Community Warfare - Phase 2 - Quick Update - Feedback
Posted 18 September 2014 - 01:29 AM
Posted 18 September 2014 - 06:15 AM
I like that idea of repair or swapping a mech. Maybe the swap could be 1 weight class lower than what your had been driving.Repair might be limited to taking armor back to 90%, restocking ammo but NOT replace a destroyed weapon?
Posted 18 September 2014 - 06:20 AM
Felio, on 15 September 2014 - 01:54 PM, said:
We should be able to join a house AND a clan, and we would be fighting for one side or the other depending on the 'mech we had selected. That way we get our pure faction vs faction matches and get to use the 'mech we want at any given moment.
I know the game isn't trying to be canon :-(, but that does happen in the canon universe in 3050-3060 with Clan Ghost Bear and Clan Nova Cats.
Edited by Haroldwolf, 18 September 2014 - 06:21 AM.
Posted 18 September 2014 - 03:08 PM
If this is how it must truly be, please make c-bills more abundant or prices lower . . .
Posted 19 September 2014 - 12:36 PM
Especially if this helps encourage lower mech usage.
Posted 19 September 2014 - 01:26 PM
Once back in the fight he gets ambushed by a bunch of lights (never happens) lol and this time he is killed. (Only one respawn allowed).
These lights then move to the unguarded drop ship and proceed to drop arty and air strikes on it while pumping it full of ammo until it is disabled. (I know. Lights will not destroy a drop ship)
Since the assault team did not defend their drop ship they can no longer respawn. Had their drop ship not been disabled each pilot could have been rescued once and picked one of their remaining mechs that they think would provide the best options.
Just my opinion.
Posted 21 September 2014 - 12:57 PM
If your design document(s) are incomplete, I understand, but now that you have leeway, you have money and time, and you all have a grand vision, why not get it down on paper?
Posted 24 September 2014 - 04:21 AM
1. Does this mean that those of us who job specialize in say light mechs will now have to purchase and start skilling up some ponderous Heavy and Assult mechs so we can fill out the "1 per weight class" requirement in our dropship?
2. Will the only Faction restrictions on mech selection be IS or Clan, or will each House be restricted to lore specific mechs and variants? If the later can we get the list of House approved mechs ASAP so we can buy and skill up the proper ones?
Other than that I'm very excited to hear this news.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 05:35 AM
Darth Griffin, on 24 September 2014 - 04:21 AM, said:
Posted 24 September 2014 - 07:21 AM
Use a level up type of system... Unit A can only use IS Mechs until they win 3 battles, then they can field 1 Clan Mech. Win 6 battles, field 2 Clan Mechs.
Edited by Faythh, 24 September 2014 - 07:22 AM.
Posted 24 September 2014 - 08:24 AM
Period. Point Blank.
If CW launches, there will come a time when the question is: what will make this new game mode deeper and better?
That's the time to discuss adding in economic systems or salvage systems. Believe it or not there are people who would rather not have every single player acting like he's in Wolf's Dragoons. Maybe by that time we'll have a functioning player council system and they can take the pulse of the community and figure out what to do about mixed mech-faction teams.
Posted 25 September 2014 - 12:18 AM
We say every weight class is viable but feel they aren't so we needed to introduce 4x3 and also make players use mechs they don't like.
Sounds about right?

Posted 26 September 2014 - 08:20 AM
Posted 26 September 2014 - 10:53 AM
1) 1/1/1/1 will tend to encourage people to take the maximum tonnage in each weight class since they tend to be somewhat more effective in the long run. In order to inspire more thought and meta-game elements ... you could consider 1/1/1/1 plus a tonnage limit of 240 tons or similar. Taking the maximum weight in each class requires 35+55+75+100 = 265 tons. By limiting available tonnage/player to 240 this means that 2 of the mechs in the drop list could not be the maximum tonnage for the weight class. This might tend to encourage a wider variety of mechs and builds in community warfare.
2) Module costs. Currently I have ONE of each of the modules I have actually purchased since they are so expensive varying from 2 to 6 million each. One of my mastered mechs can have more than 20 million in modules (3 x 6 million mech modules + 2x 3 million weapon modules + consumables). I have a number of mastered mechs but one set of modules. Drop ship mode will require 4 sets of modules unless you change the system (e.g. GXP + 6 million cbills gives you as many of the module as you want to install). I was wondering if you had considered this in the design ... and whether you were considering alternative ways/pricing for modules or simply having the bulk of CW mechs drop without modules with the exception of those folks with really deep pockets.
Posted 26 September 2014 - 11:06 AM
My thought was that the 2-6,000,000 C-Bills for a full Company worth (12) copies of the module, or the modules could be reduced, in cost, to between 170,000 and 500,000 each, though even less than that would be cause for more folks to purchase and use them.
Posted 26 September 2014 - 10:17 PM
Light = 1, Medium = 2, Heavy = 3, Assault = 4. So the current 4-slot option is "10".
Someone like me might go with three heavies (9 points) and one light (1 point) for a total of 10. That is, three of the usual missile support chassis I'm fond of, and likely a light for ECM support/spotting as needed. Going with less than the full 10-point rack of 'Mechs reduces drop costs, meaning more return for the risk. If I, oh went with one heavy and three mediums, it'd be only 90% the normal drop costs instead. A killer light pilot with a four-light rack would only cost a mere 40% of normal to drop. Higher risk, sure- but also more return on your run.
This also allows people in mediums or lights to use a full rack of lighter machines if they don't want to be stuck in slower rigs. Or heavier pilots can go H/H/M/M or A/A/L/L instead, giving them a long period of time riding in their weight class of choice.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 02:04 AM
Russ Bullock, on 26 September 2014 - 08:33 AM, said:
I will say this - in a perfect world we would have our groups limited to 4, 8 and 12 in CW and make each lance of a light, medium, heavy and Assault pilot with their drop ships full of those types of mechs - that way our MM can very easily put together matches.
But we know the players wouldn't like this concession they would prefer to have their groups of 5,6,7,9,10....
When you have group sizes like this it gets very difficult on the MM as seen in the public Group Queue - one group of 10 might not even fit with some of the groups of 2 based on all the heavy or assault slots being taken and it goes from there.
1 of each weight class gets past this and ensures variety.
However internally we are now discussing tonnage limits for CW and I am pushing this notion pretty strongly. It will end up providing more flexibility to players who want to perhaps take nothing but their Jenner's out for instance. But will become more restricting as you go higher, for instance nobody is going to take 4 Direwolf's - in fact if they take 2 their last two mechs are going to be pretty dang light.
But Tonnage restrictions does allow us to change it per planet if we desire.
I know players would like to push the tonnage limit up as high as possible so they can take as many of their favorite heavy mech as possible but I currently like the number of 240 tons.
Russ Bullock, on 26 September 2014 - 01:17 PM, said:
This is correct you will be limited to 4 and you will have to take 4 as well. You can't give your excess tonnage to a team mate so he can take 4 DW mechs.
Everyone takes 4 - so the Timberwolf pilot will have a tough time even taking two unless since he has 70 tons left for the final 2 mechs.
Yes I guess it is possible that someone takes out 4 commando's and taking only 100 tons into battle is going to be tough on your team but this is really no worse of a problem than using 1/1/1/1 since people will still tend to Min/Max and make sure they are taking 35 ton lights, 55 ton mediums etc.
We just can't feasibly share tonnage, 1) there is a limitation to 4 mech's each technically 2) if CW was a mode for just 12 mans or even only preset groups but it is available to solo players as well.
We need a system that works for anything from Solo players, groups of 2-12 all getting formed into a 12 man unit within a couple of minutes of launching into an attack or defense, they will not be able to coordinate drop tonnage together and if you do not allow them to when full 12 mans have? the 12 man will absolutely demolish them.
If someone wants to drop 2 assaults and 2 locusts, why not? the global balance of the drop will be preserved anyway.
Yes this is where I am at.
if, however, you can maximise - say - your 200 tons, you can bring 4 spideys and 2 cicadas.
Its important to field nearly equal amount of tons as the enemy, not equal amount of mechs to get a balanced match.
Not technically feasible - getting everyone a 4 mech Dropship is pushing the limits to the very edge. Everyone will need to take 4, no more or no less.
Goal is to let players decide the order on the fly as they are about to drop back in. So based on how the battle seems to be going you can choose what to take out next.
Yes maybe. We will see, but at least we have this to play.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 07:59 AM
I literally see zero downside.
Edited by Hoax415, 27 September 2014 - 08:00 AM.
Posted 27 September 2014 - 03:30 PM
TigersRoar, on 11 September 2014 - 07:27 PM, said:
There's two ways to do what you want:
- Let people bring whatever mish-mash of mechs they want.
- Force people to bring four mechs of a single weight class.
OTOH, requiring everyone to take one of each weight class would guarantee a 3-3-3-3 match, no exceptions. Just think: you'd never, ever have to face another all-meta-all-the-time team of super-try-hards. Isn't that worth expanding your horizons a bit?
Besides, specialists like you are sooooo missing out. Each weight class offers a uniquely rewarding experience. If you're having trouble with a new weight-class, group up with a pilot who already knows it well and follow them around for a while. It's totally worth it, in the end. For example, I absolutely loathed mediums, at first, and refused to pilot them for the longest time, but I'm glad I got over it, because ATM, they're my favorites and my best performers.
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