Thanks Paul & Russ for the post and responses. Glad to finally see some kind of actual discussion taking place on forums between Devs and players beyond just that Karl Berg thread.
Would appreciate a couple of clarifications on the following if possible:-
"Indicate if the planet is contested or not (see below)" - dictated by Lore? How many planets are likely to be contested at any one time?
"For each planet, there is an attacking Faction Unit and a defending Faction Unit." - Can a contested planet be attacked multiple times by different units simultaneously or will attacks be restricted to a single instance only at any one time?
You have clearly stated that the term Faction at this time refers to IS and Clan. Could you clarify what is the definition of "Unit"?
Does this term refer to an actual registered unit i.e. members all sporting the same unit tag or any formed group (premade) comprising of people only from IS or Clan?
Since the defenders are highly likely, given the short response time, to comprise of a mixed bag of whoever is available at the relevant time, does this also mean that an attacking unit is NOT restricted to a 12 man group from a registered unit.
"Groups in community warfare will be hard limited to players in the same unit. This is to re-enforce faction gameplay so you will not see groups of mixed Kurita and Davion for example." - This appears to be inconsistent with the definition of Factions = IS or Clan. Could you please clarify this?
If this is the correct definition of "Unit", what would be the criteria that determines which House aligned players can respond or not, as the case may be to an attack?
Also, does this mean that the term "Unit" is broadly applied and does not refer to registered units i.e. players sporting the same unit tag and that the only requirement is that the defenders be aligned to a particular House / Clan?
Will registered units that are shown as aligned to "Merc Corps" or "Lone Wolf" be permitted to freely respond to ANY attack? If not, how are their alignments to be determined?
"Initial plan is to have initiation of an attack can only be done by a 12-man unit group." - refer to above query
"A drop deck is a selection of 4 ‘Mechs in the player’s inventory." - If I understand correctly, the Drop Dec is similar to what we had in UI 1.0 & 1.5 where we had 4 pre-selected / favourite mechs with a slight modification of weight class restrictions and a drop down button to switch mechs in a particular class. Is this correct?
"This new game mode and map is planned to be part of the map/game mode cycle of matches for Community Warfare." - If my understanding is correct, there are no respawns available at this time and the method by which the defenders will terminate an attack is to destroy all attackers or hold on till the timer runs out. What will be the duration for this?
If the attackers successfully eliminate all the defenders, this presumably constitutes a victory even if not all defensive structures are destroyed or will the attackers be required to cap the base (similar to Assault) before the timer runs out?
If no defenders are available or there are insufficient defenders to respond within a specified time frame, will the attackers be granted a victory? What is the time frame before victory is conceded? Will such uncontested victories contribute as much to the conquest of the planet as contested victories?
Looking forward to your responses and future posts
Edited by p4r4g0n, 11 September 2014 - 12:02 AM.