Battlemaster56, on 02 August 2016 - 06:25 AM, said:
Agreed. Many complaints about IS are the same. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind the lower tier clan mechs getting love either but at least that particular imbalance isn't making faction warfare borderline FUBAR.
Battlemaster56, on 02 August 2016 - 06:25 AM, said:
Disagreed on both counts. Some of the top performing teams in PGI's tournament have been poking against brawl decks.
As for IS mechs, here's the problem with the logic you put out--yes, new mechs are stepping up to top IS mech status, but that's relatively speaking. Very few of the new top mechs are top because they were buffed; instead, they take the top because they were nerfed less. The problem is that the best IS mechs are generally the best because of their quirks (at least when fighting their clan bretheren), whereas the best clan mechs (Kodiak, Timber Wolf,, Hunchback IIC) are just naturally good, regardless of quirks, so PGI is less likely to nerf them in a way that's relevant. The nerf to the Kodiak's structure has had no effect on its status as one of--if not the best--mech in the game.
Battlemaster56, on 02 August 2016 - 06:25 AM, said:
I'd be okay with that, but part of the problem is that quirks were introduced because clan technology was so vastly superior without quirks. Try using weapons that an IS mech has no quirks for whatsoever, and you'll see how bad that is. Now...50% quirks were a bit nuts, but now PGI's gone too far in the opposite direction. PGI really needs to find a theme to make IS mechs different, but viable. Both sides should excel at some things, but be passable otherwise. It's pretty bad when one faction (clans) have better range play, and then some experts point out that clans are also better brawlers. That's about as balanced as a scale with sixty tons on one side, and empty on the other.
Battlemaster56, on 02 August 2016 - 06:25 AM, said:
TL'DR Yes that would be nce, but we need balance between factions first. PGI needs to intelligently decide how to handle quirks, and then give those changes time to settle. Thirty days is too short a time for this.
Edit: I'm honestly expecting the Marauder IIC to clearly illustrate these problems if nothing changes before its release--with identical hardpoints and only 10 tons separating it from its IS counterpart, early builds are showing it with more firepower, more armor, and more speed than its IS counterpart. If that doesn't make it obvious to the devs and the community, I don't know what will.
Edited by Aerei, 06 August 2016 - 02:42 PM.