Icould, on 08 September 2014 - 01:51 PM, said:
Yes, actually. I do expect then to fix everything now. I completed my 50 win challenge, and probably had to play 200 matches to complete that. I then platted a few matches with my old guild and we got steamrolled in ten straight matches against pay-to-win clan mechs. That doesn't gave IGP written on it. This occurred in August, so PGI is the one that needs to fix it. When do you think they should fix it? After they send resources you paid for for MWO with your clan purchases, to use then for AUTE? It's ridiculous.
They cannot fix your piloting skill, nor the skills of your unit. Try to keep the blame where it is deserved.
Russ Bullock, on 08 September 2014 - 01:58 PM, said:
I hope to discuss this more at the town hall but no none of the Clan money went towards buying out IGP. That money was spent in development of the product. I can't comment on the exact nature of our deal but let's just say it is not a drain on Piranha's resources. Were happy with the deal and happy to have all of MWO inside our office.
If it had been used to fix whatever was wrong with the IGP side of the equation, I say it would have been money well spent! Regardless, this is just amazing news and cannot wait for the town hall tonight...