Hiring Hall
Posted 10 June 2017 - 02:58 PM
Callsign: Salsa
Timezone: Central (GMT-6)
House/Faction:None, preferring a Merc Unit (former Marik)
Playstyle: Variable (as the team/situation needs, when solo usually aggressive)
Roletype: Any, team strat comes first
Preferred Weight: Heavy, but can use any weight needed reasonably well
Experience: Variable since Beta (played Beta hard until the gold clan pack/third person camera drama)
Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:25 AM
Posted 12 June 2017 - 11:25 AM
Callsign: Raz
Timezone: CST
House/Faction: Any
Playstyle: Casual looking for FP teamates
Roletype: Any - Have many mechs (over 100)
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Medium
Experience: Founder, 5m experience points , yet have played on and off since then . I play on Mondays and Tuesdays and not much else as I have family .
Posted 14 June 2017 - 11:48 AM
Callsign: Noble
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: House Davion
Playstyle: Lone wolf/Battle Line/Assault support
Roletype: Battle Line
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assault
Experience: Solo CW/Solo Drop
Posted 14 June 2017 - 12:23 PM
Callsign: cadftw
Timezone: gmt -5
House/Faction: have dropships ready for IS or clan
Playstyle: adaptable/malleable
Roletype: support/brawler
Preferred Weight: 50 - 70 ton for clan. Any for IS
Experience: lots? Played game in beta. Mech Commander 2, MechWarrior 2 mercenaries, MechWarrior 3
Posted 16 June 2017 - 03:40 AM
Callsign: Slow
Timezone: CEST
House/Faction: Merc with preference for FRR and GB.
Playstyle: Variable/casual
Roletype: Typical second line/aggressive support
Preferred Weight: Light/Medium/Heavy
Experience: Old mechwarrior fan, a few hundreds of FW games back in Phase 2/early 3. Clan alt account with all mechs mastered through fw.
Availability: Have a lot of travelling time during working weeks, so mainly available in weekends.
Haven´t played the game very frequently for a year or so but with civil war incoming and the recent battletech beta, my interest is returning. I have earlier mainly been going solo, so this time I´m looking for a casual team to share the ups and downs with.
Posted 18 June 2017 - 04:47 AM
Callsign: Natty
Timezone: GMT +1
House/Faction: Steiner
Playstyle: Brawler
Roletype: Damagedealer/Tank
Preferred Weight: Heavy/Assault
Experience: MW3, and lots of MWO mainly when it came out.
Posted 18 June 2017 - 06:23 AM
Callsign: Gang
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: ANY
Playstyle: Casual/Former tournament
Roletype: Skirmisher, scout, ninja assassin
Preferred Weight: Light (had all lights mastered), have many mechs
Experience: Been around since just after beta, ran on comp teams, been with CGBI, solid tier 2 pilot (not putting the effort into staying tier 1)
Availability: Afternoons USA time usually. Some weekend nights.
Just looking for a place to relax and kill some Mechs with friends
Posted 21 June 2017 - 06:30 PM
Callsign: tao, zin, taozin, frank, and beans
Timezone: PST
House/Faction: Not yet declared - whatever is clever
Playstyle: Hard to say. Im a bit of a ******* in my JR7-D
Roletype: im a tool. use me ;-)
Preferred Weight: in the past, heavies, lights at the moment - team oriented.
Experience: new to MWO, played MW1, MW2, MW3 - (i was in a MW2 netmech league for a couple years back in the day) does having read a bunch of the battletech novels count as experience?
recently learned of MWO's existence, signed up, very happy with the gameplay. want more.
Posted 23 June 2017 - 09:46 AM
Found a home, thanks for the responses.
Edited by Broganos, 28 June 2017 - 07:28 AM.
Posted 26 June 2017 - 02:05 PM
Call Sign: Clownwarlord (or just clown)
Time Zone: US Eastern
House/faction: Looking for clan or merc.
Playstyle: competitive and faction warfare
Roll: (done everything before; scout, brawl, direct fire support, indirect fire support)
Mech Class: I play all.
Experience: playing since game went open beta
Looking for a unit that wants to do Faction Warfare all the time, and then also does competitive. I use Teamspeak and Discord.
Edited by Clownwarlord, 26 June 2017 - 02:06 PM.
Posted 01 July 2017 - 10:07 PM
Edited by Tethyss, 08 July 2017 - 12:07 AM.
Posted 02 July 2017 - 02:23 PM
Name: Pyrce
Callsign: Pyrce
Timezone: PST
House/Faction: Any (was Wolf and IS Merc)
Playstyle: Flexible, (Brawlers and Snipers recently)
Roletype: Flexible
Preferred Weight: Med/Heavy/Assault
Experience: Tier 2, Used to be in an active unit (QQ), Played on and off for a couple years
Edited by Pyrce, 03 July 2017 - 08:53 PM.
Posted 10 July 2017 - 05:12 PM
Callsign: Kumagenki
Timezone: US Pacific (CA)
House/Faction: Merc with preference for FRR & Victor Davion.
Playstyle: Objective based, prefer not to lone wolf.
Roletype: Light scout/sapper, otherwise front-line/second-line direct fire
Preferred Weight: Any
Experience: Table top, all PC games (old Crescent Hawk games, Mechwarior 1-4, Mech Commander...), read all books up to about 1999.
Availability: Lots. Often at odd hours.
Posted 16 July 2017 - 05:39 AM
Callsign: Iron, or Hyena
Timezone: late GMT
House/Faction: Any Merc group.
Playstyle: Aggressive, pusher
Roletype: Flanker, lone wolf
Preferred Weight: Med/Heavy
Experience: Founder, old mechwarrior vet. A lot better then my rating I swear.
Posted 16 July 2017 - 11:39 PM
Callsign: zero4ce
Timezone: gmt +8
House/Faction: will provide my loyalty to any house or faction
Playstyle: team player. Fight in a group die in a group
Roletype: 2nd line fire support. But if needed will push the line forward
Preferred Weight: medium or light
Experience: none. Recently just started playing. Willing to
Learn and to be trained to help the team
Posted 21 July 2017 - 07:13 AM
*I have been accepted by The Bretheren Periphery Pirate Confederation.
Edited by AJBennet, 24 July 2017 - 06:40 AM.
Posted 21 July 2017 - 12:47 PM
Call Sign: "Gator"
Timezone: PST (Pacific standard Time A.K.A. West Coast U.S.A.)
Faction: Merc or Clan loyalist. WILL NOT pledge LOYALTY TO I.S. (...unless theres a copious amount of cbills involved.
Playstyle: in the words of Bruce Lee "like water". Always pushing for progression and improvement. Very level headed and calm in total chaos. Can easily take the initiative to take command/point and maneuver/engage/push but have no problem following orders or playing support roles. Very vocal, effective communicator, and LOYAL LIKE A PITBULL. Given a bucket of water I'd storm the gates of hell for you. Right wrong or indifferent, ill be there only thing that matters is you're kin and anyone who ***** with that, dies. Prefer ballistics and srm's above energy
Roles: harasser/boom&zoom, agro-magnet, flanker, direct fire support, brawler. (Don't ask me to snipe/poke long range or use LRMs..... I'll narc for a boat, but I WILL NOT mount lrms on ANY of my chassis, EVER. My MAD DOG has had 6x srm6's on it since I got it and that's how it stays fitted.
Weight Class: 20T, 40-45T, 60-75T, 100T
Experience: a bit over 4 month
I drop at least 30+ times a day ranging from morning and mid day to late night early morning
Posted 21 July 2017 - 03:51 PM
Callsign: Geewiz_27
Timezone: GMT + 10(East coast of Australia)
House/Faction:Currently Jade Falcon Loyalist but willing to change
Playstyle: Defensive
Roletype: Support
Preferred Weight: LIght or Assault so far
Experience: 3 months, have about 30 Mechs mostly clan. Play about 5 days a week. I'm keen to join a unit and do more faction play preferably a Oceanic based unit.
Posted 22 July 2017 - 01:04 PM
Callsign: Jekyll
House/Faction:Free Rasalhague Republic/Mercenary
Playstyle: Support
Roletype: Recon
Preferred Weight: Light
Experience: Mechcommander 2, MechWarrior 3, MechWarrior 4
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