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#1901 HumanCondition


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 12:08 PM

Name: Dan
Callsign: HumanCondition
Timezone: cst
House/Faction: nothing right now
Playstyle: whatever I feels like
Roletype: Rolemodel
Preferred Weight: anything I can get my hands on
Experience: a lil

Looking for a merc unit for me and my idiot brother. We have no CW exp. and wanna get in on it.

Edited by HumanCondition, 12 February 2016 - 12:09 PM.

#1902 Lord Hubris


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Posted 13 February 2016 - 10:49 PM

Recruited by the LoDD

Edited by Lord Hubris, 20 February 2016 - 04:59 AM.

#1903 Threat Doc


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Posted 13 February 2016 - 11:56 PM

(UPDATE: 13 March 2016) For those of you who have contacted me, I am grateful for your care and your interest, but I think I still have to step back for a while. There's still enough about this game which doesn't exist, yet, to keep me from doing more than a few matches here and there. My interest, otherwise, revolves around trying out my new Archers and the new map this coming Tuesday. Until there's Objective Based Warfare, an actual system for mercenary unit management, actual contracting -BattleTech style-, and a real reason for playing on the Inner Sphere map, I may not be joining anyone. My apologies to those who've put forward the effort.

Name: Paul / Kay Wolf

Callsign: Redwolf
Timezone: Pacific Time / West Coast U.S.
House/Faction: Mercenary, through and through; I utterly despise Liao, but I won't mind as long as someone else is calling the shots, I think.
Playstyle: I'm an LRM guy to the core, and I work almost exclusively in support of my team mates. If someone calls a target, and I'm not already tuning up a bad guy close to death, I'll switch focus and help out. With those two things in mind, support and LRMs, I try to stick close behind the pack and support. Once I'm out of LRM ammo, though, I'm not a bad stick with lasers; I absolutely stink with dakka.
Roletype: As stated, primarily LRM support.
Preferred Weight: Heavy, though I've no qualms going with Medium or Assault, and have what I feel are good 'Mechs in all three categories.
Experience: I am deeply experienced with tabletop BattleTech, since 1984, with NetMech 95, starting in 1997, MW2: Mercs, and all MechWarrior and MechCommander computer games since, without 'Mech Assault. You can see my service record with my own unit, here... http://www.wolvesau....mbers/Wolf-MSR/ (look at all the tabs across the top), and my history with BattleTech, here... http://www.wolvesau....U/rwhistory.php .

I am not looking for a command at this time, and would prefer to find a unit of old timey Army and Marine Corps guys who understand PTSD and really weird work schedules, and who are martial enough to be organized, but who also understand real-life is not cool, much of the time. I am forty-four years old, will turn another year at the end of July and, like I said, I have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder -a bit on the serious side- and a job as an Instructor with no set hours at all. My most likely times to be able to play will be on Friday and/or Saturday nights, and then allowances for Holidays and days off.

Feel free to PM me, though I check my PMs in accordance with my life schedule, as well, and may not catch up with you for several days. If you're young, dumb, and full of ..., especially as a leader, please do not contact me; you'll just end up wasting your time and mine. However, if you have a freakin' clue and know what you're doing... well, let's just say that, before I was able to afford to upgrade my desktop, my Tier 4 rating was in free-fall. But, now that I've upgraded, it's been pretty steadily climbing ever since.

I am the absolute best LRM guy you will find, by the way, and I have a tendency of putting those "easy mode" and '"n00b weapons" BS comments in their place. No Faction Warfare for me until PGI fixes it to be something more than forty-five minute shots of the PUG Queue, such as with Objective-based Warfare, actual contracts and not "choose a house", among other things.

Edited by Kay Wolf, 13 March 2016 - 10:34 AM.

#1904 Ximineto


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Posted 14 February 2016 - 04:54 PM

Name: Ximineto

Callsign: Ximi
Timezone: GMT +1
House/Faction: Any clan faction.
Playstyle: LRM support.
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: 2 months on different accounts playing diverse mechs,from lights to heavyes,so there is 2 months of experience.

Note: I can join english units,because i understand english writed,not speaked,but if there is a spanish unit,would be much better ----->SPANISH<----- not latin.

PostData: I already joined an unit. See u ingame.

Edited by Ximineto, 18 February 2016 - 04:06 AM.

#1905 OrphanKiller 26


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Posted 16 February 2016 - 06:22 AM

Callsign: Orphankiller 26 (Yeah I know it's crude,but I've had it for years. Usally just go by Orphan or OK.)
Timezone: EST.
House\Faction: None at present.
Playstyle: Would say support, long to mid range. Always have Tag or Narc and AmS. I can brawl, but prefer hit and run.
Roletype: Support.
Preferred Weight: Light or Heavy depending on what is needed.
Exp:MW3,Tabletop, MWO was part of the beta, but due to a crappy pc at the time could not play very well. New system now so 3-5 times a week for 8 months.

"Looking for a solid group to work with, I am a good team player, can follow directions and have no problem taking one for the team. I guess I'm just looking to improve and since MWO joined the Steam network it seems like the PUG games have become more and more disorganized or that is at least my resent experience."

Thanks for all the invites, I've made a choice. See you on the battlefield.

Edited by OrphanKiller 26, 21 February 2016 - 05:10 PM.

#1906 Dodge_This_LMAO


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Posted 18 February 2016 - 05:36 AM

Name: Arzan
Callsign: Anthrax
Timezone: Perth GMT + 8
House/Faction: nothing right now
Playstyle: About 200 - 400 meters out. Prefer Lasers, but moderately effective at LRMS and I'd say I'm 8/10 with SRMs
Roletype: Just want to play in a few drops in the PUG queue and learn some teamwork principles etc, then move to CW.
Preferred Weight: Medium/Heavy
Experience: I've been playing for about 20 days now. I have mastered 3 variants of the Firestarter (FS9-S , H and Ember) and am currently working on my 2nd purchased mastery pack (Griffins).

Edited by Anthrax87, 18 February 2016 - 05:37 AM.

#1907 DutchDragon


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Posted 18 February 2016 - 07:57 AM

Name: DutchDragon
Callsign: Dutch
Timezone: Netherlands +1 CET
House/Faction: Merc, but now playing for smoke Jag.
Playstyle: Heavy Midd range.
Roletype: Getting bored at pugs atm. Hoping for something new and fun.
Preferred Weight: Heavy, Midd range of long range.
Experience: Played all the MW, including MW Com. Had a little break on MWO now i`m back and hope to enjoy my self again with MWO.

Looking for: A Dutch based Clan, that knows that some people have to work for a living.
Note: Got TS or in game coms.

#1908 lolondar


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Posted 18 February 2016 - 10:29 AM


Timezone:US Central
House/Faction: MERC
Playstyle:LRM make things go BOOM
Roletype:Once more I reiterate LRM support i make things go boom i also play some long range PPC etc
Preferred Weight: Medium/ Heavy
Experience:Not much to be terribly honest

#1909 oneironaut


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Posted 18 February 2016 - 06:59 PM

Callsign:OneiroNaught (Oh-Near-Oh-Not)

Timezone: EST (GMT -5)

House/Faction: Unassigned

Playstyle: I've gone through several phases. I most love playing with a unit that coordinates well- a good drop commander and lance commanders who give clear orders. I will follow orders, I will sac my mech if that's the best move for the team. [/color]
Roletype:Light: scout, harraser or light brawler; Heavy- support; Medium - Flanker

Preferred Weight: Light/Heavy

Preferred Chasis: Firestarters, Cheetahs, Ilya, Timberwolf- whatev.

Experience:Been playing since Battletech days of dice rolls. MWO since closed Beta as a founder. I've played in units before- cReddit if anyone remembers them. We were one of the first units. We then morphed into JSOC and Expendables. Some of our members went on to Lords and Steel Jag. Gman129 was a founding member and a friend. My current mech stable is 67 mechs. I'm looking for a competitive to competitive/casual unit.

Sidenote- I'd like to practice my Russian if any Russian unit wants to pick up an American who can play odd hours.

Edited by oneironaut, 18 February 2016 - 07:03 PM.

#1910 Lord Baconburger


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 11:06 AM

Name: Lord Baconburger

Callsign: Bacon

Timezone: GMT

House/Faction: Currently Clan Smoke Jaguar.

Playstyle: Co-ordination is key to winning, thus I prefer so.

Roletype: Jack of all trades, though I prefer to deal damage and blow mechs limbs off with my Executioner and Ebon Jaguar prime. Sometimes run rings round an assault in my Cheetah prime giving it hell too. Black Widow I'm fond of for IS Mechs. Have Mechs in all Chassis.

Preferred Weight: I'd like to lose a few pounds. MWO wise, depends on my mood. Can use all chassis, but most effective in light and heavy so far. Least preferred would be Medium.

Experience: Played MWO 2 months now. Played MW2 as a child, many moons ago. Have experience in plenty of other online games requiring organisation. Prefer a co-ordinated/planned attack/defense, hence my disdain for PUGS but I've cut my teeth enough times in them. Led a few CW pugs off the cuff to victory, led a few to a glorious death, and a few more to an absolute wipe out. Though I must say, leading is not for me ultimately. Still a lot more to learn, willing to learn, and want to kill more.

I'm looking for an experienced EU-based English speaking Unit that I can learn from, that has regular activity, play together, and plays CW.

Fun is a must have for me rather than all the seriousness, but when it comes to fighting, I want to win.

*EDIT* - Thanks for your messages. Currently trialing, as such no longer available.

Edited by Lord Baconburger, 20 February 2016 - 03:06 PM.

#1911 Bud351


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 02:46 PM

Callsign: Bretonhammer
Timezone : EST
House/Faction: ANY(whoever pays more)
Playstyle: Whatever the Lance/Team requires (Teamwork=Victory)
Roletype: Support
Preferred Weight: Medium-Heavy
Experience: Aces Wild C-company.

#1912 I spent 4500 MC


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Posted 19 February 2016 - 08:52 PM

Name: Grayson Collins

Callsign: Grayson
Timezone: CST
House/Faction: House Steiner
Playstyle: Casual
Roletype: Support / Missile Boat
Preferred Weight: Heavy
Experience: Beta, But now N00b. I haven't played in about 2 years.

Edited by Grayson Collins, 19 February 2016 - 08:53 PM.

#1913 kermit x


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 10:44 AM

Name: Kermit X
call-sign: Kerm-x
Timezone: CST
IS for now, not a loyalist though, waiting to see where the game takes me
play style:
Role type:
I prefer medium to close range engagements, striker, and fire support are the two i find myself enjoying the most in PUGs
preferred weight: Heavy, medium is good too and i want to learn light. I haven't played assaults very much.
I played MW3 as a child, have loved it ever since. I've been playing MWO since a little after steam launch, (this game flew under my radar! how?!) and have some warhammers, thunderbolts and a blackjack. New-ish but starting to get my feel for things and wanting to take the game a little further. My best build right now is my warhammer 6D with 3xLPL and 4ML running a std 275. Not incredible but it works.

Just looking for a group of individuals who are in it for the fun most and foremost, are respectful and willing to show me what i need to do to better my game. I currently do not have a mic, but I do have TS3 and am getting a mic very soon.

#1914 Tr00p3r


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Posted 20 February 2016 - 11:17 AM

Name: Tr00p3r
Callsign: trooper
Timezone: GMT
House/Faction: None pledged
Playstile: Casual
Roletype: Brawler/Punchbag
Preferred Weight: Assault
Experience: MechWarrior 1-4 + online since founders program, Virtual world trocadero London (battletech center) solaris VII.

looking to find a casual group to drop with

#1915 Whipley


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 10:28 AM

Name: Whipley

Timezone: CST

Faction: Merc (only own IS mechs)

Playstyle: Casual

Experience: Only been playing for a couple weeks, but made my way to Tier 3 through solo quickplay and CW. Experience with the tabletop game. Used to play Planetside 2, so I have a lot of experience working with others as a team.
Roles and weights: I enjoy mediums the most, generally as a close fighter. Can also do lights, heavies, assaults. Not an LRM guy.

I'm in my 30s, so I would prefer a group of older or more relaxed teammates. That said, I do get competitive and will fight my hardest to secure a win!

#1916 Neil Armstrang


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Posted 23 February 2016 - 05:19 PM

Name: Navan
Callsign: Navan
Timezone: GMT-5, EST USA
House/Faction: Open
Playstyle: Smart, situationally aware, low exposure, higher dps trade
Roletype: Mid-range support/dps, and assault and heavy cover
Preferred Weight: Medium
Experience: A few weeks in the game. Fan of the series since MW2, avid FPS and tatical shooter fan, this game has grabbed me and sucked me in. I'm a good team player, I play smart and I'm good with navigation and situational awareness. Keep in mind I'm very new to the game, I currently only own 6 mechs, but I'm looking for much more than just the quickplay jumbo. I have studied quite a bit into this game already, but I have a lot to learn, and I'm looking to be a solid part of a coordinated group rather than just a random match player.

#1917 Kenyenzie


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Posted 24 February 2016 - 10:29 AM

Name: Kenyenzie
Callsign: Kenyenzie
Timezone: GMT+1, EU Norway.
House/Faction: FRR
Playstyle: Flanker, hardcore and up in your face.
Roletype: Brawler, LRM ship.
Preferred Weight: Heavy and Assault.
Experience: I'm new to the game as I got a founders acc, but just now did I start playing.

#1918 Snack Burglar


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Posted 02 March 2016 - 10:44 AM

Name: Eric

Callsign: Wolf the Quarrelsome
Timezone: PST
House/Faction: Inner Sphere, no House currently
Playstyle: Opportunistic, aggressive.
Roletype: Close range direct fire support
Preferred Weight: Medium or Heavy
Experience: Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries, BattleTech tabletop, MWO

I'm a casual player looking for a casual or semi-casual group of folks to drop with in quick play and soon in CW. I'm still relatively new (Tier 4) and am currently building my drop deck. I have mastered the Rifleman LK and 5D. I'm open to committing to a House, no preference. I'm a merc's merc.
Additionally, I like beer, fine wine, top shelf whisky and cuddling. I also make a kickass grilled cheese. In the event of a water landing I may be used as a flotation device.

Edited by Wolf the Quarrelsome, 08 March 2016 - 08:24 AM.

#1919 Timber Ghost


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Posted 04 March 2016 - 07:15 AM

Name: Timber Ghost

Callsign: Timber
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Mercenary
Playstyle: Teamwork. Right or wrong, teamwork.
Roletype: Heavy Brawler
Preferred Weight: Heavy, Medium
Experience: Tier 2, 1500 to 2000 damage average CW match. Been playing since November of 13.

Looking for an active CW merc group. Would like to travel to all factions, both IS and clan. Solid drop decks for both IS and clan are in place, and ready to rock. I have been with a couple real solid units, but I would like to drop CW more than 1 or 2 nights a week. I am stuck in Davion for 3 more days.

Edited by Timber Ghost, 04 March 2016 - 07:15 AM.

#1920 The Honorable Teddy Scarr


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Posted 04 March 2016 - 05:57 PM

Name: Cuddle Commander

Callsign: Uh.... triangle.
Timezone: Central time.
House/Faction: Whichever has the coolest logo.
Playstyle: Aggressive, bold, with a slight hint of apple. Wait, no, that's my beer. Just aggressive and bold. And handsome. Is that a playstyle?
Roletype: Everything. Good with lasers, accurate with PPC+Gauss, good at brawling, I have the ability to press two buttons for LRM.
Preferred Weight: I'd like to lose a few pounds, personally. I play mostly mediums and heavies, followed by assaults and lights.
Experience: Tier 3 but I feel unchallenged. Started playing last month. Usually top #1 or #2 player in every PUG CW, holding my own with some of the better units.

I like this game. I'm casually competitive. When I play I like to do well and take it seriously, but I'm not about to get mad if something goes wrong, and I joke more than anyone on Earth has a right to. I want to play with a consistently available group of people, at least enough to field a competitive CW match. I have voice chat available but I rarely get to use it since my wife sleeps when I play. Just hit me up if you're interested. We can play around a bit before we make a commitment Posted Image

Edited by Cuddle Commander, 04 March 2016 - 05:58 PM.

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