Khobai, on 14 September 2014 - 08:59 PM, said:
What if I have an idea that I think is good, but they dont like, so they deliberately rebuke it? What if they only select ideas that coincide with their own agendas? Some of these people that are being nominated have terribly radical ideas about how to change MWO, and not in good ways. Ive read them... and it scares me lol. Even if the council has no real power, I still fail to see how it will adequately represent the minority anyway. At least in a democratic poll the minority vote is visible.
Ive seen player councils fail countless times in other games for all of the above reasons. And worse of all it creates false hope for the community. I personally think theres a better way

They don't get to pick and choose ideas. They have to take your idea, good or bad, and ensure it's in a comprehensible format and involves the game mechanics required to be presentable to PGI. Then they have to put it forward to the community. If they don't then sure - you're right, they've failed. Do you think we all are too incompetent to recognize that happening though? Do you think that they would blow this opportunity like that?
I guess I'm at a loss as what you expect to happen here. This task force is going to be a lot of grunt work and presentation work. They're going to collect all the actual suggestions from among the noise and present them. If ideas are identical they don't duplicate obviously. Then we're going to have two simultaneous discussions - one will be those people discussing in a 'closed setting' (as in a thread only they post in either here or elsewhere) so we can get a clear debate from people who the community picked as 'generally worth listening to'. We're also going to have our own discussion here like we do on everything.
Then, after we've had a bit of time to chew it all over and see the options, we're going to vote. Winner gets presented. The task force doesn't vote, we do. They then present this idea to PGI.
Then... the task force is gone. Back to the drone factory with the rest of us. If they do a bad job they get hounded and stalked by disgruntled players and you know it
Other ways are not on the table though. There are no other options. It's 'do this' or 'leave things as they are'. If we do this and can make this work and then make a better suggestion for how to handle it next time that's awesome. maybe PGI will listen and give us that chance. Maybe they'll say they want it done this way again.
That's not our call though. This is what we get. This is the avenue we have to do this. We can do it or not do it. Do something else is the same as 'not do it'.
This will be a democratic poll; that's the whole point. Right now though we have nothing to vote on because we don't have all the different ECM options put together into a vote worthy format...
Someone could go collect it all, but who? Hmm.... what you need is some people the community is generally willing to listen to to go collect all that stuff so we can vote, democratically, on which change we like.
Maybe we should make a task force to go do that

who would you select?
Edited by MischiefSC, 14 September 2014 - 09:18 PM.