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Why You Should Play Public Test - Feedback

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#141 Koniks


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 08:50 AM

View Post101011, on 28 August 2014 - 08:45 AM, said:

So why does it need a nerf?

Because of the MPL and ERML combinations with LPLs which you can run on 5 of the 8 Clan chassis.

Edited by Mizeur, 28 August 2014 - 08:50 AM.

#142 RetroActive


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 08:50 AM

I REALLY hope that they change absolutely nothing and the forums explode with "OMGzz Clans suck now! Everything is nerfed!!" due to the placebo effect.

#143 SaltBeef


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 08:55 AM

I am not calling for an inner sphere autocannon nerf they should have burst autocannon models like the one the yen low burped!
would be neat to see clans also have a single round option the lbx. Fire 1 single standard round identical in range and damage to is models but be able to also fire clan lbx rounds. inner sphere should get one also but with thier lbx round traits not the improved upon clan characteristics this weapon should cost as much as a lbx and standard combined cbills wise..

Edited by SaltBeef, 28 August 2014 - 08:56 AM.

#144 Ultimax


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 09:03 AM

View Postxeromynd, on 28 August 2014 - 08:39 AM, said:

Here's a thought:

Shouldn't we wait to see how these nerfs actually play out in game rather than whining about numbers when we've no experiencing how all these changes interact with one another?

Couldn't hurt.

This doesn't require a team of neurosurgeons to understand.

I have clan medium laser build.

It will be hotter with less range.

I'm pretty sure I don't need to test it to understand that I will need to get closer or lose more damage, and fire less often or overheat more.

#145 grayson marik


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 09:04 AM

Weapon reload times back to TT, damage values back to TT, implement a proper heat scale with effects to machinery and pilot as the lore suggests and the TT demands....
80 % problems solved.

Start number juggling carefully again from that point and you will finally make progress towards a fun, skill based and BT recognizable game.

All this numbers up and down JoJo play since the start of CB brought you nowhere but back to old values for half the weapons and frustration for all the players.

#146 xeromynd


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 09:16 AM

View PostUltimatum X, on 28 August 2014 - 09:03 AM, said:

This doesn't require a team of neurosurgeons to understand.

I have clan medium laser build.

It will be hotter with less range.

I'm pretty sure I don't need to test it to understand that I will need to get closer or lose more damage, and fire less often or overheat more.

Yes, so do I, that's a given. I;m talking about the overall balance of how things "feel" with all these changes. If we want to get picky about individual weapon changes, I will be practicing the ancient and magical art of "dealing with it." (That's me answering your snarky answer with more...snark?) Everyone else gets the same nerf you're receiving, its a global change, everyone else's CERMLs are affected just as much (along with pretty much every other clan weapon). And you know what, if it really is so game-breakingly bad, it's just public test, and we'll leave feedback. What we should be more concerned about is the overall balance of clans vs IS in general. With the huge amount of changes being made to most all clan weapons at once, we should be looking at them all as a set, rather than individually, but we can't know how this many changes will affect all of our playstyles without actually....playing.

Edited by xeromynd, 28 August 2014 - 09:17 AM.

#147 Oderint dum Metuant


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 09:17 AM

I'll play the public test; purely to abuse the **** out of those CLRM changes.

#148 Quardak


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 09:31 AM

well... knew nothing but RAGE !!!

so funny to read. I think some of the RAGE-QUITTER only come back every Patch to get this KICK again and again ;)

#149 Zensei


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 09:38 AM

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#150 n r g


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:00 AM

View PostUltimatum X, on 28 August 2014 - 07:24 AM, said:

This is why constantly begging the devs for nerfs gets us what we get us guys, we get PPCs no one really wants to use.

We get clan PPCs that have ZERO synergistic weapon combos except OTHER PPCs.

We get Clan Autocannons that are just outright bad for their tonnage/crit slot capacity.

Stop begging for nerfs, because all we end up with is a game that isn't very fun.

Jesus christ man, amen to you bro.

#151 Devilman Zhang


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:01 AM

I had kinda hoped that after the last round we could put the NERF-hammer away for a while, especially in the light of using 10 C vs. 12 IS for CW. Since we are already playing loosie-goosie with functionality, why not give IS XL engines the same 2 side-torso kill effect that the Clan ones have? Slots would stay the same, preserving cannon builds, and IS mech survivability would go up significantly.

BTW, I'm not sure that all these rapid rounds of balancing give the player base the chance to really absorb and adapt in order to have good data before the next round of balancing. I'm still re-building my mechs from the last round of NERFs and now I'm guessing I'll have to do it again before I've even got the new builds dialed in.

#152 101011


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:03 AM

View PostDevilman Zhang, on 28 August 2014 - 10:01 AM, said:

I had kinda hoped that after the last round we could put the NERF-hammer away for a while, especially in the light of using 10 C vs. 12 IS for CW. Since we are already playing loosie-goosie with functionality, why not give IS XL engines the same 2 side-torso kill effect that the Clan ones have? Slots would stay the same, preserving cannon builds, and IS mech survivability would go up significantly.

BTW, I'm not sure that all these rapid rounds of balancing give the player base the chance to really absorb and adapt in order to have good data before the next round of balancing. I'm still re-building my mechs from the last round of NERFs and now I'm guessing I'll have to do it again before I've even got the new builds dialed in.

Because it is not losing the side torso which kills the 'Mech, but losing the 3 slots of the engine in the side torso. The Clan XL's only take up 2 slots, thus they only lose 2 slots when they lose the side. That being said, Clan 'Mechs would lose durability if they implemented critical hits on engines, with 30 points of health for the engine.

#153 n r g


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:04 AM

View PostDV McKenna, on 28 August 2014 - 09:17 AM, said:

I'll play the public test; purely to abuse the **** out of those CLRM changes.

Tell me about it. Do the DEVS even jump in the servers? Do they not see that LRMs are used more than pulse/medium lasers/large lasers/gauss or PPC?

Why would you buff a weapon that is already so heavily used and many mechs using them do 1k+ damage on maps like caustic, yet you nerf weapons like the PPC?

View PostDevilman Zhang, on 28 August 2014 - 10:01 AM, said:

I had kinda hoped that after the last round we could put the NERF-hammer away for a while, especially in the light of using 10 C vs. 12 IS for CW. Since we are already playing loosie-goosie with functionality, why not give IS XL engines the same 2 side-torso kill effect that the Clan ones have? Slots would stay the same, preserving cannon builds, and IS mech survivability would go up significantly.

BTW, I'm not sure that all these rapid rounds of balancing give the player base the chance to really absorb and adapt in order to have good data before the next round of balancing. I'm still re-building my mechs from the last round of NERFs and now I'm guessing I'll have to do it again before I've even got the new builds dialed in.

Well, I will say a lot of the clan weapons were much more powerful than the IS counterpart

#154 Mr Killdozer


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:04 AM

View PostZensei, on 28 August 2014 - 09:38 AM, said:

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I'm getting the same thing

#155 n r g


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:04 AM

View PostDeathlike, on 27 August 2014 - 04:19 PM, said:

It's actually nice to be informed of stuff that changes.

Being in the dark makes those changes appear like "bugs" or "features", at this point it isn't always going to be a positive surprise.

View PostDeathlike, on 27 August 2014 - 04:19 PM, said:

It's actually nice to be informed of stuff that changes.

Being in the dark makes those changes appear like "bugs" or "features", at this point it isn't always going to be a positive surprise.


#156 Bilbo


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:06 AM

View PostDevilman Zhang, on 28 August 2014 - 10:01 AM, said:

I had kinda hoped that after the last round we could put the NERF-hammer away for a while, especially in the light of using 10 C vs. 12 IS for CW. Since we are already playing loosie-goosie with functionality, why not give IS XL engines the same 2 side-torso kill effect that the Clan ones have? Slots would stay the same, preserving cannon builds, and IS mech survivability would go up significantly.

BTW, I'm not sure that all these rapid rounds of balancing give the player base the chance to really absorb and adapt in order to have good data before the next round of balancing. I'm still re-building my mechs from the last round of NERFs and now I'm guessing I'll have to do it again before I've even got the new builds dialed in.

Sure. Let me put a 400 in my Atlas again. I'll be in heaven.

#157 Jabilo


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:13 AM


Please do not rule out 10 vs 12 until you have tested this on the live servers.

I am not saying this is the answer but it COULD be and should be tested before you make a final decision on how to balance the clans.

A lot of people would like to see a lore based approach (Clan weapons remain far superior) with balance provided by being 3 lances versus 2 stars.


Edited by Jabilo, 28 August 2014 - 10:13 AM.

#158 Devilman Zhang


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:16 AM

View Post101011, on 28 August 2014 - 10:03 AM, said:

Because it is not losing the side torso which kills the 'Mech, but losing the 3 slots of the engine in the side torso. The Clan XL's only take up 2 slots, thus they only lose 2 slots when they lose the side. That being said, Clan 'Mechs would lose durability if they implemented critical hits on engines, with 30 points of health for the engine.

Roger, fully understand the reasoning they used when they came up with it. My suggestions doesn't change.

#159 101011


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:17 AM

View PostDevilman Zhang, on 28 August 2014 - 10:16 AM, said:

Roger, fully understand the reasoning they used when they came up with it. My suggestions doesn't change.

Your suggestion requires a rework of one of the most basic rules of Battletech.

#160 grayson marik


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Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:19 AM

View PostZensei, on 28 August 2014 - 09:38 AM, said:

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View PostMr Killdozer, on 28 August 2014 - 10:04 AM, said:

I'm getting the same thing

Same here

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