The launch tutorial is awesome! Not sure if that was new with a first time loading the game, but I like it. Hope it helps the new players.
The range reduction on the lasers I can live with, the duration changes I can live with (though I think ISERLL was overnerfed (1.25 duration would’ve been better), but whatever it’s almost even with CERLL now), but I’d rather the heat and damage were returned to tabletop values. I am SUPER happy that the CERLL nerf was brought down to reasonable levels, especially with the range and duration reduction.
Pulse lasers already are rarely used and should be redesigned to have a very low cooldown or for continuous fire and balanced around that.
C-LRM nerf was necessary, but wish it was harder and applied to all IS LRMs too, (and this is a pipe dream) along with PPC and Gauss cooldown nerfs instead of projectile speed reduction and charging.
A penalty to losing the clan XL side torso would’ve been good.
Super happy that you’re using test servers before big changes, greatly appreciated. If only more polls were done for player feedback too! *edit* would've been great if we had more time to test and if you gave us feedback on the feedback.
In most of the games I played, the games that had more clan mechs dominated, even after the nerfs. I sincerely hope you guys will seriously consider 10 vs 12 and balance from there. You can find deterrents to prevent everyone from wanting to pick clans, and you can allow people to do 10 vs 10 and 12 vs. 12 and give them an option to not face each other at all. Returning repair and rearm can make clantech more expensive to help balance them, and adding a cbill incentive to encourage people to play IS. Right now they’re balanced by being damned expensive and largely requiring a purchase, which is fine. There is frankly no way to balance clans and IS against each other 1:1 without ruining the clans entirely and they were never designed to be 1:1. No matter how you tweak the weapon systems, clans can still cool faster, run faster (except lights), mount more armor, lose their side torso without dying, and mount more weapons. You’d have to completely ruin the weapon systems to make them perfectly balanced, and in-doing so, lose most of your players (mostly the ones that paid for the content you’d be ruining) so 10 v 12 is the smartest way to balance them. It’s also popular among the community, so that reason alone should be enough motivation. I might suggest a poll on the front page just to get a feel where the community is at.
P.S Please consider prioritizing adding heat penalties and a heat system redesign (30 minimum heat threshold, 50 maximum) and cone of fire/recoil/convergence changes for better game balancing. After that maybe a jump jet revamp and information warfare revamp. Just some things to think about putting out –with- community warfare, at the same time that would drastically improve the game and go beyond “polishing” the game. I will be writing an essay about all these things and presenting it on the suggestion forums in days to come.
P.P.S I’m not sure how you intend to put out community warfare, but with dozens or hundreds of planets/continents to battle on, it should probably become a priority to include player driven content via a community map development kit or computer generated maps, rather than having your limited staff each design maps themselves. Community driven content worked very well for MW:LL.
Edited by Loganauer, 31 August 2014 - 04:01 PM.