Faction: Currently Merc for Kurita, willing to move. Prefer access to clantech
Playstyle: Team Player
Roletype: Prefer fire support
Preferred Weight: Currently working on Trebuchet mastering, want to get heavy's
Experience: Playing for about a week solo. Have elited 3 Treb variants and am mastering the second. Hoping to join a good group of players with Teamspeak that work together.
Posted 18 May 2016 - 06:57 PM
Timezone: ET (GMT-4)
House/Faction: none so far
Playstyle: Team Play
Roletype: 2nd Line, Brawling
Preferred Weight: Medium / Fast Heavy
Experience: MWO since Beta but with longer breaks. Many Simulation Games, Strategy Games,
Hey guys, I am looking for some nice unit play, played MWO a lot back in the days and now it starts to be fun again. Nowadays I only play clan mechs, mostly their heavies and the Nova. I love Lasers and SRM. Not so good with dakka and lrms.
Edited by Forester84, 18 May 2016 - 07:20 PM.
Posted 25 May 2016 - 12:30 PM
Edited by Xenowyvern, 31 May 2016 - 06:48 PM.
Posted 26 May 2016 - 11:06 AM
Timezone: GMT +2
House/Faction: Steiner
Playstyle: Team Player
Roletype: Prefer fire support
Preferred Weight: medium (mastered Blackjack)
Experience: Tier 4
hey guys i´m looking for a group for better teamplay! (IS)
Posted 30 May 2016 - 08:29 PM
Callsign: Bleach Bone
Timezone: US Central
House/Faction: Merc'
Playstyle: Aggressive/Supportive (I do anything if it means winning.)
Roletype: Skirmisher
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: 2-3 Years (Estimate)
Posted 02 June 2016 - 04:44 PM
Edited by Red Comet1, 03 June 2016 - 07:28 PM.
Posted 03 June 2016 - 07:24 PM
Timezone: Central
Playstyle: Whatever group needs
Roletype: Any
Preferred weight: No preference, tend to do best in med. builds. Have a pretty solid stable of both clan and inner sphere in all weight classes.
Experience: Founder. Have taken breaks off and on and played with a couple different merc groups. Looking to play more over the summer at least, see what happens when fall/winter comes along.
Posted 05 June 2016 - 12:41 PM
Callsign: Jorgamundir
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: IS/Clan, matters not
Playstyle: Long range, close range, I play very opportunistic
Roletype: Scout, LRMboat, Brawl(ish), whatever. I try to be a jack of all trades
Preferred Weight: I have a few light mechs, but I tend to stick to the heavier side of things, I play it all.
Experience: Played mech games when they were DOS. Didn't pick up MWO until about 6 months ago however, wish I had. Have TS and a quality headset.
Posted 10 June 2016 - 04:59 PM
Name: Dave
Callsign: Brembo
Timezone: CST
House/Faction: None
Playstyle: I prefer to play with people who actually appreciate my effort
Roletype: Ranged with close support
Preferred Weight: Medium and Heavy
Experience: Played in Beta. Love the game. Seen it through all these changes. Used to play the table-top version and all the PC versions after. There's a lot I can learn and maybe a lot I can offer.
Posted 13 June 2016 - 01:48 AM
Timezone:Na MST. I work nights, during the week so a good mix is fine, Find myself surrounded by aussies, and Kiwis. a mix would be great.
House/Faction: Not picky, I do love atlases so thats a bit of a hint.
Playstyle: Brawler, assaults, but trying to learn heavy, med play. not partial to is or innersphere.
Roletype: Brawling is love
Preferred Weight: Heavy as possible.
Experience:Mw3-4, and mwo, Just recently came back after a long hiatus
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