DavidHurricane, on 25 September 2014 - 11:12 AM, said:
Same with me. What do you think of the Dire Wolf "Great White?" I think it has an interesting configuration. I'm itching to try it. (I don't have the


to test it though

Variable threat mech.
It's a good template to work off of, and shows what the mech can do. If I was given that mech, this is what I would do/think of it.
The current set up means it can engage comfortably at any range from 0 to 1300. However, it can be problematic for newer players to handle, since it's very sub-optimal at those ranges. However, using the Gauss mainly at long range helps poke. The ERLL does deal damage there, but it shouldn't be used, the heat cost is not worth it.
At under 900 meters the ERLL, LRMs, and Gauss all line up for a good punch/suppression combo. Allowing the mech to suppress while moving forward. at under 600, or 500 meters the UACs should be singing, along with LRMs, and ER-MLs.
By this point the mech is generating a lot of heat, and actually building up heat. 350 meters is the best range for this mech. However, the ER-MLs have to be on chain fire. Possibly with 2 weapon groups.
The main draw back with this build is the number of weapon groups needed for it.
I like it, but I personally would drop the LL and switch it to an ER-ML, and add 3 more DHS, and up the leg armor to 65 for each leg. This would allow me to bring the engagement range to under 700 meters, so at long range I generate little to no heat (gauss only, with the occasional ER-ML shot), while allowing me to close in on my targets. LRMs generate very little heat, and help suppress targets while I'm moving forward. I wouldn't expect the LRM 10+5 to deal any real damage, but my target doesn't know the number of missiles headed their way.
Removing the ERLL reduces heat at long range, and removes on whole weapon group from the set up. I would probably remove the LRMs as well, another weapon group taken down. It reduces it's potential in help at extreme ranges, but gives more weight and slots to use to improve the other weapons. The other problem with the groups is that the UAC 10 and UAC5 would be better in one group, but sadly have to be in two different ones since the UAC 10 is in the arm, and can fire up, and down, while the UAC 5 can't.
Removing the LRMs, and replacing them with the UAC 10 solves that last problem. Following that up with changing the right arm with that of the A variant allows the arms to have lateral movement, better for aiming the lasers, and gauss independently from the UACs. It also allows me to put more DHS in there.
This would be my final version.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 25 September 2014 - 11:44 AM.