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Mech Scaling Problem... Of A Different Sort. :)


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#21 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 09:34 AM

View PostLogan Hawke, on 04 September 2014 - 06:52 AM, said:

I really really want to play the tabletop game but the minis are so damn terrible I can't bring myself to spend money on them. Even games workshops minis made a lot of positive progress from the eighties, despite their current business practice and meh rules, and I've sorta been spoiled rotten by how beautiful infinity's minis are.

God if there were battle tech minis based on MWO I'd spend so much money on them...

Cool thing about TT. You can use a Pepsi bottle top as your Jager and a Code Red Cap as a Jenner (Red is faster right?). No need for $30 minis. I played that way for years.

Heck I know a player who only uses Empty Hex bases with names written on them. When asked why, he answered, "Their Unseen".

#22 Logan Hawke


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 10:58 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 04 September 2014 - 09:29 AM, said:

actually, the pilot is in the head, but has to egress through the torso.

Oh, huh. Well then that design is pretty laughably scaled, as you stated.

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 04 September 2014 - 09:34 AM, said:

Cool thing about TT. You can use a Pepsi bottle top as your Jager and a Code Red Cap as a Jenner (Red is faster right?). No need for $30 minis. I played that way for years.

Heck I know a player who only uses Empty Hex bases with names written on them. When asked why, he answered, "Their Unseen".

Where's the immersion, the interest, the ivolvement with that? What's the fun in pushing bottle caps around a table? There's no personal touch or investment, it's missing at least half of the hobby at that point and loses what makes tabletop gaming so damn awesome. At that point I'd rather just go play chess.

And a good hundred steps above that would be using megamek online :P

But the problem is that's still missing what makes Tabletop games great; the the building, the painting, the personalizing, the collecting, writing your own story with your minis!

#23 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 11:40 AM

View PostLogan Hawke, on 04 September 2014 - 10:58 AM, said:

Oh, huh. Well then that design is pretty laughably scaled, as you stated.

Where's the immersion, the interest, the ivolvement with that? What's the fun in pushing bottle caps around a table? There's no personal touch or investment, it's missing at least half of the hobby at that point and loses what makes tabletop gaming so damn awesome. At that point I'd rather just go play chess.

And a good hundred steps above that would be using megamek online :P

But the problem is that's still missing what makes Tabletop games great; the the building, the painting, the personalizing, the collecting, writing your own story with your minis!

Yup, agreed. I might occasionally of dragooned a different mini in if I didn't have the right one available (and no, I didn't let anyone else, use my 3 regiments of Damage Inc Battlemechs, Armor and Air (used to have over 500 Fighters alone, as my Merc Unit featured 1 full Mech Regiment, 1 Armor, 1 Combined Air Cavalry, Motorized INfantry, Artillery and SOCOM Regiment, and 2 double strength Aerospace Regiments (And after Bulldog, 1 slightly used York Class warship) for a total Wing strength of 250 Fighters.

We weren't the biggest, or the most elite, but I dang well promise you we had Air Superiority, every engagement. Add to that our 2 companies of Arrow IV equipped Yellowjacket VTOL (later converted to my own Onager designs), and we gave most people a very bad day, even the Clans. We were big fans of combined arms, RCT tactics.

#24 stjobe


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Posted 04 September 2014 - 01:29 PM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 04 September 2014 - 09:34 AM, said:

Cool thing about TT. You can use a Pepsi bottle top as your Jager and a Code Red Cap as a Jenner (Red is faster right?). No need for $30 minis. I played that way for years.

Heck I know a player who only uses Empty Hex bases with names written on them. When asked why, he answered, "Their Unseen".

This is what my BT games look like:

Posted Image

Never cared to collect any of the minis (as I think most of them are rather badly done).

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