Logan Hawke, on 04 September 2014 - 06:52 AM, said:
I really really want to play the tabletop game but the minis are so damn terrible I can't bring myself to spend money on them. Even games workshops minis made a lot of positive progress from the eighties, despite their current business practice and meh rules, and I've sorta been spoiled rotten by how beautiful infinity's minis are.
God if there were battle tech minis based on MWO I'd spend so much money on them...
God if there were battle tech minis based on MWO I'd spend so much money on them...
Cool thing about TT. You can use a Pepsi bottle top as your Jager and a Code Red Cap as a Jenner (Red is faster right?). No need for $30 minis. I played that way for years.
Heck I know a player who only uses Empty Hex bases with names written on them. When asked why, he answered, "Their Unseen".