I. First the question of "Why..."
(I have not enough word power, pop-cultur and BT-lore knowledge, that I can always decide trully, that a poster makes a joke, trolling or attacks hard someone... I never read such posts, or least I don't recognised them as it... so..)
I think that the a firm itself should decide, what is a bad behavior or what is not.. It should creat a clear rule-system for EVERY possible situation, and then hold to it. (If you don't like week-long verbal attacks, make a rule agains it... write down in the Official Rule Side, and done!) And if someone broke a rule, should be punished always, nor just optional...
So make crystal-clear rules, and observe it hard. (If players dont like it... it exist one or two other game in the world.)
II. Bans
1. If someone broke a rule, which punishment is a ban. Only one person should make this ban. You or (if you want more work in the PR-live,) someone else, no matter. But only one person. Ban should be spoken out, just after the know ALL facts.. If it is two or more person, it is possible that one decide one way and the other decide the other way... in that case the whole rules are for the trash..
If you want some sleep or holidays.. in that case should be creat a "temporal ban" for other Mods, that freez everything till you come to work.. If a Mods made a mistake with it, he/she should make an official apologies.. But the last word/decision should be always in one hand.
2. You should end with the "joke ban"-system. (24-72 hours? Time to a little sleep, before someone come out, from under the bridge... No post rights?... You are just joking!) Hard punishment-system!
- 1. little or medium rules broke: Verbal Warning + post the full rule sytem
- 2. little or medium rules broke or 1. hard rules broke: 1 weeks ban
- 3. little or medium rules broke: 4 weeks ban
- 4. little or medium rules broke or 2. hard rules broke: 3 month ban
- 5. little or medium rules broke or 3. hard rules broke: permanent ban, game account deletion..
And what very important is: No prescription.. The number of rules brokes should be additive*!
(*Exeption: There are sure some players, who learn from the punishmen, and become a honoured longterm member ot the community.. THEY should be rewarded.. Something like, after every 10.000 Forum-Likes an official erase of 1 brokes point...)
III. Warning system for Mods? NO!
If someone becomes a ban, it should be appear in his/her post-tag, EVERY of them, any time for ALL reader. Something like this:

, just in red and perhaps flickering.. The other forumers must know, if the poster is harmless or he/she is a notorious rule-broker!
IV. New players..
1. Yes, new player should have a limitation of post number, AND a limitation of text size too.. Some hundred character is far enough for: "I need help with my Stalker!" or "Why my Nova always explode after the first shoot?"... (I think 200-300 charecter is enough.. they don't need place for "War and Peace"!)
2. OF COURSE, new players should be inform always from all this.. So, after the registration e-mail they should become actual infos automatically from: forum, rules, kadett-system, their forum limitations, support and new player help-sides, etc.! (After a longterm pause, like about 3 month, players should be became the same e-mail, after reactivation of their accounts too.)
3. Kadett-level posts should be automatically comes before a Mods eyes ... Always!.. If it looks "smelly", they inform you.. It is hard to belive, that you don't recognise an "attacker" after reading some sentence of the new post.. (Would be better, that about the first 20-30 post from all poster would come for the Mods, automatically... they are even mostly very short.. and mostly aks after some help... and Mods sure knows the best help-sides )
(4. I think, if a banned player comes back with a new account, and holds his/herself this time to the rules, Mods should him/her let in peace... if they want look after him/her, they should do, but just in hidden... new account, new life... new chance)