This is a plead to PGI to remove some of the fog surrounding the MM. There have been lots of threads lately about poor matchups and abnormal MM behavior (streaks). Since noone really knows exactly how this works it all comes down to guesses and manure-flinging... so why don't you help us out? It could not be worse in the eyes of the public and you might actually get some useful feedback from the community (joke intended

Personally, I have experienced abnormal behavior that I blame the MM for, that is loss streaks that feel very unnatural. When this starts you know that you are in for it for a while, all you can do is to try to mitigate the damage (carry harder, alright!). The problem is the strong feeling that this is systematic and not caused by random chance.
For example: I mastered by Victors before Clan invasion. Post agility nerf, pre jj nerf. I experienced what I would call normal matchmaking, some wins, some losses, no major loss streaks longer than say 3-4 games that you would expect to happen frequently from random chance alone.
VICTOR VTR-K 60 34 26 1.31 49 38 1.29 16,371 58,338 06:06:45
VICTOR VTR-9B 57 28 29 0.97 50 37 1.35 16,140 57,975 06:12:31
VICTOR VTR-9S 69 41 28 1.46 74 36 2.06 22,329 78,714 07:30:39
A win/loss ratio of ~1.24 over almost 200 drops, which I think is pretty decent. I tried to give some pointers to team tactics and carried as hard as I could, without hiding behind team mates etc. Nothing fancy, probably average elo, average damage/match, average k/d ratio for 100% solo dropping. Now comes clans, 3-3-3-3 and MM tweaks. Here are some examples from chassi that I tried to skill during loss-streaks:
TIMBER WOLF TBR-S 42 13 29 0.45 41 29 1.41 16,711 50,973 04:23:10
DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME 36 13 23 0.57 37 24 1.54 15,261 38,339 03:35:02
Small sample size, yes, but the trend is there. Decent k/d ratios still of ~1.5, but a w/l ratio down to ~0.5. These two chassi both included ~10-match loss-streaks with matchups beyond anything near possible to carry, no matter what. 10 times in a row! That's where I think something is fishy with the MM. 10 loss streaks can happen, but the probability that they will happen to the same player several times over as little as 700 games (after stat reset) is just extremely low. And severa others have reported that same on the forums, and been called crybabies for it. So, flame ahead.... but I assure you, if you really look forward to a gaming evening with some beers its really, really frustrating to get impossible odds thrown at you 10 times in a row. I rather watch a movie.
Over all I am still slightly on plus, so you may say working as intended:
Wins / Losses 382 / 359
but I disagree. My k/d ratio is increasing, meaning I am improving and contributing more for every game I play, but m w/l ratio is plummeting. I used to be +70 wins over losses and during the two last weeks or so that as been reduced to +23 now. So, losing a ~50 games advantage over the course of say 200 drops really hurts so that you can feel it!
Now, if ELO and MM was working as intended, I would expect my w/l-advantage to stabilize after I reach "my elo", not to be dragged down. It would imply that my elo suddenly got heavily inflated for some weird reason. I don't believe that. I do however have a strong feeling that something systematic is at play, and I would pay real money to be able to avoid unnatural loss streaks. Another personal and circumstantial observation is that I dont have a single win-streak for more that 6-7 games, not a single one. My w/l ratio is built up over time, then I suddenly get several looong loss streaks. That adds to the impression that this is unnatural.
I plead to PGI to clarify a few things like:
* Sync drops - these could cause loss streaks in the solo queue, the mechanism is there but how common is it? I believe this is a boogieman, it can't possibly be that heavily abused... but it could be that it gets the blame for an actual real systematic behavior in the MM. Not sure if there is a simple way to collect statistics, but would feel good to be able to kill thay boogeyman.
* 3-3-3-3 - This could possibly contribute to loss streaks depending on how matches are built. Circumstantial feeling tells me that I am less likely to get streaks of bad teams if I select a class that is played less. No way of separating this from an ELO effect though since my elo will be different for different classes.
* ELO - Been discussed a lot. But can it cause loss streaks? Probably. For example, I have got more loss streaks when there is a new package released or a weekend challenge. That means more people from the group queue injects into the solo queue. They are likely to have abnormal elo from playing in groups (good or bad) relative to solo player elo. That is even probable to screw someone over....
* Spawn points - Could pgi please clarify if spawn selection is completely random? How are the spawns filled relative to how the match is built relative to elo etc? Once again a feeling, but most maps are imbalanced and getting the bad side greatly reduce the chance to win.... and in the loss streaks you usually repeatedly get the bad side. Big chance that this is biased perception, but mentioning it anyways. At least I believe this GREATLY contributes to making otherwise even matchups end up in steamrolls. Tourmaline, alpine and crimson are the worst imo.
All in all though I think elo somehow works, though you have to play many many many games in order to reach a proper elo level, and then it is probably very sensitive to inflation from playing mixed in group or solo queues. Anyways, I very rarely see complete beginners or trial mechs anymore and many matches have been Good lately, both wins and losses. The thing I struggle with is only the streaks. That said, scrapping elo is probably a good idea. 12 v 12 is too big for elo, it almost turns random at some point until you have played hundereds and hundreds of games... for each class.... I would much prefer experience brackets of some kind, it would give bigger player pools inside each bracket and search times would go down.
Please? Open the black box! What's in the booooox *insert
Edited by Duke Nedo, 02 September 2014 - 01:09 AM.